Problem H
String to Palindrome
Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Time Limit: 1 Second
In this problem you are asked to convert a string into a palindrome with minimum number of operations. The operations are described below:
Here you’d have the ultimate freedom. You are allowed to:
Every operation you do on the string would count for a unit cost. You’d have to keep that as low as possible.
For example, to convert “abccda” you would need at least two operations if we allowed you only to add characters. But when you have the option to replace any character you can do it with only one operation. We hope you’d be able to use this feature to your advantage.
For each set of input print the test case number first. Then print the minimum number of characters needed to turn the given string into a palindrome.
6 tanbirahmed shahriarmanzoor monirulhasan syedmonowarhossain sadrulhabibchowdhury mohammadsajjadhossain |
Case 1: 5 Case 2: 7 Case 3: 6 Case 4: 8 Case 5: 8 Case 6: 8 |
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int OO=1e9; int f[1111][1111]; char s[1111]; int dfs(int l,int r) { int ret; if (r-l<1) return 0; if (f[l][r]!=-1) return f[l][r]; if (s[l]==s[r]) { ret=dfs(l+1,r-1); } else { ret=min( dfs(l+1,r), min( dfs(l,r-1), dfs(l+1,r-1) ) )+1; } f[l][r]=ret; return ret; } int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); for (int cnt=1;cnt<=T;cnt++) { memset(f,-1,sizeof(f)); scanf("%s",s+1); printf("Case %d: %d\n",cnt,dfs(1,strlen(s+1))); } return 0; }