CXF& Spring Exceptions

1. Fault occurred while processing.
    at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke(
    at $Proxy34.executeService(Unknown Source)
    at com.bcsis.g3.common.orchestration.comm.webservice.client.WebProxy.invokeHttpService(Unknown Source)
    at com.bcsis.g3.orchestration.comm.webservice.client.ReportClientTest.main(
Caused by: org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Fault occurred while processing.
    at com.bcsis.g3.common.service.webservices.G3HttpWebService.executeService(null)

A generic "Fault occurred while processing" message like that usually means there was an exception thrown on the server side someplace that didn't include a message in it. The most common of those are NullPointerExceptions, but there definitely are others. I would check the server side logs to see if anything is there.You MAY need to try with the latest snapshots. The latest snapshots are fixed to dump full stacktraces for unchecked exceptions. Previously, you would need to enable FINE level logging to get them.


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