<div class="info-attribute" id="collect"> <input value="${userId}" type="hidden" class="userId"> <input value="${orderId}" type="hidden" class="orderId"> <input value="${type}" type="hidden" class="type"> <span style="float: right;" class="hello1"> <img style="width:22px;height:22px;" data-collect="${flag==1?true:false}" src="${base}/static/front/img/collect-${flag==1?1:0}.png" /> </span> </div>
Map m = myCollectService.getInfo(orderId, commentType, userId); System.out.println(m); int index; // request.setAttribute("flag", ); if (m != null) { System.out.println("you"); index = 1; } else { index = 0; System.out.println("meiyou"); } request.setAttribute("flag", index);
public Map getInfo(long order_id, int type, long userId) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM t_collect WHERE user_id = ? " + "AND type = ? AND order_id = ?"; return baseDao.jdbcTemplate.findUniqueMapByArray(sql, userId,type,order_id); }通过界面传进来的三个参数来查找collect表是否存在此条记录
public int addMyCollect(long userId, long orderId, int type ) throws Exception { //SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//设置日期格式 //System.out.println(df.format(new Date()));// new Date()为获取当前系统时间 String sql = "INSERT INTO t_collect(user_id,type,order_id) " + " values(?,?,?)"; return baseDao.jdbcTemplate.executeArray(sql, userId, type,orderId /*df.format(new Date())*/); }
public int deleteMyCollect(long userId, long orderId, int type ) throws Exception { String sql = "DELETE from t_collect WHERE " + "user_id = ? AND order_id = ? AND type = ?"; return baseDao.jdbcTemplate.executeArray(sql, userId, orderId, type); }这样就完成了链接数据库修改收藏记录操作
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function() { $("#collect").click( function() { var flag = $(this).find("img").attr("data-collect"); var orderId = $(this).find(".orderId").val(); var type = $(this).find(".type").val(); var userId = $(this).find(".userId").val(); var index = 0; /* if(flag==1){ $(this).find("img").attr("src", "${base}/static/front/img/collect-1.png"); } else { $(this).find("img").attr("src", "${base}/static/front/img/collect-0.png"); } */ /* alert(type); alert(orderId); */ if(flag == "false") { $.post("${base}/front/vip/myCollect/addMyCollect", { userId : userId , type : type , orderId : orderId }, function(data) { if(data == true) { updateCollected(true); } }); } else if(flag == "true"){ $.post("${base}/front/vip/myCollect/deleteMyCollect", { userId : userId , type : type , orderId : orderId }, function(data) { updateCollected(false); }); } }); }); function updateCollected(isCollected) { if (isCollected) { $("#collect").find("img").attr("src", "${base}/static/front/img/collect-1.png"); $("#collect").find("img").attr("data-collect", isCollected); } else { $("#collect").find("img").attr("src", "${base}/static/front/img/collect-0.png"); $("#collect").find("img").attr("data-collect", isCollected); } } </script>