http://dennis-lee-gammy.iteye.com/admin/blogs/1973249 TODO 【4】
public void sendMultiAction(final List<Action<Row>> initialActions,
Map<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>> actionsByServer,
final int numAttempt,
final HConnectionManager.ServerErrorTracker errorsByServer) {
// Send the queries and add them to the inProgress list
// This iteration is by server (the HRegionLocation comparator is by server portion only).
for (Map.Entry<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>> e : actionsByServer.entrySet()) {
final HRegionLocation loc = e.getKey();
final MultiAction<Row> multiAction = e.getValue();
incTaskCounters(multiAction.getRegions(), loc.getServerName());
Runnable runnable = Trace.wrap("AsyncProcess.sendMultiAction", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MultiResponse res;
try {
MultiServerCallable<Row> callable = createCallable(loc, multiAction);
try {
res = createCaller(callable).callWithoutRetries(callable);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Call to " + loc.getServerName() + " failed numAttempt=" + numAttempt +
", resubmitting all since not sure where we are at", e);
resubmitAll(initialActions, multiAction, loc, numAttempt + 1, e, errorsByServer);//失败重试,备注【2】
receiveMultiAction(initialActions, multiAction, loc, res, numAttempt, errorsByServer);//提交任务,备注【3】
} finally {
decTaskCounters(multiAction.getRegions(), loc.getServerName());
// taskDone+1,taskPerRegion,taskPerServer-1
try {
} catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
// This should never happen. But as the pool is provided by the end user, let's secure
// this a little.
decTaskCounters(multiAction.getRegions(), loc.getServerName());
LOG.warn("The task was rejected by the pool. This is unexpected." +
" Server is " + loc.getServerName(), ree);
// We're likely to fail again, but this will increment the attempt counter, so it will
// finish.
resubmitAll(initialActions, multiAction, loc, numAttempt + 1, ree, errorsByServer);//同上,失败重试
private void resubmitAll(List<Action<Row>> initialActions, MultiAction<Row> rsActions,
HRegionLocation location, int numAttempt, Throwable t,
HConnectionManager.ServerErrorTracker errorsByServer) {
// Do not use the exception for updating cache because it might be coming from
// any of the regions in the MultiAction.
// 先更新cache的region信息
rsActions.actions.values().iterator().next().get(0).getAction().getRow(), null, location);
List<Action<Row>> toReplay = new ArrayList<Action<Row>>(initialActions.size());
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Action<Row>>> e : rsActions.actions.entrySet()) {
for (Action<Row> action : e.getValue()) {
if (manageError(numAttempt, action.getOriginalIndex(), action.getAction(),
true, t, location)) {//检查是否可以重试。这里备注下【4】
if (toReplay.isEmpty()) {//没有可重试的就88
LOG.warn("Attempt #" + numAttempt + "/" + numTries + " failed for all " +
initialActions.size() + " ops, NOT resubmitting, " + location.getServerName());
} else {
submit(initialActions, toReplay, numAttempt, errorsByServer);//重试
public void updateCachedLocations(final TableName tableName, byte[] rowkey,
final Object exception, final HRegionLocation source) {
if (rowkey == null || tableName == null) {
LOG.warn("Coding error, see method javadoc. row=" + (rowkey == null ? "null" : rowkey) +
", tableName=" + (tableName == null ? "null" : tableName));
// Is it something we have already updated?
final HRegionLocation oldLocation = getCachedLocation(tableName, rowkey);
if (oldLocation == null) {
// There is no such location in the cache => it's been removed already => nothing to do
HRegionInfo regionInfo = oldLocation.getRegionInfo();
final RegionMovedException rme = RegionMovedException.find(exception);
if (rme != null) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()){
LOG.trace("Region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " moved to " +
rme.getHostname() + ":" + rme.getPort() + " according to " + source.getHostnamePort());
regionInfo, source, rme.getServerName(), rme.getLocationSeqNum());
} else if (RegionOpeningException.find(exception) != null) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Region " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " is being opened on "
+ source.getHostnamePort() + "; not deleting the cache entry");
} else {
deleteCachedLocation(regionInfo, source);//真是不可恢复的错误就把缓存删了吧
void reportServerError(HRegionLocation server) {
ServerErrors errors = errorsByServer.get(server);
if (errors != null) {
} else {
errorsByServer.put(server, new ServerErrors());
private void submit(List<Action<Row>> initialActions,
List<Action<Row>> currentActions, int numAttempt,
final HConnectionManager.ServerErrorTracker errorsByServer) {
// group per location => regions server
final Map<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>> actionsByServer =
new HashMap<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>>();
for (Action<Row> action : currentActions) {
HRegionLocation loc = findDestLocation(action.getAction(), 1, action.getOriginalIndex());
if (loc != null) {
addAction(loc, action, actionsByServer);
if (!actionsByServer.isEmpty()) {
sendMultiAction(initialActions, actionsByServer, numAttempt, errorsByServer);
public T callWithoutRetries(RetryingCallable<T> callable)
throws IOException, RuntimeException {
// The code of this method should be shared with withRetries.
this.globalStartTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return callable.call();
} catch (Throwable t) {
Throwable t2 = translateException(t);
// It would be nice to clear the location cache here.
if (t2 instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException)t2;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t2);
} finally {
public void prepare(boolean reload) throws IOException {
// Use the location we were given in the constructor rather than go look it up.