name kc_name kc_score
张三 语文 80
李四 语文 70
钟情 语文 75
张三 数学 85
李四 数学 88
钟情 数学 79
张三 英语 80
李四 英语 55
【select name from stu group by name having min(kc_score)>=80】
【select distinct name from stu where name not in (select distinct name from stu where kc_score<=80)】
riqi riliang riqi riliang leiliang
1 1 1 1 1
2 3 2 3 4
3 5 ====> 3 5 9
4 7 4 7 16
5 9 5 9 25
【select riqi,riliang,(select sum(riliang) from table t2 where t2.riliang<=t1.riliang) leiliang from table t1】
year month amount
1991 1 1.1
1991 2 1.2
1991 3 1.3
1991 4 1.4
1992 1 2.1
1992 2 2.2
1992 3 2.3
1992 4 2.4
year m1 m2 m3 m4
1991 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1992 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
【select year,
(select amount from aaa m where month=1 and m.year=aaa.year) as m1,
(select amount from aaa m where month=2 and m.year=aaa.year) as m2,
(select amount from aaa m where month=3 and m.year=aaa.year) as m3,
(select amount from aaa m where month=4 and m.year=aaa.year) as m4
from aaa
group by year 】
select * from (select * from student order by id desc) where rownum <= 10 order by rownum asc
select top 10 * from student order by id desc
select * from student order by id desc limit 0,10
1)复制表(只复制结构,源表名:a 新表名:b)
select * into b from a where 1<>1
2)拷贝表(拷贝数据,源表名:a 目标表名:b)
insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b;
select a.title,a.username,b.adddate from table a,(select max(adddate) adddate from table where table.title=a.title) b
4)外连接查询(表名1:a(a,b,c) 表名2:b(c,d,f))
select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c
delete from A where not exists ( select * from B where A.id=B.id )
select deptno as 部门号,max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资 from
emp group by deptno;
--2 列出emp表中各部门job为'CLERK'的员工的最低工资,最高工资
select max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资,deptno as 部门号 from emp where
job='clerk' group by deptno;
--3 对于emp中最低工资小于2000的部门,列出job为'CLERK'的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资
select b.deptno as 部门号,max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资 from emp as b
where job='clerk' and (select min(sal)from emp as a where a.deptno=b.deptno)<2000 group by
--4 根据部门号由高而低,工资有低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工资
select ename as 姓名,deptno as 部门号,sal as 工资 from emp order by deptno desc,sal asc;
--5 列出'buddy'所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号
select b.ename as 姓名,b.deptno as 部门号 from emp as b where b.deptno=
(select a.deptno from emp as a where a.ename='buddy');
--6 列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名
select ename as 姓名,job as 工作,dept.deptno as 部门号,dept.dname as 部门名 from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
select ename as 姓名,job as 工作,dept.deptno as 部门号,dept.dname as 部门名 from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno and job='clerk';
select a.deptno as 部门号,a.ename as 员工,b.ename as 管理者 from emp as a,emp as b where a.mgr is not null and a.mgr=b.ename;
--9 对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号,同时列出各部门工作为'CLERK'的员工名与工作
select a.deptno as 部门号,a.dname as 部门名,b.ename as 员工名,b.job as 工作 from dept as a,
emp as b where a.deptno=b.deptno and b.job='clerk';
--10 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部门号排序
select b.deptno as 部门号,b.ename as 姓名,b.sal as 工资 from emp as b
where b.sal>(select avg(a.sal) from emp as a where a.deptno=b.deptno) order by b.deptno;
select a.deptno as 部门号,count(a.sal) as 员工数 from emp as a
where a.sal>(select avg(b.sal) from emp as b where a.deptno=b.deptno) group by a.deptno order
by a.deptno;
select count(a.empno) as 员工数,a.deptno as 部门号,avg(sal) as 平均工资
from emp as a where (select count(c.empno) from emp as c where c.deptno=a.deptno and
c.sal>(select avg(sal) from emp as b where c.deptno=b.deptno))>1
group by a.deptno order by a.deptno;
select a.deptno as 部门号,a.ename as 姓名,a.sal as 工资,(select count(b.ename) from emp as b
where b.sal<a.sal) as 人数 from emp as a
where (select count(b.ename) from emp as b where b.sal<a.sal)>=5