
<span style="font-size:14px;">--EmpAndDept4

select * from emp;                                          --查询
select * from (select empno,sal from emp) v;                  --子查询
select * from emp e left join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;  --连接查询

select * from emp limit 4;
select * from(select * from emp order by sal) as x limit 4;
--选取表示为:clark as a manager即'ename' as a 'job'
select concat(ename,' work as a ',job) as x from emp where deptno=10;
select ename,job from emp order by rand() limit 5;
--选取comm列,同时用0来代替空值  PS:isnull(comm)返回的是1,0;coalesce(comm)返回的是实际值和0
--也可以使用case函数 is null then 0
select ename,coalesce(comm) as comm from emp;

--union all 对结果取并集,重复数据全部显示
create view v as select * from emp union select * from emp;
create view v as 
       select * from emp where deptno!=10 
       union all 
       select * from emp where ename='WARD';

select depno from dept d where not exists(select deptno from emp e where e.deptno=d.deptno);

--例子:使用关联子查询和union all 来查找视图V中存在而在表emp中不存在的行,然后与在表emp中存在而在视图v中不存在
--select * from e where not exists(select null from v where v.all=e.all)
--意思就是当e中的数据,v中有时,not exists就返回false,没有时则返回true,ok,这就是我们要的那行,选出来
--select null是选出一列null列,通常用在exists,表示我们其实不是要选列,只是想通过他的返回来判断真假
select * 
from (  
      select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.mgr,e.hiredate,
             e.sal,e.comm,e.deptno,count(*) as cnt 
      from emp e 
      group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
      ) e 
where not exists
      select null 
           select v.empno,v.ename,v.job,v.mgr,v.hiredate,
                  v.sal,v.comm,v.deptno,count(*) as cnt
           from v
           group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
           ) v
      where  v.empno=e.empno
         and v.ename=e.ename
         and v.job=e.job
         and v.mgr=e.mgr
         and v.hiredate=e.hiredate
         and v.sal=e.sal
         and v.deptno=e.depno
         and v.cnt=e.cnt
         and coalesce(v.comm,0)=coalesce(e.comm,0)
      union all
select * 
from (--跟上面一模一样,只是把v跟e倒换过来了,可以自己写一遍试试

--创建一个emp_bonus 表
create table emp_bonus(
    empno int primary key,
    received date,
    type int,
insert into emp_bonus values(7934,2005-3-17,1);
insert into emp_bonus values(7839,2005-2-15,3);
insert into emp_bonus values(7782,2005-2-15,1);
insert into emp_bonus values(7934,2005-2-15,2);
--去除主键:1.先去除自增长  2.去除主键
alter table emp_bonus empno empno int(10);
alter table emp_bonus drop primary key;

select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,e.sal* case 
   when eb.type=1 then .1
   when eb.type=2 then .2
   when eb.type=3 then .3
   else 0
   end as bonus
   from emp e left join emp_bonus eb on e.empno=eb.empno;

--可以使用sum和group by将相同员工编号的人奖金汇总到一起   
select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,sum(e.sal* case 
   when eb.type=1 then .1
   when eb.type=2 then .2
   when eb.type=3 then .3
   else 0
   end) as bonus
   from emp e left join emp_bonus eb on e.empno=eb.empno 
   group by e.empno;
select deptno,
       sum(sal) as total_sal,
       sum(bonus) as total_bonus
       select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,e.sal* case 
              when eb.type=1 then .1
              when eb.type=2 then .2
              when eb.type=3 then .3
              else 0
              end as bonus
              from emp e left join emp_bonus eb on e.empno=eb.empno
           ) x
       group by deptno ;
--解决办法是在x中加入group by e.empno 
select deptno,
       sum(sal) as total_sal,
       sum(bonus) as total_bonus
       select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,sum(e.sal* case 
              when eb.type=1 then .1
              when eb.type=2 then .2
              when eb.type=3 then .3
              else 0
              ) as bonus
              from emp e left join emp_bonus eb on e.empno=eb.empno
              group by e.empno
           ) x
       group by deptno ;
--要注意到,上面的例子基本都使用了外联接left join,如果这里不是使用的外联接而是where的话,自行对比下面两个语句:

select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,sum(e.sal* case 
              when eb.type=1 then .1
              when eb.type=2 then .2
              when eb.type=3 then .3
              else 0
              ) as bonus
              from emp e left join emp_bonus eb on e.empno=eb.empno
              group by e.empno;
select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,e.sal,sum(e.sal* case 
              when eb.type=1 then .1
              when eb.type=2 then .2
              when eb.type=3 then .3
              else 0
              ) as bonus
              from emp e ,emp_bonus eb 
              where e.empno=eb.empno
              group by e.empno;



