【索引】Designing Efficient Algorithms:Examples:Intermediate

AOAPC I: Beginning Algorithm Contests -- Training Guide (Rujia Liu)

Chapter 1. Algorithm Design::Designing Efficient Algorithms:Examples:Intermediate

  • 1325 - Hypertransmission
  • 10827 - Maximum sum on a torus
  • 1451 - Average
  • 12265 - Selling Land
  • 1432 - Fire-Control System
  • 1312 - Cricket Field
  • 1481 - Genome Evolution
  • 1392 - DNA Regions
  • 1442 - Cav
  • 1381 - Balancing the Scale
  • 12174 - Shuffle
  • 1511 - Soju
  • 12121 - You are around me ...
  • 10132 - File Fragmentation
  • 10691 - Subway
  • 11589 - Save the President
  • 11536 - Smallest Sub-Array
  • 11572 - Unique Snowflakes
  • 1548 - The Game of Master-Mind
  • 1526 - Edge Detection

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