hbase region lookups流程以及rpc线程卡死问题分析


1.  hbase分片后的数据查找依靠 region lookups 完成:



        -ROOT-表  (.META.表所在的服务器地址, 一般系统只有一行记录 )
        .META.表   (用户表所在的服务器地, 如:'table_test_a'各分片所在的服务器地址 )

2. hbase  region lookups流程(以在'table_test_a'表, rowkey为'123456'的get为例子)
        首先, hbase client到ZooKeeper中获取-ROOT-表的所在位置
        根据用户表'table_test_a'分片信息, 计算出rowkey为'123456'所在的服务地址

        (备注: 为了提升性能,hbase client端会缓存分片信息)

    5) 代码入口: HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(byte [] tableName, byte [] row, boolean reload)

    6) HBase Definitive Guide : Region Lookups 图

hbase region lookups流程以及rpc线程卡死问题分析_第1张图片

3.  hbase client rpc线程卡死问题分析 ,已在0.94.1中修复(0.91, 0.92 版本 fix了很多0.94.0中的bug)。
    1)hbase  region lookups 死锁问题
        详细见 @慢半拍de刀刀 博客 http://www.cnblogs.com/shenguanpu/archive/2012/12/02/2798217.html
    2) 两个patch地址,
        通过 避免嵌套重试循环来解决rpc线程卡死: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-6326
        通过等待 -root -的region地址设置到root region tracker 来避免deadlock问题: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-6115

4. HTabe.get : retry connect引发rpc线程卡死问题 

    1)retry connect : withRetries

  public Result get(final Get get) throws IOException {
    return new ServerCallable<Result>(connection, tableName, get.getRow(), operationTimeout) {
          public Result call() throws IOException {
            return server.get(location.getRegionInfo().getRegionName(), get);

    2)region lookups获取location,并根据location连接上region server。  
   * Connect to the server hosting region with row from tablename.
   * @param reload Set this to true if connection should re-find the region
   * @throws IOException e
  public void connect(final boolean reload) throws IOException {
    this.location = connection.getRegionLocation(tableName, row, reload);
    this.server = connection.getHRegionConnection(location.getHostname(),

    3) getRegionLocation 调用locateRegion('用户表')  , locateRegion('用户表')的核心流程是去.META.表中查询某用户表分片信息, 从而调用到locateRegionInMeta
    private HRegionLocation locateRegion(final byte [] tableName,
      final byte [] row, boolean useCache)
    throws IOException {
      if (Bytes.equals(tableName, HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME)) {
          ServerName servername = this.rootRegionTracker.getRootRegionLocation();
      } ...
      } else {
        // Region not in the cache - have to go to the meta RS
        return locateRegionInMeta(HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME, tableName, row,
            useCache, userRegionLock);
    4) 完整一次的'hbase  region lookups流程', 会进入locateRegion('-ROOT-')  从而调用到 rootRegionTracker.getRootRegionLocation
         (retry流程不会取cache数据, 而是先对regionLockObject加锁并prefetchRegionCache的metaScan, MetaScanner是完整一次的'hbase  region lookups流程'  )

      * Search one of the meta tables (-ROOT- or .META.) for the HRegionLocation
      * info that contains the table and row we're seeking.
    private HRegionLocation locateRegionInMeta(final byte [] parentTable,
      final byte [] tableName, final byte [] row, boolean useCache,
      Object regionLockObject)
    throws IOException {

          // This block guards against two threads trying to load the meta
          // region at the same time. The first will load the meta region and
          // the second will use the value that the first one found.
          synchronized (regionLockObject) {
            // If the parent table is META, we may want to pre-fetch some
            // region info into the global region cache for this table.
            if (Bytes.equals(parentTable, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME) &&
                (getRegionCachePrefetch(tableName)) )  {
              prefetchRegionCache(tableName, row);

    4) 完整一次的'hbase  region lookups流程', 会进入locateRegion('-ROOT-')  从而调用到 rootRegionTracker.getRootRegionLocation
    private HRegionLocation locateRegion(final byte [] tableName,
      final byte [] row, boolean useCache)
    throws IOException {
      if (Bytes.equals(tableName, HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME)) {
          ServerName servername = this.rootRegionTracker.getRootRegionLocation();
      } ...
      } else {
        // Region not in the cache - have to go to the meta RS
        return locateRegionInMeta(HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME, tableName, row,
            useCache, userRegionLock);

    5)RootRegionTracker 的getData, 从zookeeper取数据引发异常, 从而 abort流程
  public synchronized byte [] getData(boolean refresh) {
    if (refresh) {
      try {
        this.data = ZKUtil.getDataAndWatch(watcher, node);
      } catch(KeeperException e) {
        abortable.abort("Unexpected exception handling getData", e);
    return this.data;

    6) abort流程(deadlock bug所在: abortable实际为HConnectionManager.HConnectionImplementation对象 )    
    private synchronized void ensureZookeeperTrackers()
        throws ZooKeeperConnectionException {
      if (rootRegionTracker == null) {
        rootRegionTracker = new RootRegionTracker(zooKeeper, this);

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