【ORACLE RAC】oracle 10g rac更换共享磁盘(ocr,vote)的方法

************************************************************************ ****原文:blog.csdn.net/clark_xu  徐长亮的专栏 ************************************************************************ 1删除ocr盘,vote,数据盘



  进入节点2export ORACLE_SID=+ASM2

                             sqlplus/ as sysdba

             Alter diskgroup dgdata dismount;

  进入节点1export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1



           rm –rf *

           sqlplus / as sysdba

           drop diskgroup dgdata



   ./crsctldisable crs

   ./crsctlstop crs


   ./ocrconfig–export /oracle/product/ocr.exp

   dd if=/dev/raw/raw3 of=/oracle/product/vote1.exp

   dd if=/dev/raw/raw4 of=/oracle/product/vote2.exp

dd if=/dev/raw/raw5 of=/oracle/product/vote3.exp



(6)进入系统,移除共享盘。例如lvremove/dev/DATA/lv_ocr1,…. vgremove DATA, pvremove /dev/mapper/mpath





vgcreate DATA /dev/mapper/



(3)raw1 raw2中加载ocr数据:

[root@ts01 bin]# ./ocrconfig -restore /oracle/product/ocr.exp


[root@ts01 bin]# ./ocrcheck

Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :

        Version                 :         2

        Total space (kbytes)    :   1023728

        Used space (kbytes)     :      3860

        Available space (kbytes) :   1019868

        ID                      :2144682474

        Device/File Name        :/dev/raw/raw1

                                   Device/Fileintegrity check succeeded

        Device/File Name        :/dev/raw/raw2

                                   Device/Fileintegrity check succeeded

Cluster registry integrity check succeeded


[root@ts01 bin]# ./crsctl query css votedisk

   0.    0   /dev/raw/raw3

   1.    0   /dev/raw/raw4

   2.    0   /dev/raw/raw5


root@ts01 bin]#dd if=/oracle/product/vot1.exp of=/dev/raw/raw3

2048000+0records in

2048000+0records out

1048576000 bytes(1.0 GB) copied, 417.17 seconds, 2.5 MB/s

[root@ts01 bin]#dd if=/oracle/product/vot2.exp of=/dev/raw/raw4

2048000+0records in

2048000+0records out

1048576000 bytes(1.0 GB) copied, 421.286 seconds, 2.5 MB/s

[root@ts01 bin]#dd if=/oracle/product/vot3.exp of=/dev/raw/raw5

2048000+0records in

2048000+0records out

1048576000 bytes(1.0 GB) copied, 422.608 seconds, 2.5 MB/s


[root@ts01 bin]# ./crsctl enable crs

[root@ts01 bin]# ./crsctl start crs

Attempting to start CRS stack

The CRS stack will be started shortly






