Linux应用程序开发(二)---让PHP5支持java在arm linux运行

Linux应用程序开发(二)---让PHP5支持java在arm linux运行  



1,主机环境:VMare下CentOS 5.5 ,1G内存。

2,集成开发环境:Elipse IDE

3,编译编译环境:arm-linux-gcc v4.4.3,arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc v4.5.1。

4,开发板:mini2440,2M nor flash,128M nand flash。


6,linux 版本:linux-



前面已经介绍了thttpd+Sqlite3+PHP5到arm linux的移植过程,实现了php脚本文件能够在web 服务器上运行并能够访问后台数据库。现在这个基于php的嵌入式web服务器已经能够运行java脚本文件,而且也能够执行xajax运行库。下面就php这两方面的功能做下测试。



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=GBK" />
<title>JavaScript Hello World</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sayHello.js"></script>
<div align="center">用户名:<input type="text" name="user"/></div>
<div align="center">
<button onclick="check(1)">say hello</button>
<button onclick="check(2)">SAY HELLO</button>


function helloWorld() {
 var hello="hello "+document.getElementById("user").value;
function bigHelloWorld(){
 var hello="hello "+document.getElementById("user").value;
function check(big){
 var user=document.getElementById("user").value;
   case 1:helloWorld();
   case 2:bigHelloWorld();


Linux应用程序开发(二)---让PHP5支持java在arm linux运行_第1张图片


点击say hello按钮,显示:

Linux应用程序开发(二)---让PHP5支持java在arm linux运行_第2张图片




 xajax_0.5_minimal :

[root@localhost ~]# cd /nfsboot/rootfs/home/www/html
[root@localhost html]# unzip /root/linux-test/ -d ./xajax


Error: the xajax Javascript component could not be included.Perhaps the URL is incorrect?
URL: ../xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js




 File: helloworld.php

 Test / example page demonstrating the basic xajax implementation.

 Title: Hello world sample page.

 Please see <> for a detailed description, copyright

 and license information.



 @package xajax

 @version $Id: helloworld.php 362 2007-05-29 15:32:24Z calltoconstruct $

 @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson

 @license BSD License



 Section: Standard xajax startup

 - include <>

 - instantiate main <xajax> object

require ('xajax/xajax_core/');

$xajax = new xajax();


 - enable deubgging if desired

 - set the javascript uri (location of xajax js files)


//$xajax->configure('debug', true);

//$xajax->configure('javascript URI', '../');
$xajax->configure('javascript URI', 'xajax/');


 Function: helloWorld

 Modify the innerHTML of div1.


function helloWorld($isCaps)


 if ($isCaps)

  $text = 'HELLO WORLD!';


  $text = 'Hello World!';

 $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();

 $objResponse->assign('div1', 'innerHTML', $text);

 return $objResponse;



 Function: setColor

 Modify the style.color of div1


function setColor($sColor)


 $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();

 $objResponse->assign('div1', 'style.color', $sColor);

 return $objResponse;



 Section:  Register functions

 - <helloWorld>

 - <setColor>


$reqHelloWorldMixed =& $xajax->registerFunction('helloWorld');

$reqHelloWorldMixed->setParameter(0, XAJAX_JS_VALUE, 0);

$reqHelloWorldAllCaps =& $xajax->registerFunction('helloWorld');

$reqHelloWorldAllCaps->setParameter(0, XAJAX_JS_VALUE, 1);

$reqSetColor =& $xajax->registerFunction('setColor');

$reqSetColor->setParameter(0, XAJAX_INPUT_VALUE, 'colorselect');


 Section: processRequest

 This will detect an incoming xajax request, process it and exit.  If this is not a xajax request, then it is a request to load the initial contents of the page(HTML).

 Everything prior to this statement will be executed upon each request (whether it is for the initial page load or a xajax request.  Everything after this statement will be executed only when the page is first loaded.



echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


 <title>xajax example</title>


 // output the xajax javascript. This must be called between the head tags



 <script type='text/javascript'>

  /* <![CDATA[ */

  window.onload = function() {

   // call the helloWorld function to populate the div on load

   <?php $reqHelloWorldMixed->printScript(); ?>;

   // call the setColor function on load

   <?php $reqSetColor->printScript(); ?>;


  /* ]]> */



<body style="text-align:center;">

 <div id="div1">&#160;</div>


 <button onclick='<?php $reqHelloWorldMixed->printScript(); ?>' >Click Me</button>

 <button onclick='<?php $reqHelloWorldAllCaps->printScript(); ?>' >CLICK ME</button>

 <select id="colorselect" name="colorselect"

  onchange='<?php $reqSetColor->printScript(); ?>;'>

  <option value="black" selected="selected">Black</option>

  <option value="red">Red</option>

  <option value="green">Green</option>

  <option value="blue">Blue</option>





Linux应用程序开发(二)---让PHP5支持java在arm linux运行_第3张图片

单击大小写按钮,"hello world"的字体会发生变化,在右侧选择不同颜色"hello world"的字体颜色发生相应变化。




(2)实例化xajax 对象:

  $xajax = new xajax();



(4)编写注册的PHP函数,并且在函数之中使用xajaxResponse 对象返回XML指令:

function myFunction($arg)
 // 对$arg做一些基本处理例如从数据库检索数据
 // 然后把结果赋值给变量,例如$newContent
 // 实例化xajaxResponse 对象
 $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
 // 添加指令到响应之中,用于指派
 $objResponse->addAssign("SomeElementId","innerHTML", $newContent);
 //返回xajaxResponse 对象生成的XML响应
 return $objResponse->getXML();


(6)在页面的 <head></head> 标签之间,告诉xajax生成所必需的Javascrīpt:

  <?php $xajax->printJavascrīpt(); ?>


  <div id="SomeElementId"></div>

  <button ōnclick="xajax_myFunction(SomeArgument);">

  就这么简单。xajax 会处理其他所有的事情。你所要做的主要工作就是编写PHP函数,然后从函数之中返回xajax的XML响应。而后者通过xajaxResponse类可以非常简单的生成.。


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