1.what is bootstrapping
The method of bootstrapping was first introduced by Efron as a method to derive the estimate of standard error of an arbitrary estimator.
The basic idea behind a bootstrap is that for some reason we do not know how to calculate the theoretically appropriate significance test for a statistic: Some possible examples are that we want to do a t-test on a mean when the data is nonnormal or perhaps we want to do a t-test on a median or maybe we want do a regression where the assumptions about the error term are violated.
Using the bootstrap approach assumes that the data are a random sample. The bootstrap simulates what would happen if repeated samples of the population could be taken by taking repeated samples of the data available. These repeated samples could each be smaller than the data available and could be done with or without replacement.
Empirical research suggests that the best results are obtained with the repeated samples are the same size as the original sample and when it is done with replacement. (《A Practical Introduction to the Bootstrap Using the SAS System》)
2.performing bootstrap analyses in sas
Resampling using data and sort steps (《a tuitorial on bootstrapping in the sas system》)