data MA; set summer.sample; MA2 = adjprc; MA5 = adjprc; MA50 = adjprc; MA150 = adjprc; MA200 = adjprc; run; proc sort data = MA; by cusip date; run; %macro calave(days); %do i = 1 %to &days-1; data MA; set MA; MA&days = MA&days + lag&i(adjprc); if &i = &days-1 then MA&days = MA&days/&days; if &i = &days-1 then do; if &days = 2 and date<mdy(01,05,81) then MA2 = .; if &days = 5 and date<mdy(01,08,81) then MA5 = .; if &days = 50 and date<mdy(03,13,81) then MA50 = .; if &days = 150 and date<mdy(08,05,81) then MA150 = .; if &days = 200 and date<mdy(10,15,81) then MA200 = .; end; run; %end; %mend; %calave(2) %calave(5) %calave(50) %calave(150) %calave(200) data summer.MovingAverage; set MA; run;
下面的代码测试VMA ,该例测试了1日/200日,1日/150日,1日/50日的短线长线策略。
data MAresult; set summer.movingaverage; run; proc means data = MAresult noprint; var ret; output out = buyandhold n = BHn mean = BHmean std = BHstd; run; data MAresult; set MAresult; if adjprc=. or MA200=. then status = 0; else if adjprc>MA200*1.01 then status = 1; *VMA buy(1,200,0.01); else if adjprc<MA200*0.99 then status = -1; *VMA sell(1,200,0.01); else status = 0; if adjprc=. or MA50=. then status = 0; else if adjprc>MA50*1.01 then status = 1; *VMA buy(1,50,0.01); else if adjprc<MA50*0.99 then status = -1; *VMA sell(1,50,0.01); else status = 0; if adjprc=. or MA150=. then status = 0; else if adjprc>MA150*1.01 then status = 1; *VMA buy(1,150,0.01); else if adjprc<MA150*0.99 then status = -1; *VMA sell(1,150,0.01); else status = 0; run; proc sort data = MAresult; by status; run; proc means data = MAresult noprint; var ret; by status; output out = buyandsell n = BSn mean = BSmean std = BSstd; run; data VMAfinal; *VMA final result!; merge buyandhold buyandsell; by _TYPE_; drop _FREQ_ _TYPE_; if status ~= 0 then t =(BSmean-BHmean)/sqrt(BHstd*BHstd/BHn+BHstd*BHstd/BSn); run;
2.相对强弱指标策略:Relative Strength Index
• RS = Ave. Gain / Ave. Loss in prior n days;
• RSI = 100 – 100 / (1+RS)
*define RSI in SAS RS = Ave. Gain / Ave. Loss in prior n days RSI = 100 – 100 / (1+RS); data RSI; set RSI; by cusip; ladjprc = lag(adjprc); if adjprc>ladjprc then gain = adjprc-ladjprc; if adjprc<ladjprc then loss = ladjprc-adjprc; if first.cusip then do; gain = .; loss = .; end; retain days 0; days+1; if first.cusip then days = 1; if gain = . then gain = 0; if loss = . then loss = 0; retain sumgain 0; sumgain = sumgain + gain; retain sumloss 0; sumloss = sumloss + loss; if days=15 then do; AveGain = (sumgain-gain) / 14; AveLoss = (sumloss-loss) / 14; RS = AveGain / AveLoss; RSI = 100-100/(1+RS); end; drop sumgain sumloss; run; %macro calRSI(); %do i=16 %to 7570; data RSI; set RSI; lAveGain = lag1(AveGain); lAveLoss = lag1(AveLoss); if days = &i then do; AveGain = (lAveGain*13+gain)/14; AveLoss = (lAveLoss*13+loss)/14; RS = AveGain / AveLoss; RSI = 100-100/(1+RS); end; %end; %mend; %calRSI; data summer.RSIresult; set RSI; run;
下面的代码测试了“变长RSI”(Variable-Length RSI,VRSI),定义超买信号为RSI>80,RSI<60时投资者弱卖;RSI<20为超卖信号,RSI>40强卖信号。
data VRSIB; set RSIresult; by cusip; drop status; retain period 0; if first.cusip then period = 0; if RSI<20 then period = 1; *RSI<20 buy and until RIS>40; if RSI>40 then period = 0; RealPeriod = lag(period); if RealPeriod = 0 then delete; run; data VRSIS; set RSIresult; by cusip; drop status; retain period 0; if first.cusip then period = 0; if RSI>80 then period = 1; *RSI>80 sell and until RIS<60; if RSI<60 then period = 0; RealPeriod = lag(period); if RealPeriod = 0 then delete; run; proc means data = VRSIB; var ret; run; proc means data = VRSIS; var ret; run;
BOLL指标的计算公式 :
(1)计算MA : MA=N日内的收盘价之和÷N
(3)计算MB、UP、DN线 :MB=(N-1)日的MA,UP=MB+2×MD,DN=MB-2×MD
/*The following program illustrates how we define the Bollinger Bands Strategy in SAS*/ data BB; set summer.sample; MA20 = 0; run;
proc sort data = BB; by cusip date; run;
%macro calave(days); %do i = 1 %to &days; data BB; set BB; MA&days = MA&days + lag&i(adjprc); if &i = &days then MA&days = MA&days/&days; if &i = &days then do; if &days = 20 and date<mdy(02,05,81) then MA20 = .; end; run; %end; %mend; %calave(20)
%macro sd; proc delete data=all; run;
%do firstobs = 1 %to (2684248-20); %let lastobs = %eval( &firstobs + 19); proc means data=BB(firstobs=&firstobs obs=&lastobs) noprint; var adjprc; output out=tempfile stddev=sd20; run; proc append base=all data=tempfile; run; %end; %mend sd; %sd;
data summer.BBand; set all; run;
/*The following program evaluates the variable and fixed Bollinger Bands: Program 3B:*/ data BB; set summer.finalBB; upperband = MA20+2*sd20; lowerband = MA20-2*sd20; upperband1 = MA20+1*sd20; lowerband1 = MA20-1*sd20; if adjprc>upperband then status = -1; else if adjprc<lowerband then status = 1; else status = 0; run; data VBBB; set BB; by cusip; drop status; retain period 0; if first.cusip then period = 0; if adjprc<lowerband then period = 1; if adjprc>lowerband1 then period = 0; RealPeriod = lag(period); if RealPeriod = 0 or RealPeriod = . then delete; run; data VBBS; set BB; by cusip; drop status; retain period 0; if first.cusip then period = 0; if adjprc>upperband then period = 1; if adjprc<upperband1 then period = 0; RealPeriod = lag(period); if RealPeriod = 0 or RealPeriod = . then delete; run; proc means data=VBBB; var ret; run; proc means data=VBBS; var ret; run;