Automate Everything: Ruby, Linux and other hints, tips and tricks.
注:不需要安装autotest (参考Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial: 3.2.1 Testing tools),好像是ZenTest里面有autotest了。
$ sudo gem install ZenTest $ sudo gem install redgreen
然后安装libnotify-bin package
$ sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin
在Home目录创建文件 ~/.autotest 内容如下
和原文Automate Everything 唯一不同的地方是要掉redgreen那一行。
#!/bin/ruby # remove this line on Unbuntu 11 : require 'redgreen' require 'autotest/timestamp' module Autotest::GnomeNotify def self.notify title, msg, img system "notify-send '#{title}' '#{msg}' -i #{img} -t 3000" end Autotest.add_hook :ran_command do |at| image_root = "~/.autotest_images" results = [at.results].flatten.join("\n") results.gsub!(/\\e\[\d+m/,'') output = results.slice(/(\d+)\sexamples?,\s(\d+)\sfailures?(,\s(\d+)\spending?|)/) full_sentence, green, failures, garbage, pending = $ if output if failures > 0 notify "FAIL", "#{output}", "#{image_root}/fail.png" elsif pending > 0 notify "Pending", "#{output}", "#{image_root}/pending.png" else notify "Pass", "#{output}", "#{image_root}/pass.png" end end end end
Rails项目配置rspec: Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial: 3.2.1 Testing tools
安装配置:Automate Everything