cocos2d-x 3.0版本的事件分发的机制较之之前的版本进行了修改,把事件处理的逻辑分离出来,并通过不同的事件监听器来监听不同的事件。当一个节点收到了事件,就会指派一个事件分发器_eventDispatcher专门来分发这些事件。对于触摸来说,大概的过程就是我们先创建一个对应触摸事件的监听器,然后覆盖触摸事件的函数,并把它们绑定到监听器,然后可以设置一下这个监听器的属性,最后把监听器添加到分发器之中,系统就会自动进行触摸事件的处理。
class EventListenerTouchOneByOne: public EventListener { public: static const std::string LISTENER_ID; static EventListenerTouchOneByOne* create(); virtual~EventListenerTouchOneByOne(); void setSwallowTouches(bool needSwallow); bool isSwallowTouches(); ///Overrides virtual EventListenerTouchOneByOne* clone() override; virtual bool checkAvailable() override; // public: std::function<bool(Touch*, Event*)>onTouchBegan; std::function<void(Touch*, Event*)>onTouchMoved; std::function<void(Touch*, Event*)>onTouchEnded; std::function<void(Touch*, Event*)> onTouchCancelled; private: EventListener TouchOneByOne(); bool init(); std::vector<Touch*>_claimedTouches; bool _needSwallow; friend class EventDispatcher; };</span>
//添加一个测试的精灵 autoonion = Sprite::create("onion.png"); onion->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2)); onion->setScale(0.2); this->addChild(onion); //创建一个触摸监听器,这里使用单点触摸事件 autoTouchListenr = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create(); //设置吞噬为true,不让触摸往下传递 TouchListenr->setSwallowTouches(true); //和回调函数绑定 TouchListenr->onTouchBegan= CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchBegan,this); TouchListenr->onTouchMoved= CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchMoved,this); TouchListenr->onTouchEnded= CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchEnded,this); //添加监听器到事件分发器中 _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(TouchListenr,onion);
bool HelloWorld::onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* event) { //获取精灵对象并取得精灵的矩阵 autosprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(event->getCurrentTarget()); Rect rect = sprite->getBoundingBox(); //获取触摸点的坐标 Point point = touch->getLocation(); //判断触摸点是否在精灵的矩阵范围内 if(rect.containsPoint(point)) { return true; } return false; } void HelloWorld::onTouchMoved(Touch* touch, Event* event) { //获取精灵对象 autosprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(event->getCurrentTarget()); //改变精灵的位置 sprite->setPosition(sprite->getPosition()+ touch->getDelta()); } void HelloWorld::onTouchEnded(Touch* touch, Event* event) { CCLog("touch end!"); }
在上面的例子中我们看到了,传递过来的参数主要有Touch* touch和Event* event,我们可以进入源代码中查看他们的作用。Touch类是继承了REF,查看源代码中的主要成员如下:
/**returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates */ Point getLocation() const; /**returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates */ Point getPreviousLocation() const; /**returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates */ Point getStartLocation() const; /**returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates */ Point getDelta() const; /**returns the current touch location in screen coordinates */ Point getLocationInView() const; /**returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates */ Point getPreviousLocationInView() const; /**returns the start touch location in screen coordinates */ Point getStartLocationInView() const;
/**Gets the event type */ inline Type getType() const { return_type; }; /**Stops propagation for current event */ inline void stopPropagation() { _isStopped = true; }; /**Checks whether the event has been stopped */ inline bool isStopped() const { return_isStopped; }; /**@brief Gets current target of the event * @return The target with which the eventassociates. * @note It onlys be available when the eventlistener is associated with node. * It returns 0 when the listener isassociated with fixed priority. */ inline Node* getCurrentTarget() { return_currentTarget; };
/**Adds a event listener for a specified event with the priority of scene graph. * @param listener The listener of a specifiedevent. * @param node The priority of the listener isbased on the draw order of this node. * @note The priority of scene graph will be fixed value 0. So the order oflistener item * in the vector will be ' <0, scenegraph (0 priority), >0'. */ voidaddEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(EventListener*listener, Node* node); /**Adds a event listener for a specified event with the fixed priority. * @param listener The listener of a specifiedevent. * @param fixedPriority The fixed priority ofthe listener. * @note A lower priority will be called beforethe ones that have a higher value. * 0 priority is forbidden for fixedpriority since it's used for scene graph based priority. */ voidaddEventListenerWithFixedPriority(EventListener*listener, int fixedPriority);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(TouchListenr->clone(),onion2); _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(TouchListenr->clone(),onion3);
class EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce: public EventListener { public: static const std::string LISTENER_ID; static EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce* create(); virtual ~EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce(); ///Overrides virtua lEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce* clone() override; virtual bool checkAvailable() override; // public: std::function<void(conststd::vector<Touch*>&,Event*)> onTouchesBegan; std::function<void(conststd::vector<Touch*>&,Event*)> onTouchesMoved; std::function<void(conststd::vector<Touch*>&,Event*)> onTouchesEnded; std::function<void(conststd::vector<Touch*>&,Event*)> onTouchesCancelled; private: EventListener TouchAllAtOnce(); bool init(); private: friend class EventDispatcher; };