A phishing scam from Cambodia



Compliment of the day to you. My name is Sokunethea Bory from Cambodia, female and 26 years of age.i got your email through messenger directoryand i am writing you with hope this deal is going to work out.

I am working in a Deposit office and at the end of last year, we did end of the year clearance on abandon luggage's and to my suprise,i found a luggage that was deposited since January 2010 and when I try to x-rayed the luggage.i found 100 united states dollar notes totaling over 800,000 dollar and a gold bar in it.

As I am writing to you right now,i am the only one that knows about the luggage
and therefore I solicit for your help to come and stand as next of kin to the depositor of the luggage so we can get it between our self.

I have all the deposit information and I will make them available to you as soon as you indicate interest to work with me in this deal. I will be waiting to hear from you as this is matter of urgency because governments officials will be coming this December to consificate all abandon lug gages. We can discuss on phone and yahoo massanger chat for more information.

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