在三星Galaxy S GT-I8150上尝试加载驱动结果失败了,于是我就意识到对于不同手机的加载方法应该是不同的。
<4>[23138.975414] dhd_bus_start: dhdsdio_probe_download failed. firmware = nvra m =
FIRMWARE_LOADER=wlan_loader DRIVER_PROP_NAME=wlan.driver.status SUPPLICANT_NAME=wpa_supplicant SUPP_PROP_NAME=init.svc.wpa_supplicant MODULE_FILE=/proc/modules IFACE_DIR=/data/misc/wifi DRIVER_MODULE_NAME=dhd DRIVER_MODULE_TAG=dhd FIRMWARE_LOADER= SUPP_CONFIG_TEMPLATE=/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf SUPP_CONFIG_FILE=/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf DRIVER_MODULE_PATH=/etc/wifi/dhd.ko MFGDRV_MODULE_ARG=firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcm4329_mfg.bin nvram_path=/sys tem/etc/wifi/nvram_mfg.txt iface_name=eth0 DRV_AP_MODULE_ARG=firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcm4329_aps.bin nvram_path=/sys tem/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt iface_name=eth0 DRIVER_MODULE_ARG=firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcm4329_sta.bin nvram_path=/sys tem/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt iface_name=eth0 DRIVER_APS_FIRMWARE_NAME=bcm4329_aps.bin DRIVER_STA_FIRMWARE_NAME=bcm4329_sta.bin INTERFACENAME=eth0 WAPI_SUPPORT=true SUPP_CONF_FILEPATH=/data/misc/wifi/ SUPP_WAPI_AS_CERT_FILE_PATH=/sdcard/external_sd/cert/ SUPP_WAPI_USER_CERT_FILE_PATH=/sdcard/external_sd/cert/ SUPPLICANT_STATUS=wlan.supplicant.status把其中的DRIVER_MOdULE_ARG里的内容加到insmod的参数里,即(注意双引号):
insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko "firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcm4329_sta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt iface_name=eth0"
package com.googlecode.android.wifi.tether.system; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.util.Log; @SuppressLint({ "NewApi", "NewApi" }) public class Configuration { public static final String MSG_TAG = "TETHER -> Configuration"; public static final int SDK_EC = 5; // SDK Minimum Eclair public static final int SDK_FR = 7; // SDK Minimum Froyo public static final int SDK_GB = 9; // SDK Minimum Gingerbread public static final int SDK_ICS = 14; // SDK Minimum Ice Cream Sandwich public static final int SDK_JB = 16; // SDK Minimum JellyBean public static final String manufacturer = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER; public static final String DEVICE_GENERIC = "generic"; // Generic Non-ICS Profile public static final String DEVICE_GENERIC_ICS = "generic_ics"; // Generic ICS Profile public static final String DEVICE_GENERIC_ICS_WLAN1 = "generic_ics_wlan1"; // Generic ICS Profile public static final String DEVICE_BLADE = "blade"; // ZTE Blade public static final String DEVICE_PASSION = "passion"; // Google NexusOne public static final String DEVICE_SPHD700 = "SPH-D700"; // Samsung Epic 4G public static final String DEVICE_SCHI500 = "SCH-I500"; // Samsung Fascinate public static final String DEVICE_SCHI510 = "SCH-I510"; // Samsung Droid Charge public static final String DEVICE_SGHI897 = "SGH-I897"; // Samsung Captivate public static final String DEVICE_SCHR910 = "SCH-R910"; // Samsung Galaxy Indulge public static final String DEVICE_CRESPO = "crespo"; // Google Nexus S public static final String DEVICE_CRESPO4G = "crespo4g"; // Google Nexus S 4G public static final String DEVICE_MAGURO = "maguro"; // Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_TORO = "toro"; // Samsung Galaxy Nexus (CDMA/LTE) public static final String DEVICE_GTI9000 = "GT-I9000"; // Samsung Galaxy S public static final String DEVICE_GTI9100 = "GT-I9100"; // Samsung Galaxy S2 public static final String DEVICE_SPHD710 = "SPH-D710"; // Samsung/Sprint Epic Touch 4G public static final String DEVICE_GTI9300 = "GT-I9300"; // Samsung Galaxy S3 public static final String DEVICE_D2SPR = "d2spr"; // Samsung Galaxy S3 (Sprint) public static final String DEVICE_D2USC = "d2usc"; // Samsung Galaxy S3 (USC) public static final String DEVICE_D2TMO = "d2tmo"; // Samsung Galaxy S3 (TMO) public static final String DEVICE_D2ATT = "d2att"; // Samsung Galaxy S3 (AT&T) public static final String DEVICE_D2VZW = "d2vzw"; // Samsung Galaxy S3 (Verizon) public static final String DEVICE_T0LTESPR = "t0ltespr"; // Sprint Note 2 public static final String DEVICE_GalaxyS4 = "jfltexx"; //Samsung Galaxy S4 public static final String DEVICE_JFLTEATT = "jflteatt"; //Samsung Galaxy S4 (AT&T) public static final String DEVICE_JFLTETMO = "jfltetmo"; //Samsung Galaxy S4 (TMO) public static final String DEVICE_JFLTESPR = "jfltespr"; // Samsung Galaxy S4 (SPR) public static final String DEVICE_JFLTEVZW = "jfltevzw"; //Samsung Galaxy S4 (VZW) public static final String DEVICE_JFLTECAN = "jfltecan"; //Samsung Galaxy S4 (CAN) public static final String DEVICE_JFLTEUSC = "jflteusc"; //Samsung Galaxy S4 (USC) public static final String DEVICE_SUPERSONIC = "supersonic"; // HTC Evo 4G (Supersonic) public static final String DEVICE_SHOOTER = "shooter"; // HTC EVO 3D public static final String DEVICE_SHOOTERU = "shooteru"; // HTC EVO 3D int public static final String DEVICE_PYRAMID = "pyramid"; // public static final String DEVICE_VIGOR = "vigor"; // HTC Rezound / Vigor (LTE/CDMA/GSM) public static final String DEVICE_THUNDERC = "thunderc"; // LG Optimus S public static final String DEVICE_BRAVO = "bravo"; // HTC Desire (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_BRAVOC = "bravoc"; // HTC Desire (CDMA) public static final String DEVICE_MECHA = "mecha"; // HTC Thunderbolt / Mecha (LTE/CDMA) public static final String DEVICE_SAPPHIRE = "sapphire"; // HTC Magic public static final String DEVICE_DREAM = "dream"; // HTC Dream public static final String DEVICE_HERO = "hero"; // HTC Hero (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_HEROC = "heroc"; // HTC Hero (CDMA) /* TI WiLink hostapd Devices */ // Motorola OMAP3 WiLink6 Devices public static final String DEVICE_DROID2WE = "cdma_droid2we"; // Motorola Droid2 Global (DualBand) public static final String DEVICE_UMTSJORDAN = "umts_jordan"; // Motorola Defy (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_CDMASHOLES = "cdma_sholes"; // Motorola Droid (CDMA) public static final String DEVICE_UMTSSHOLES = "umts_sholes"; // Motorola Milestone (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_CDMASHADOW = "cdma_shadow"; // Motorola DroidX (CDMA) public static final String DEVICE_UMTSSHADOW = "umts_shadow"; // Motorola MilestoneX (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_CDMADROID2 = "cdma_droid2"; // Motorola Droid2 (CDMA) public static final String DEVICE_UMTSDROID2 = "umts_droid2"; // Motorola Milestone2 (GSM) public static final String DEVICE_CDMAVENUS2 = "cdma_venus2"; // Motorola Droid Pro (CDMA) public static final String DEVICE_UMTSVENUS2 = "umts_venus2"; // Motorola Milestone Plus (GSM) // Motorola OMAP4 WiLink7 Devices public static final String DEVICE_EDISON = "edison"; // Motorola Atrix 2 public static final String DEVICE_CDMATARGA = "cdma_targa"; // Motorola Droid Bionic public static final String DEVICE_CDMASOLANA = "cdma_solana"; // Motorola Droid 3 public static final String DEVICE_UMTSSOLANA = "umts_solana"; // Motorola Milestone 3 public static final String DEVICE_CDMASPYDER = "cdma_spyder"; // Motorola Droid RAZR (CDMA/LTE) public static final String DEVICE_UMTSSPYDER = "umts_spyder"; // Motorola Droid RAZR (GSM) // LG OMAP3 WiLink6 Devices public static final String DEVICE_LS855 = "ls855"; // LG Marquee public static final String DEVICE_LU3000 = "ls3000"; // LG Optimus Mach public static final String DEVICE_P970 = "p970"; // LG Optimus Black public static final String DEVICE_P970G = "p970g"; // LG Optimus Black // LG OMAP4 WiLink7 Devices public static final String DEVICE_P920 = "p920"; // LG Optimus 3D public static final String DEVICE_P925 = "p925"; // LG Thrill (AT&T) public static final String DEVICE_P925G = "p925g"; // LG Thrill (Rogers Canada) // Samsung OMAP3 WiLink6 Devices public static final String DEVICE_GALAXYSL = "galaxysl"; // Samsung Galaxy SL // Generic WiLink7 public static final String DEVICE_RUBY = "ruby"; // HTC Amaze private String device = DEVICE_GENERIC; private int sdk = 0; private boolean wextSupported = false; private boolean hostapdSupported = false; private boolean softapSupported = false; private boolean softapSamsungSupported = false; private boolean netdSupported = false; private boolean netdNdcSupported = false; private boolean tiadhocSupported = false; private boolean autoInternalNetSetup = false; private boolean frameworkTetherSupported = true; // wext-values private String wextInterface = ""; // hostapd-values private String hostapdPath = ""; private String hostapdKernelModulePath = ""; private String hostapdKernelModuleName = ""; private String hostapdInterface = ""; private String hostapdTemplate = ""; private String hostapdLoaderCmd = ""; // netd-values private String netdInterface = ""; // softap-values private String softapInterface = ""; private String softapFirmwarePath = ""; private String tiadhocInterface = ""; // Encryption-type for netd and softap private String encryptionIdentifier = "wep"; private String opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Setup-method which should be used if "auto" is selected private String autoSetupMethod = "wext"; private boolean genericSetupSection = true; private boolean wifiFinalDriverLoad = false; //TODO: hack driver reload outside tether private static String wifiLoadCmd = "none"; private static String wifiUnloadCmd = "none"; private static String wifiFinalLoadCmd = "none"; public Configuration() { this.device = android.os.Build.DEVICE; //NativeTask.getProp("ro.product.device"); this.sdk = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; //Integer.parseInt(NativeTask.getProp("ro.build.version.sdk")); Log.d(MSG_TAG, "Device [ Model / SDK ] *Auto_Detected*: " + this.device + " / " + this.sdk); this.setupDevice(); } @SuppressLint("NewApi") public Configuration(String device) { this.device = device; this.sdk = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; //Integer.parseInt(NativeTask.getProp("ro.build.version.sdk")); Log.d(MSG_TAG, "Device [ Model / SDK ] *User_Selected*: " + this.device + " / " + this.sdk); this.setupDevice(); } private void setupDevice() { // ZTE Blade if (device.equals(DEVICE_BLADE)) { this.setupBlade(); } // Nexus One else if (device.equals(DEVICE_PASSION)) { this.setupSoftapGoogle(); } // Samsung Galaxy S else if (device.equals(DEVICE_GTI9000)) { this.setupGTI9000(); } // Samsung Galaxy S2/Epic Touch else if (device.equals(DEVICE_GTI9100) || device.equals(DEVICE_SPHD710)) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_ICS) // 14 is ICS this.setupGenericNetdWlan0(); else this.setupGTI9100(); } // Samsung Galaxy S else if (device.equals(DEVICE_CRESPO) || device.equals(DEVICE_CRESPO4G)) { this.setupGenericNetdWlan0(); } // Samsung Galaxy Nexus else if (device.equals(DEVICE_MAGURO) || device.equals(DEVICE_TORO)) { this.setupGenericNetdWlan0(); } // Samsung Galaxy S3 ish devices else if (device.equals(DEVICE_GTI9300) || device.equals(DEVICE_D2SPR) || device.equals(DEVICE_D2USC) || device.equals(DEVICE_D2TMO) || device.equals(DEVICE_D2ATT) || device.equals(DEVICE_D2VZW) || device.equals(DEVICE_T0LTESPR)) { this.setupGenericNetdWlan0(); } // Samsung Galaxy S4 ish devices else if (device.equals(DEVICE_GalaxyS4) || device.equals(DEVICE_JFLTEATT) || device.equals(DEVICE_JFLTETMO) || device.equals(DEVICE_JFLTESPR) || device.equals(DEVICE_JFLTEVZW) || device.equals(DEVICE_JFLTEVZW) || device.equals(DEVICE_JFLTEUSC)) { this.setupGS4(); } // LG Optimus S else if (device.equals(DEVICE_THUNDERC)) { this.setupThunderc(); } else if (device.equals(DEVICE_BRAVOC) || device.equals(DEVICE_BRAVO) || device.equals(DEVICE_SUPERSONIC) || device.equals(DEVICE_SHOOTER) || device.equals(DEVICE_SHOOTERU) || device.equals(DEVICE_PYRAMID) || device.equals(DEVICE_MECHA)) { this.setupSoftapHTC(); } else if (device.equals(DEVICE_DREAM) || device.equals(DEVICE_SAPPHIRE) || device.equals(DEVICE_HERO) || device.equals(DEVICE_HEROC)) { this.setupTiAdhoc(); } else if (device.equals(DEVICE_SGHI897) || device.equals(DEVICE_SCHI500) || device.equals(DEVICE_SCHI510) || //device.equals(DEVICE_SPHD700) || device.equals(DEVICE_SCHR910)) { this.setupSoftapSamsung(); } // LG OMAP3 WiLink6 w/Samsung Galaxy SL else if (device.equals(DEVICE_LS855) || device.equals(DEVICE_LU3000) || device.equals(DEVICE_P970) || device.equals(DEVICE_P970G) || device.equals(DEVICE_GALAXYSL)) { this.setupHostapLGomap3(); } // LG OMAP4 WiLink7 else if (device.equals(DEVICE_P920) || device.equals(DEVICE_P925) || device.equals(DEVICE_P925G)) { this.setupHostapLGomap4(); } // Motorola OMAP3 WiLink6 Devices else if (device.equals(DEVICE_DROID2WE) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSSHOLES) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSJORDAN) || device.equals(DEVICE_CDMASHADOW) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSSHADOW) || device.equals(DEVICE_CDMADROID2) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSDROID2) || device.equals(DEVICE_CDMAVENUS2) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSVENUS2)) { this.setupHostapMotOMAP3(); } // Motorola OMAP4 WiLink7 Devices else if (device.equals(DEVICE_EDISON) || device.equals(DEVICE_CDMATARGA) || device.equals(DEVICE_CDMASOLANA) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSSOLANA) || device.equals(DEVICE_CDMASPYDER) || device.equals(DEVICE_UMTSSPYDER)) { this.setupHostapMotOMAP4(); } // Generic WiLink else if (device.equals(DEVICE_RUBY)) { this.setupHostapGenWiLink7(); } else if (device.equals(DEVICE_GENERIC_ICS)) { this.setupGenericNetdWlan0(); } else if (device.equals(DEVICE_GENERIC_ICS_WLAN1)) { this.setupGenericNetdWlan1(); } else if (device.equals(DEVICE_VIGOR)) { this.setupNetdHTCRezound(); } else { // HTC Generic if ((new File("/vendor/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin").exists() || new File("/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin").exists()) && new File("/system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko").exists()) { this.setupSoftapHTC(); } // Motorola OMAP3 WiLink6 Catcher else if ((new File("/system/bin/Hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/wlan_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/fw_tiwlan_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.setupHostapMotOMAP3(); } // Motorola OMAP4 WiLink7 Catcher else if ((new File("/system/bin/Hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/fw_wlan1281_AP.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.setupHostapMotOMAP4(); } // LG OMAP3 WiLink6 Catcher else if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/firmware_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.setupHostapLGomap3(); } // LG OMAP4 WiLink7 Catcher else if ((new File("/system/bin/hostap")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/firmware_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.setupHostapLGomap4(); } // Generic WiLink Catcher else if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/firmware_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.setupHostapGenWiLink7(); } else { this.setupGeneric(); } } } /** * TI-ADHOC - used for sapphire, dream, hero, heroc */ private void setupTiAdhoc() { this.wextSupported = false; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = true; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.tiadhocInterface = "tiwlan0"; this.genericSetupSection = true; this.autoSetupMethod = "tiwlan0"; } /** * ZTE BLADE */ private void setupBlade() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "wlan0"; // hostapd support if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/hostapd"; this.hostapdInterface = "wlan0"; this.hostapdTemplate = "mini"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "disabled"; } else { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; } this.netdInterface = "wlap0"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Kernel-Module this.hostapdKernelModulePath = "/system/wifi/ar6000.ko"; this.hostapdKernelModuleName = "ar6000"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * Passion aka Nexus One */ private void setupSoftapGoogle() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = true; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.autoInternalNetSetup = true; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "wl0.1"; this.softapInterface = "wl0.1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; if (new File("/vendor/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin"; } else if (new File("/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin"; } this.autoSetupMethod = "softap"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { //this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; this.netdNdcSupported = true; } } /** * HTC Rezound */ private void setupNetdHTCRezound() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.autoInternalNetSetup = true; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; if (sdk >= SDK_ICS) { // Vigor on ICS //ICS this.wextInterface = "wlan0"; this.netdInterface = "wlan0"; this.softapInterface = "wlan0"; if ((new File("/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4330_apsta_b1.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/lib/modules/bcmdhd.ko")).exists() == true) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4330_apsta_b1.bin"; } //} else if (sdk >= SDK_GB) { //} } else { // Vigor on GB or who knows lets try GB anyway.... There was never a stock less than GB for Vigor this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "eth0"; this.softapInterface = "wlan0"; if ((new File("/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko")).exists() == true) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin"; } } this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; //this.autoSetupMethod = "softap"; this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { this.netdNdcSupported = true; } } /** * Bravo - HTC Desire (GSM), Bravoc - HTC Desire (CDMA) */ private void setupSoftapHTC() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = true; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = true; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "wlan0"; this.netdInterface = "wlan0"; this.softapInterface = "eth0"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; if (new File("/system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin"; } else if (new File("/vendor/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin"; } else if (new File("/system/etc/firmware/bcm4329.hcd").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/system/etc/firmware/bcm4329.hcd"; } if(this.device.equals(Configuration.DEVICE_SHOOTER) || this.device.equals(Configuration.DEVICE_SHOOTERU)){ //this.wifiLoadCmd = "rmmod bcm4329;rmmod bcmdhd;insmod /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin nvram_path=/proc/calibration iface_name=wlan0\";insmod /system/lib/modules/bcmdhd.ko"; //this.wifiUnloadCmd = "rmmod bcm4329;rmmod bcmdhd;insmod /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329_sta.bin nvram_path=/proc/calibration iface_name=wlan0\";insmod /system/lib/modules/bcmdhd.ko"; this.wifiFinalDriverLoad = true; Configuration.wifiLoadCmd = "insmod /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko \"nvram_path=/proc/calibration iface_name=wlan0\""; Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = "rmmod bcm4329"; Configuration.wifiFinalLoadCmd = "insmod /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko \"nvram_path=/proc/calibration iface_name=wlan0\""; this.softapInterface = "wlan0"; } this.autoSetupMethod = "softap"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * HTC Amaze */ private void setupHostapGenWiLink7() { this.wextSupported = false; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "tiwlan0"; // hostapd support if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/firmware_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/hostapd"; this.hostapdInterface = "tiap0"; //this.hostapdTemplate = "tiap"; TODO this.hostapdTemplate = "droi"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "/system/bin/tiap_loader tiap0 -f /system/etc/wifi/firmware_ap.bin -e /proc/calibration -i /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini"; } this.netdInterface = ""; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Kernel-Module this.hostapdKernelModulePath = "/system/lib/modules/tiap_drv.ko"; this.hostapdKernelModuleName = "tiap_drv"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * Motorola DroidX (CDMA), Droid2 (CDMA) */ private void setupHostapMotOMAP3() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "tiwlan0"; // hostapd support if ((new File("/system/bin/Hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/wlan_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/fw_tiwlan_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/Hostapd"; this.hostapdInterface = "tiwlan0"; this.hostapdTemplate = "droi"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "/system/bin/wlan_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/fw_tiwlan_ap.bin -i /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini -e /pds/wifi/nvs_map.bin"; } else { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; } this.netdInterface = "wlan1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Kernel-Module this.hostapdKernelModulePath = "/system/lib/modules/tiap_drv.ko"; this.hostapdKernelModuleName = "tiap_drv"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_ICS) { this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; } if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { this.netdNdcSupported = true; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_ICS) { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; } } } /** * Motorola Targa */ private void setupHostapMotOMAP4() { this.wextSupported = false; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "tiwlan0"; // hostapd support if ((new File("/system/bin/Hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/fw_wlan1281_AP.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/Hostapd"; this.hostapdInterface = "tiap0"; this.hostapdTemplate = "droi"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "/system/bin/tiap_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/fw_wlan1281_AP.bin -i /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan_ap.ini -e /pds/wifi/nvs_map.bin"; } else { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; } this.netdInterface = "wlan1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Kernel-Module this.hostapdKernelModulePath = "/system/lib/modules/tiap_drv.ko"; this.hostapdKernelModuleName = "tiap_drv"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_ICS) { this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; } if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { this.netdNdcSupported = true; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_ICS) { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; } } } /** * Samsung Generic */ private void setupSoftapSamsung() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "wl0.1"; this.softapInterface = "wl0.1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wep"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; if (new File("/etc/wifi/bcm4329_aps.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/wifi/bcm4329_aps.bin"; this.autoSetupMethod = "softap_samsung"; this.softapSamsungSupported = true; this.netdSupported = false; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; } this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * Samsung Galaxy Nexus */ private void setupGenericNetdWlan0() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = true; this.softapSamsungSupported = true; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = true; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "wlan0"; this.netdInterface = "wlan0"; this.softapInterface = "wlan0"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.genericSetupSection = true; //hostapd mode might work if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/hostapd"; this.hostapdInterface = "wlan0"; this.hostapdTemplate = "mini"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "rmmod dhd;insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; } //Check for wifi firmware - gs3/tab2 models use this if ((new File("/system/lib/modules/dhd.ko").exists()) || (new File("/lib/modules/dhd.ko").exists())) { //idk if softap would work this.softapFirmwarePath = "/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin_b2"; //gs3 / tab2 stuff - tab2 uses /lib if(new File("/system/lib/modules/dhd.ko").exists()){ this.wifiFinalDriverLoad = true; //this.wifiLoadCmd = "rmmod dhd;insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; Configuration.wifiLoadCmd = "insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = "/system/bin/rmmod dhd"; Configuration.wifiFinalLoadCmd = "/system/bin/mfgloader -l /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko"; }else if(new File("/lib/modules/dhd.ko").exists()){ this.wifiFinalDriverLoad = true; //this.wifiLoadCmd ="rmmod dhd;insmod /lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; Configuration.wifiLoadCmd = "insmod /lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = "/system/bin/rmmod dhd"; Configuration.wifiFinalLoadCmd = "/system/bin/mfgloader -l /lib/modules/dhd.ko"; } } else { this.softapFirmwarePath = ""; } if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_JB) { this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; } this.netdNdcSupported = true; } } //TODO:S4 stuff /** * Samsung GS4 */ private void setupGS4() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.hostapdSupported = true; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "wlan0"; this.netdInterface = "wlan0"; this.softapInterface = "wlan0"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.genericSetupSection = true; //hostapd mode might work if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/hostapd"; this.hostapdInterface = "wlan0"; this.wifiFinalDriverLoad = true; this.hostapdTemplate = "mini"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "rmmod dhd;insmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = "/system/bin/rmmod dhd"; Configuration.wifiFinalLoadCmd = "insmod system/lib/modules/dhd.ko \"firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt\""; } } private void setupGenericNetdWlan1() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "wlan1"; this.netdInterface = "wlan1"; this.softapInterface = "wlan1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; this.softapFirmwarePath = ""; this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_JB) { this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; } this.netdNdcSupported = true; } } /** * Samsung Galaxy S *//* private void setupNetdSamsung() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "wl0.1"; this.softapInterface = "wl0.1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/wifi/bcm4329_aps.bin"; this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } */ /** * Samsung Galaxy S */ private void setupGTI9000() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = true; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "wl0.1"; this.softapInterface = "wl0.1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/wifi/bcm4329_aps.bin"; Configuration.wifiLoadCmd = "none"; Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = "/system/bin/mfgloader -u;/system/bin/rmmod dhd"; this.autoSetupMethod = "softap"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_JB) { this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; } this.netdNdcSupported = true; } } /** * Samsung Galaxy S2 SoftAP */ private void setupGTI9100() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = true; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.netdNdcSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "wl0.1"; this.softapInterface = "wl0.1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; if (new File("/system/vendor/firmware/bcm4330_aps.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/system/vendor/firmware/bcm4330_aps.bin"; } else if (new File("/system/etc/wifi/bcm4330_aps.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/system/etc/wifi/bcm4330_aps.bin"; } else if (new File("/etc/wifi/bcm4330_aps.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/wifi/bcm4330_aps.bin"; } //this.wifiLoadCmd = "/system/bin/insmod /lib/modules/dhd.ko firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcm4330_aps.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt"; //this.wifiUnloadCmd = "/system/bin/rmmod dhd"; Configuration.wifiLoadCmd = "none"; Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = "/system/bin/mfgloader -u;/system/bin/rmmod dhd"; this.autoSetupMethod = "netd"; this.genericSetupSection = true; if ((new File("/system/bin/ndc").exists())) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= SDK_JB) { this.autoSetupMethod = "netdndc"; } this.netdNdcSupported = true; } } /** * LG Optimus S - thunderc */ private void setupThunderc() { this.wextSupported = true; this.softapSupported = true; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "eth0"; this.netdInterface = "wl0.1"; this.softapInterface = "wl0.1"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa2-psk"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; if (new File("/etc/wl/rtecdc-apsta.bin").exists()) { this.softapFirmwarePath = "/etc/wl/rtecdc-apsta.bin"; this.autoSetupMethod = "softap"; this.softapSupported = true; this.netdSupported = true; } else { this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; this.softapSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; } this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * LG OMAP3 WiLink6 */ private void setupHostapLGomap3() { this.wextSupported = false; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "tiwlan0"; // hostapd support if ((new File("/system/bin/hostapd")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/firmware_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/hostap"; this.hostapdInterface = "tiap0"; this.hostapdTemplate = "droi"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "/system/bin/tiap_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/softap/firmware_ap.bin -i /system/etc/wifi/softap/tiwlan_ap.ini -e /data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin"; } else { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; } this.netdInterface = "tiap0"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Kernel-Module this.hostapdKernelModulePath = "/system/etc/wifi/softap/tiap_drv.ko"; this.hostapdKernelModuleName = "tiap_drv"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * LG OMAP4 WiLink7 */ private void setupHostapLGomap4() { this.wextSupported = false; this.softapSupported = false; this.softapSamsungSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.wextInterface = "tiwlan0"; // hostapd support if ((new File("/system/bin/hostap")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/bin/tiap_loader")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/firmware_ap.bin")).exists() == true && (new File("/system/etc/wifi/softap/tiwlan_ap.ini")).exists() == true) { this.hostapdSupported = true; this.hostapdPath = "/system/bin/hostap"; this.hostapdInterface = "tiap0"; this.hostapdTemplate = "droi"; this.autoSetupMethod = "hostapd"; this.hostapdLoaderCmd = "/system/bin/tiap_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/softap/firmware_ap.bin -i /system/etc/wifi/softap/tiwlan_ap.ini -e /data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin"; } else { this.hostapdSupported = false; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; } this.netdInterface = "tiap0"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wpa"; this.opennetworkIdentifier = "open"; // Kernel-Module this.hostapdKernelModulePath = "/system/etc/wifi/softap/tiap_drv.ko"; this.hostapdKernelModuleName = "tiap_drv"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } /** * GENERIC */ private void setupGeneric() { this.wextSupported = true; this.hostapdSupported = false; this.softapSupported = false; this.netdSupported = false; this.tiadhocSupported = false; this.frameworkTetherSupported = true; this.autoSetupMethod = "wext"; this.encryptionIdentifier = "wep"; this.genericSetupSection = true; } // =========================================================================== public String getDevice() { return device; } public boolean isTiadhocSupported() { return tiadhocSupported; } public String getTiadhocInterface() { return tiadhocInterface; } public boolean isWextSupported() { return wextSupported; } public boolean isHostapdSupported() { return hostapdSupported; } public boolean isSoftapSupported() { return softapSupported; } public boolean isSoftapSamsungSupported() { return softapSamsungSupported; } public boolean isNetdSupported() { return netdSupported; } public boolean isNetdNdcSupported() { return netdNdcSupported; } public String getWextInterface() { return wextInterface; } public String getHostapdPath() { return hostapdPath; } public String getHostapdTemplate() { return hostapdTemplate; } public synchronized String getHostapdKernelModuleName() { return hostapdKernelModuleName; } public String getHostapdKernelModulePath() { return hostapdKernelModulePath; } public String getHostapdInterface() { return hostapdInterface; } public String getNetdInterface() { return netdInterface; } public String getSoftapInterface() { return softapInterface; } public String getEncryptionIdentifier() { return encryptionIdentifier; } public String getOpennetworkIdentifier() { return opennetworkIdentifier; } public boolean doWifiFinalDriverLoad() { return wifiFinalDriverLoad; } public boolean isFrameworkTetherSupported() { return frameworkTetherSupported; } public boolean isAutoInternalNetSetup() { return autoInternalNetSetup; } public void setAutoInternalConfig(boolean autoInternalConfig) { this.autoInternalNetSetup = autoInternalConfig; } public boolean isGenericSetupSection() { return genericSetupSection; } public String getSoftapFirmwarePath() { return softapFirmwarePath; } public String getAutoSetupMethod() { return autoSetupMethod; } public String getHostapdLoaderCmd() { return hostapdLoaderCmd; } //TODO: hack for loading driver outside tether public static String getWifiLoadCmd() { return wifiLoadCmd; } public void setWifiLoadCmd(String wifiLoadCmd) { Configuration.wifiLoadCmd = wifiLoadCmd; } public static String getWifiUnloadCmd() { return wifiUnloadCmd; } public static String getWifiFinalloadCmd() { return wifiFinalLoadCmd; } public void setWifiUnloadCmd(String wifiUnloadCmd) { Configuration.wifiUnloadCmd = wifiUnloadCmd; } public static boolean hasKernelFeature(String feature) { BufferedReader in = null; FileInputStream fis = null; GZIPInputStream gzin = null; try { File cfg = new File("/proc/config.gz"); if (cfg.exists() == false) { return true; } fis = new FileInputStream(cfg); gzin = new GZIPInputStream(fis); String line = ""; in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(gzin)); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith(feature)) { return true; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { gzin.close(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Nothing } } return false; } }