// Display one line image= cv::imread("road.jpg",0); int n=0; cv::line(image, cv::Point(li[n][0],li[n][1]),cv::Point(li[n][2],li[n][3]),cv::Scalar(255),5); cv::namedWindow("One line of the Image"); cv::imshow("One line of the Image",image); cv::imwrite("One line of the Image.jpg",image); // Extract the contour pixels of the first detected line cv::Mat oneline(image.size(),CV_8U,cv::Scalar(0)); cv::line(oneline, cv::Point(li[n][0],li[n][1]),cv::Point(li[n][2],li[n][3]),cv::Scalar(255),5); cv::bitwise_and(contours,oneline,oneline); cv::Mat onelineInv; cv::threshold(oneline,onelineInv,128,255,cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV); cv::namedWindow("One line"); cv::imshow("One line",onelineInv); cv::imwrite("One line.jpg",onelineInv);One line of the Image.jpg
One line.jpg
std::vector<cv::Point> points; // Iterate over the pixels to obtain all point positions for( int y = 0; y < oneline.rows; y++ ) { uchar* rowPtr = oneline.ptr<uchar>(y); for( int x = 0; x < oneline.cols; x++ ) { // if on a contour if (rowPtr[x]) { points.push_back(cv::Point(x,y)); } } }最后通过opencv提供的cv::fitLine函数,进行直线拟合,
cv::Vec4f line; cv::fitLine(cv::Mat(points),line,CV_DIST_L2,0,0.01,0.01); std::cout << "line: (" << line[0] << "," << line[1] << ")(" << line[2] << "," << line[3] << ")\n"; int x0= line[2]; int y0= line[3]; int x1= x0-200*line[0]; int y1= y0-200*line[1]; image= cv::imread("road.jpg",0); cv::line(image,cv::Point(x0,y0),cv::Point(x1,y1),cv::Scalar(0),3); cv::namedWindow("Estimated line"); cv::imshow("Estimated line",image);
//! retrieves contours and the hierarchical information from black-n-white image. CV_EXPORTS_W void findContours( InputOutputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, OutputArray hierarchy, int mode, int method, Point offset=Point()); //! retrieves contours from black-n-white image. CV_EXPORTS void findContours( InputOutputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, int mode, int method, Point offset=Point());函数使用实例:
// Get the contours of the connected components std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours; cv::findContours(image, contours, // a vector of contours CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, // retrieve the external contours CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); // retrieve all pixels of each contoursint mode:
CV_RETR_EXTERNAL: 只对轮廓外面检索,内部洞的检索忽略(上面的图)
CV_RETR_LIST, // retrieve all contours :对所有轮廓检索(下面的图)
int method:
OutputArray hierarchy: 当轮廓检测选择CV_RETR_LIST,时,轮廓中有小洞,这是就可以建立等级,大轮廓包含小轮廓的等级。
// draw black contours on white image cv::Mat result(image.size(),CV_8U,cv::Scalar(255)); cv::drawContours(result,contours, -1, // draw all contours cv::Scalar(0), // in black 2); // with a thickness of 2
// Eliminate too short or too long contours 删除太长和太短的轮廓 int cmin= 100; // minimum contour length int cmax= 1000; // maximum contour length std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>>::const_iterator itc= contours.begin(); while (itc!=contours.end()) { if (itc->size() < cmin || itc->size() > cmax) itc= contours.erase(itc); else ++itc; } // draw contours on the original image cv::Mat original= cv::imread("group.jpg"); cv::drawContours(original,contours, -1, // draw all contours cv::Scalar(255,255,255), // in white 2); // with a thickness of 2 cv::namedWindow("Contours on Animals"); cv::imshow("Contours on Animals",original); cv::imwrite("Contours on Animals.jpg",original);程序结果:
bounding box:边界矩形,
enclosing circle:封闭圆
approximate polygon:近似多边形
convex hull:凸包 即形状最小的凸多边形
如:cv::minAreaRect 最小面积矩形,可以倾斜的在组件轮廓上选择矩阵面积最小的长和宽
cv::contourArea 估计组件的面积,即像素点的多少
cv::pointPolygonTest 判断一个点在轮廓里面还是外面
cv::matchShapes 测量两个组件轮廓的相似性
image= cv::imread("binaryGroup.bmp",0); // testing the bounding box cv::Rect r0= cv::boundingRect(cv::Mat(contours[0])); cv::rectangle(result,r0,cv::Scalar(0),2); // testing the enclosing circle float radius; cv::Point2f center; cv::minEnclosingCircle(cv::Mat(contours[1]),center,radius); cv::circle(result,cv::Point(center),static_cast<int>(radius),cv::Scalar(0),2); // cv::RotatedRect rrect= cv::fitEllipse(cv::Mat(contours[1])); // cv::ellipse(result,rrect,cv::Scalar(0),2); // testing the approximate polygon std::vector<cv::Point> poly; cv::approxPolyDP(cv::Mat(contours[2]),poly,5,true); std::cout << "Polygon size: " << poly.size() << std::endl; // Iterate over each segment and draw it std::vector<cv::Point>::const_iterator itp= poly.begin(); while (itp!=(poly.end()-1)) { cv::line(result,*itp,*(itp+1),cv::Scalar(0),2); ++itp; } // last point linked to first point cv::line(result,*(poly.begin()),*(poly.end()-1),cv::Scalar(20),2); // testing the convex hull std::vector<cv::Point> hull; cv::convexHull(cv::Mat(contours[3]),hull); // Iterate over each segment and draw it std::vector<cv::Point>::const_iterator it= hull.begin(); while (it!=(hull.end()-1)) { cv::line(result,*it,*(it+1),cv::Scalar(0),2); ++it; } // last point linked to first point cv::line(result,*(hull.begin()),*(hull.end()-1),cv::Scalar(20),2); // testing the moments // iterate over all contours itc= contours.begin(); while (itc!=contours.end()) { // compute all moments cv::Moments mom= cv::moments(cv::Mat(*itc++)); // draw mass center cv::circle(result, // position of mass center converted to integer cv::Point(mom.m10/mom.m00,mom.m01/mom.m00), 2,cv::Scalar(0),2); // draw black dot } cv::namedWindow("Some Shape descriptors"); cv::imshow("Some Shape descriptors",result); cv::imwrite("Some Shape descriptors.jpg",result); // New call to findContours but with CV_RETR_LIST flag image= cv::imread("binaryGroup.bmp",0); // Get the contours of the connected components cv::findContours(image, contours, // a vector of contours CV_RETR_LIST, // retrieve the external and internal contours CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); // retrieve all pixels of each contours // draw black contours on white image result.setTo(cv::Scalar(255)); cv::drawContours(result,contours, -1, // draw all contours cv::Scalar(0), // in black 2); // with a thickness of 2 cv::namedWindow("All Contours"); cv::imshow("All Contours",result); cv::imwrite("All Contours.jpg",result);程序结果: