2.asm-linux-gnueabihf是GNU提供的编译器,ubuntu可以直接sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf下载。DS-5提供该编译器。
3.asm-linux-gnueabi是GNU提供的编译器,ubuntu可以直接sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi。
2.安装./arm-2010q1-202-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin。如果不能运行,使用chmod 755 .。设置一下可以执行。如果提示不能安装,看清楚,选个Y或者N就能安装了。
$gedit ~/.bashrc
export PATH="/opt/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH"
$ source /.bashrc
6 测试安装结果 输入
提示NO input file ,
# TrustZone Example Makefile # # Copyright (C) ARM Limited, 2011. All rights reserved. # # This makefile is intended for use with GNU make # This example is intended to be built with the ARM Compiler armcc TARGET=TrustZone-versatile.axf CC=armcc AS=armasm LD=armlink AR=armar FE=fromelf # Select build rules based on Windows or Unix ifdef WINDIR DONE=@if exist $(1) echo Build completed. RM=if exist $(1) del /q $(1) SHELL=$(WINDIR)\system32\cmd.exe else ifdef windir DONE=@if exist $(1) echo Build completed. RM=if exist $(1) del /q $(1) SHELL=$(windir)\system32\cmd.exe else DONE=@if [ -f $(1) ]; then echo Build completed.; fi RM=rm -f $(1) endif endif all: $(TARGET) $(call DONE,$(TARGET)) rebuild: clean all clean: $(call RM,*.o) $(call RM,$(TARGET)) $(TARGET): startup_normal.s main_normal.c scatter_normal.scat startup_secure.s main_secure.c bp147_tzpc.c bp147_tzpc.h monitor.s scatter_secure.scat # Assemble common routines $(AS) -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp v7.s -o v7.o # Compile normal world code $(AS) -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp startup_normal.s -o startup_normal.o $(CC) -c -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp -O1 main_normal.c -o main_normal.o # Link normal world code and create binary $(LD) main_normal.o startup_normal.o v7.o --scatter=scatter_normal.scat --entry=normalStart -o normal.axf $(FE) --bin -o normal.bin normal.axf # Compile secure world code $(AS) -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp startup_secure.s -o startup_secure.o $(CC) -c -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp -O1 main_secure.c -o main_secure.o $(CC) -c -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp -O1 bp147_tzpc.c -o bp147_tzpc.o $(AS) -g --cpu=Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp monitor.s -o monitor.o # Link final executable (secure + normal) $(LD) main_secure.o startup_secure.o v7.o monitor.o bp147_tzpc.o --scatter=scatter_secure.scat --entry=secureStart --keep="startup_secure.o(NORMAL_IMAGE)" -o $(TARGET)
# C Application Example for ARM Linux # # Copyright (C) ARM Limited, 2007-2012. All rights reserved. # This makefile is intended for use with GNU make # # This project can be built as hard-float ABI or full software floating point ABI: # FLOAT = hf # or # FLOAT = soft FLOAT = soft TARGET = hello ifeq ($(strip $(FLOAT)),hf) ABI = -marm -mfloat-abi=hard else ABI = -marm -march=armv4t -mfloat-abi=soft endif CC_OPTS = -c -O1 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer $(ABI) OBJS = hello.o STRIPPED_DIR = stripped ########################################################################## CPP = arm-linux-gnueabihf-c++ CC = arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc AR = arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar STRIP_APP = arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip -R .comment --strip-all STRIP_LIB = arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip -R .comment --strip-unneeded # Select build rules based on Windows or Linux ifdef WINDIR # Building on Windows RPATH=$$ORIGIN WINPATH=$(subst /,\,$(1)) DONE=@if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) echo Build completed. define REAL_RM if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) del /q $(call WINPATH,$(1)) endef RM=$(foreach file,$(1),$(call REAL_RM,$(file))) SHELL=$(windir)\system32\cmd.exe MD=if not exist $(1) mkdir $(1) CP=copy else ifdef windir # Building on Windows RPATH=$$ORIGIN WINPATH=$(subst /,\,$(1)) DONE=@if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) echo Build completed. define REAL_RM if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) del /q $(call WINPATH,$(1)) endef RM=$(foreach file,$(1),$(call REAL_RM,$(file))) SHELL=$(windir)\system32\cmd.exe MD=if not exist $(1) mkdir $(1) CP=copy else # Building on Linux RPATH='$$ORIGIN' DONE=@if [ -f $(1) ]; then echo Build completed.; fi RM=rm -f $(1) MD=@if [ ! -d $(1) ]; then mkdir $(1); fi CP=cp endif endif ########################################################################## all: $(TARGET) $(call DONE,$(TARGET)) rebuild: clean all clean: $(call RM,$(OBJS)) $(call RM,$(TARGET)) $(call RM,$(STRIPPED_DIR)/$(TARGET)) # Compile the sources $(OBJS): %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CC_OPTS) $< -o $@ # Link the objects together to create an executable # Strip the host/debug version to create a stripped/nodebug version for downloading to the target $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(call MD,$(STRIPPED_DIR)) $(CC) $(OBJS) -o $(TARGET) $(ABI) $(STRIP_APP) $(TARGET) -o $(STRIPPED_DIR)/$(TARGET)
# C Application Example for ARM Linux # # Copyright (C) ARM Limited, 2007-2012. All rights reserved. # This makefile is intended for use with GNU make # # This project can be built as hard-float ABI or full software floating point ABI: # FLOAT = hf # or # FLOAT = soft FLOAT = soft TARGET = hello ifeq ($(strip $(FLOAT)),hf) ABI = -marm -mfloat-abi=hard else ABI = -marm -march=armv4t -mfloat-abi=soft endif CC_OPTS = -c -O1 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer $(ABI) OBJS = hello.o STRIPPED_DIR = stripped ########################################################################## CPP = arm-linux-gnueabi-c++ CC = arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc AR = arm-linux-gnueabi-ar STRIP_APP = arm-linux-gnueabi-strip -R .comment --strip-all STRIP_LIB = arm-linux-gnueabi-strip -R .comment --strip-unneeded # Select build rules based on Windows or Linux ifdef WINDIR # Building on Windows RPATH=$$ORIGIN WINPATH=$(subst /,\,$(1)) DONE=@if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) echo Build completed. define REAL_RM if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) del /q $(call WINPATH,$(1)) endef RM=$(foreach file,$(1),$(call REAL_RM,$(file))) SHELL=$(windir)\system32\cmd.exe MD=if not exist $(1) mkdir $(1) CP=copy else ifdef windir # Building on Windows RPATH=$$ORIGIN WINPATH=$(subst /,\,$(1)) DONE=@if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) echo Build completed. define REAL_RM if exist $(call WINPATH,$(1)) del /q $(call WINPATH,$(1)) endef RM=$(foreach file,$(1),$(call REAL_RM,$(file))) SHELL=$(windir)\system32\cmd.exe MD=if not exist $(1) mkdir $(1) CP=copy else # Building on Linux RPATH='$$ORIGIN' DONE=@if [ -f $(1) ]; then echo Build completed.; fi RM=rm -f $(1) MD=@if [ ! -d $(1) ]; then mkdir $(1); fi CP=cp endif endif ########################################################################## all: $(TARGET) $(call DONE,$(TARGET)) rebuild: clean all clean: $(call RM,$(OBJS)) $(call RM,$(TARGET)) $(call RM,$(STRIPPED_DIR)/$(TARGET)) # Compile the sources $(OBJS): %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CC_OPTS) $< -o $@ # Link the objects together to create an executable # Strip the host/debug version to create a stripped/nodebug version for downloading to the target $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(call MD,$(STRIPPED_DIR)) $(CC) $(OBJS) -o $(TARGET) $(ABI) $(STRIP_APP) $(TARGET) -o $(STRIPPED_DIR)/$(TARGET)
# Build an ELF linux image BOOTLOADER = boot.S #KERNEL = ../../../kernel/linux-2.6.38-ael-11.06-patched/built/VE_V7/arch/arm/boot/Image IMAGE = ../normal.elf LD_SCRIPT = model.lds CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-linux-gnueabi- AS = $(CROSS_COMPILE)as -g LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld -g all: $(IMAGE) clean: rm -f $(IMAGE) boot.o $(IMAGE): boot.o $(LD_SCRIPT) $(KERNEL) $(LD) -o $@ --script=$(LD_SCRIPT) boot.o: $(BOOTLOADER) $(AS) -o $@ $<