

. Installation.

Unzip jad.zip file into any appropriate directory on your hard drive.
This will create two files:

    - an executable file named 'jad.exe' (Windows *)
      or 'jad' (*n*x)

    - this README file

No other setup is required.

2. How to use Jad

To decompile a single JAVA class file 'example1.class'
type the following:

     jad example1.class

This command creates file 'example1.jad' in the current directory.
If such file already exists Jad asks whether you want to overwrite it or not.
Option -o permits overwriting without a confirmation.

You can omit .class extension and/or use wildcards in the names of
input files.

Option -s <ext></ext>allows to change output file extension:

     jad -sjava example1.class

This command creates file 'example1.java'. Be careful when using
options -o and -sjava together, because Jad can accidentally overwrite
your own source files.

Jad uses JAVA class name as an output file name. For example, if class
file 'example1.class' contains JAVA class 'test1' then Jad will create
file 'test1.jad' rather than 'example1.jad'. If you want to specify
your own output file name use the output redirection:

   jad -p example1.class > myexm1.java

Option -d allows you to specify another directory for output files,
which are created, by default, in the current directory. For example:

   jad -o -dtest -sjava *.class

   (or jad -o -d test -s java *.class, which has the same effect)

This command decompiles all .class files in the current directory
and places all output files with extension .java into directory 'test'.

If you want to decompile the whole tree of JAVA classes,
use the following command:

   jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc tree/**/*.class

This command decompiles all .class files located in all
subdirectories of 'tree' and creates output files in subdirectories
of 'src' according to package names of classes. For example, if file
'tree/a/b/c.class' contains class 'c' from package 'a.b', then
output file will have a name 'src/a/b/c.java'.

Note the use of the "two stars" wildcard ('**') in the previous
command. It is handled by Jad rather than the command shell, so on
UNIX the last argument should be single-quoted:

   jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc 'tree/**/*.class'

In a case you want to check the accuracy of the decompilation or just
curious, there is an option -a which tells Jad to annotate the output
with JAVA Virtual Machine bytecodes.

Jad supports the inner and anonymous classes.
When Jad expands wildcards in the input file names,
it automatically skips matching inner classes.
On UNIX Jad skips inner classes if there is more than
one class specified in the command line.
Jad looks for inner classes in the directory of their top-level
container class.

