剑桥雅思3_Test 4 Reading Passage 1

1. implement  (v.) (strategy/ policy/ solution)

   implementation (n.)

e.g.: New solutions to this old problem are being implemented.

→enforce (laws)

e.g.: The police have the power to enforce anti-pollution laws.


2 . deteriorate v.恶化

deteriorate beyond reason.超出常理的恶化

e.g.It is feared that unless pollution reduction measures are able to keep pace with the continued pressures of urban growth, air quality in many of the world’s major cities will deteriorate beyond reason.


3.  authorities n.当局    campaign (n.  v.) 运动

e.g.Local authorities in London are campaigning to be allowed to enforce anti-pollution lows themselves; at present only the police have the power to do so, but they tend to be busy elsewhere. In Singapore, renting out toad space to users is the way of the future.


4. exhaust (n.) 尾气

   →traffic fumes

   → smog/ haze

   e.g.:the exhaust of 6000 vehicles

(v. )exhaust= use up/ deplete

 e.g.: exhaust the supply of oxygen


5. stationary(a.)



e.g.: a stationary car

   Wages have stagnated.

   The weather remains static for some time.


6. tendency = trend

e.g.: The effort to clean up cars may do little to cut pollution if nothing is done about the tendency to drive them more.


7. emission (n.)    emit (v.)

   e.g.: Fuel consumption and exhaust emission also depends on which cars are preferred by customers.


  The chimney discharged smoke.

 → release

  the contaminants released by spring melting


8. ease  (v.)

   ease congestion


9. congestion n.拥挤

e.g.:Increasing it would be an effective way of reducing emissions as well as easing congestion.


10. opposition  (n.)  oppose(v.)   opponent (n.)反对者

   The government faced ultimately successful opposition.

→object(v.)   objection (n.)

→critic      criticize



11. scope 范围

e.g. :The scope of the problem is immense.


12. immense adj.无穷的

e.g.The scope of the problem facing the world’s cities is immense.


13. pollutant污染物    contaminant

pollute    contaminate

   pollution   contamination


14. monitor  (v.)

monitor the exhausts of cars


15. vulnerable (adj.)

   e. g.: The old and the ill are the most vulnerable to the acute effects of heavily polluted stagnant air.

16. acute  (adj.) 严重的,急性的

   an acute lack of water

   acute diseases

   →chronic disease


17. linger v.徘徊,留恋,苟延残喘

e.g.It can actually hasten death, as it did in December 1991 when a cloud

of exhaust fumes lingered over the city of London for over a week.


18. in proportion with /to 和..成比例

    → out of proportion with/ to

    e.g.: Denmark played a role in the development of silent cinema quite out of proportion to their small population.

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