26 附加组件【Additional Components】

Apache Tomcat 6.0

附加组件【Additional Components

目录【Table of Contents
  • 简介【Introduction
  • 下载【Downloading
  • 构建【Building
  • 组件列表【Components list
    1. 完整通用日志实现【Full commons-logging implementation
    2. Web Service支持(JSR109)【Web Services support (JSR 109)


A number of additional third party components may be used with Apache Tomcat. These components may be built by users should they need them or they can be downloaded from one of the mirrors.


要下载这些组件,打开Tomcat 6下载页面,在Quick Navigation Links中选择"browse"。这些组件能够在bin/extras目录下找到
To down load the extras components open the Tomcat 6 download page and select "browse" from the Quick Navigation Links. The extras components can be found in bin/extras.


The additional components are built using the extras.xml Ant script which is present in the source bundle of Tomcat.

The build process is the following:

  • 根据构建说明使用源码构建Tomcat二进制文件(注意:这被用于构建,但实际使用中不需要这么做)
    Follow the build instructions to build a Tomcat binary from the source bundle (note: it will be used by the build process of the additional components, but does not need to be actually used later on)
  • 执行命令 ant -f extras.xml来进行构建
    Execute the command ant -f extras.xml to run the build script
  • 附加组件的Jar包放到output/extras目录下
    The additional components JARs will be placed in the output/extras folder
  • 附加组件Jar文件的使用参照组件内部说明
    Refer to the documentation below about the usage of these JARs
组件列表【Components list
完整通用日志实现【Full commons-logging implementation

Tomcat使用java.util.logging API重命名作为commons-logging API的实现。commons-logging附加组件构建一个成熟的commons-logging实现用以替换Tomcat默认实现。详细说明参照logging页面。
Tomcat uses a package renamed commons-logging API implementation which is hardcoded to use the java.util.logging API. The commons-logging additional component builds a full fledged package renames commons-logging implementation which can be used to replace the implementation provided with Tomcat. See the logging page for usage instructions.

Web Servcie支持【Web Services support (JSR 109)

Tomcat通过支持JSR109标准去提供对web service的支持。在Tomcat的lib目录下生成catalina-ws.jar与jaxpc.jar和wsdl4j.jar(或者其他JSR109的实现)是相同的。
Tomcat provides factories for JSR 109 which may be used to resolve web services references. Place the generated catalina-ws.jar as well as jaxrpc.jar and wsdl4j.jar (or another implementation of JSR 109) in the Tomcat lib folder.

需要了解的是wsdl4j.jar是基于CPL 1.0许可而不是APL 2.0许可的。
Users should be aware that wsdl4j.jar is licensed under CPL 1.0 and not the Apache License version 2.0.

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