
ft5x06-ts.idc/ft5x06-ts.kcm/ft5x06-ts.kl都在android/device/samsung/smdkv210 文件夹下,现在看看有什么用的


# Input Device Calibration File for the touch screen.

# Basic Parameters
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 1

# Size
# Based on empirical measurements, we estimate the size of the contact
# using size = sqrt(area) * 43 + 0.
touch.size.calibration = area
touch.size.scale = 43
touch.size.bias = 0
touch.size.isSummed = 0

# Pressure
# Driver reports signal strength as pressure.
# A normal thumb touch typically registers about 80 signal strength
# units although we don't expect these values to be accurate.
touch.pressure.calibration = amplitude
touch.pressure.scale = 0.0125

# Orientation
touch.orientation.calibration = none
