Block Communications between Wireless PCs (Privacy Separator)

The feature that Buffalo calls "Privacy Separator" is known to the rest of the world as "AP Isolation" or "Client Isolation", this feature is in DD-WRT and works well.

Block communications between wireless PCs via AirStation.

With a connection setup like that shown in the diagram below, setting this function will prevent computer A and computer B from communicating via AirStation.
(Computer C, which has a cable connection, can still communicate with computers A and B)

Even if you enable the Privacy Separator function, you will not be able to block communications between two PCs if there is even 1 section of cable connection between them.

For example, in the diagram below, even if the Privacy Separator function is enabled, computers C and A (as well as computers C and B) can still communicate. (This is because there is a cable connection between the two AirStations.)

Setup the Privacy Separator function as follows:

Display the AirStation Setup dialog.
Displaying Setup Dialog
Display the Wireless Setup dialog.
Click [LAN Setup] on the left of the dialog.
Enable the Privacy Separator function.
Select the [On] checkbox.
Register the setup contents.
Click [Set] in the dialog mentioned in Step 4.
The message "The following function has been set." appears. Check your settings, then click [Set].

This completes the Privacy Separator setup.

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