





<project default="usage" basedir=".">

    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Initialization target                                               -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="init">
        <property environment="env" />
        <property file="build.number"/>
        <!-- You have to fill the ***** space with your project label.  -->
        <property name="Name" value="*****"/>
        <property name="name" value="*****"/>
        <property name="pname" value="*.dpr"/>
        <property name="infofile" value="compiledinfo.txt"/>
        <property name="buildname" value="*****build"/>
        <property name="packname" value="*****"/>
        <property name="dbpackname" value="*****DB"/>
        <property name="year" value="2004"/>

        <echo message="----------- ${Name} Build ${build.number}[${year}] ------------"/>

        <property name="build.compiler" value="modern"/>
        <property name="debug" value="on"/>
        <property name="optimize" value="on"/>
        <property name="deprecation" value="on"/>

        <property name="s.home" value=".."/>
        <property name="s.src" value="${s.home}/src"/>
        <property name="s.srcdelphi" value="${s.home}/src/delphi"/>
        <property name="s.gohome" value="../"/>
        <property name="s.lib" value="${s.home}/lib"/>
        <property name="s.res" value="${s.home}/res"/>
        <property name="s.build" value="${s.home}/build"/>
        <property name="s.run" value="${s.home}/run"/>

        <property name="s.build.assemble" value="${s.build}/assemble"/>
        <property name="s.build.dcu" value="${s.build.assemble}/dcu"/>
        <property name="s.build.bin" value="${s.build.assemble}/bin"/>
        <property name="s.build.gensrc" value="${s.build.assemble}/gen-src"/>
        <property name="s.build.delphidocs" value="${s.build}/apidocs"/>
        <property name="s.build.lib" value="${s.home}/res"/>
        <property name="s.build.release" value="${s.build}/release"/>
        <property name="s.build.web"   value="${s.build}/web"/>
        <property name="s.build.dist"  value="${s.build}/dist"/>
        <property name="s.main" value="com"/>

        <property file="${s.build}/build.properties" />

        <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
        <filter token="version" value="${version}"/>
        <filter token="date" value="${TODAY}"/>
        <filter token="log" value="true"/>
        <filter token="verbose" value="true"/>

        <path id="s.classpath">
            <fileset dir="${s.lib}">
                <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                <include name="**/*.zip"/>

        <path id="buildtools.classpath">
            <fileset dir="${s.build.lib}">
                <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                <include name="**/*.zip"/>
            <fileset dir="${s.lib}">
                <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                <include name="**/*.zip"/>

            <format property="TODAY" pattern="d-MM-yy"/>


    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Help on usage                                                       -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="usage">
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message="***** Build file"/>
        <echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message=" available targets are:"/>
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message="   package   --> generates the *****.zip file (default)"/>
        <echo message="   compile   --> compiles the source code"/>
        <echo message="   test      --> units test"/>
        <echo message="   release   --> build the installation package"/>
        <echo message="   clean     --> cleans up the directory"/>
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message=" See the comments inside the build.xml file for more details."/>
        <echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message=""/>


    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Compiles the source directory                                       -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="compile" depends="init">
        <mkdir dir="${s.build.dcu}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${s.build.bin}"/>
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message="Compiling application main source..."/>

        <!-- You may change the compile tasks here.  -->
        <exec dir="${s.srcdelphi}" executable="dcc32.exe" os="Windows 2000"
             <arg line=" -B ${pname} 
                 -N${s.gohome}${s.build.dcu} -E${s.gohome}${s.build.bin}

  <loadfile property="compiled-info"
  <condition property="compile-success">
       <contains string="${compiled-info}" substring="seconds"/>

  <fail unless="compile-success"


    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Creates the zip package                                             -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="zip" depends="compile">

        <!-- You may change the package tasks here.  -->

        <mkdir dir="${s.build.assemble}/zip/${buildname}${DSTAMP}/${packname}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${s.build.assemble}/zip/${buildname}${DSTAMP}/${dbpackname}"/>
        <copy todir="${s.build.assemble}/zip/${buildname}${DSTAMP}/${packname}">
           <fileset file="${s.build.bin}/*.*"/>
           <fileset dir="${s.lib}" />
        <copy todir="${s.build.assemble}/zip/${buildname}${DSTAMP}/${dbpackname}">
           <fileset file="${s.src}/database/*.*"/>
           <fileset file="${s.src}/sql/*.*"/>

        <zip destfile="${s.build.assemble}/zip/${buildname}${DSTAMP}.zip"


    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Creates the test                                                    -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="test" depends="compile">

  <!-- You may fill the tasks here.  -->


    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Creates the deploy                                                  -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="deploy" depends="">

  <!-- You may fill the tasks here.  -->



    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Build the installation packge                                       -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="release" depends="clean">

  <!-- You may fill the tasks here.  -->



    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Clean targets                                                       -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="clean" depends="init">
        <delete dir="${s.build.assemble}"/>
        <delete dir="${s.build.release}"/>
        <delete >
           <fileset dir="." includes="**/compile*.txt"/>
  <!-- You may fill the tasks here.  -->


<!-- End of file -->




Start a new Delphi project by using Ant


This document has 5 sections:


System requirement

Directories and files

The Build file

Run Ant




Start a new Delphi project by using Ant, so we can make Daily Building. All have to do list below:

1.Install Delphi SDK1.4 and new version Ant, and make Ant works.

2.Copy Directories and files from dproject(d for Delphi) template library.

3.Make project files stay in the right directory.

4.Edit the Build.xml file. Let it fit the project.

5.Run Ant.



System requirement

Delphi SDK1.4 or higher

Ant 1.6 or higher

Delphi 6.0 or higher


Directories and files

You can make directories yourself, or copy from template. But make sure the directory tree like this:

Every directory is made for a certain kind of files. Directory names and what kind of files should be put in list below:

Directory        Files should be put in

            Build                building files

            Data                 project’s data files

            Doc                  project‘s documents for installation and deploying

            Lib                   libraries project depending on

            Res                  resources project using

                        Install               resources for installation

            Src                   project’ source files

                        Config              project’s configuration files

                        Database          project’s database files

                        Delphi              project’s Delphi source code files

                        Docs                project’s documents for manager, developer, tester

                        Scripts              project’s script files

                        Sql                   project’s script files for database


Now put the Delphi files into the /src/Delphi directory.


The Build file

            The build file is /build/build.xml. In the template we already have a default build file. Because every project has different name and different configuration, so we must edit the build file to suit project. We must edit the project name and path in the build file.


Run Ant

            After doing that, now start a command-line prompt, change path to ./build, and type ant. We can see a function list like this:

Now Ant runs. We can EDIT the build file to add new features: unit testing, packing, deploying, etc, as you like.

