Debug U-boot with BDI2000




1. 配置BDI2000 (参考BDI2000手册)

2. 写配置文件 (参考BDI2000手册, 以及DDR2和Marvell 88F6281手册),初始化流程参考u-boot对DDR2的初始化代码。

3. 连接BDI2000与88F6281 target板,上电,然后通过网络telnet上BDI2000.

4. 下载u-boot到DDR中(BDI命令:LOAD),(注意,下载ELF文件到DDR 0x600000地址,此ELF文件不能被完全下载,但是可以成功执行)。

5. 运行下载至DDR中的u-boot(BDI命令:GO 0x670000)。(地址,从0x670000开始)

6. 此时通过串口能看见u-boot已经成功运行起来。然后通过bubt(Marvell专有命令)将u-boot烧写到NAND Flash中。

7. 断开BDI2000与板子的连接。u-boot即可成功运行。



WREG      CPSR     0x000000d3  ; set the cpu to SVC32 mode
WCP15      0x1      0x00052078  ; MMU disable,

WM32      0xD00100e0  0x1B1B9B9B  ; IO configurion 0 register

WM32      0xD0001400  0x43000c30  ; SDRAM configurion register
WM32      0xD0001404  0x39543000  ; DDR controller control (low) register
WM32      0xD0001408  0x22125451  ; SDRAM timing (low) register
WM32      0xD000140C  0x00000833  ; SDRAM timing (high) register
WM32      0xD0001410  0x000000cc  ; SDRAM address control register
WM32      0xD0001414  0x00000000  ; SDRAM opne pages control register
WM32      0xD0001418  0x00000000  ; SDRAM operation register
WM32      0xD000141C  0x00000c52  ; SDRAM Mode register
WM32      0xD0001420  0x00000004  ; extend DRAM mode register
WM32      0xD0001424  0x0000F17F  ; DDR controller control (high) register
WM32      0xD0001428  0x00085520  ; DDR timing (low) register
WM32      0xD000147C  0x00008552  ; DDR timing (high) register

WM32      0xD0001504  0x0FFFFFF1  ; CPU CS window0 size register
WM32      0xD0001508  0x10000000  ; CPU CS window1 base address register
WM32      0xD000150C  0x0FFFFFF5  ; CPU CS window1 size register
WM32      0xD0001514  0x00000000  ; CPU CS window2 size register
WM32      0xD000151C  0x00000000  ; CPU CS window3 size register

WM32      0xD0001494  0x00120012  ; SDRAM ODT control (low) register
WM32      0xD0001498  0x00000000  ; SDRAM ODT control (high) register
WM32      0xD000149C  0x0000E40F  ; DDR Controller ODT control register
WM32      0xD0001480  0x00000001  ; SDRAM initialization register

WM32      0xD0010418  0x000c0282  ; NAND read Parameters register
WM32      0xD001041c  0x00010305  ; NAND write Parameters register
WM32      0xD0010470  0x01c00541  ; NAND flash control register

WM32      0xD0020134  0x66666666  ; L2 RAM timing 0 register
WM32      0xD0020138  0x66666666  ; L2 RAM timing 1 register


WM32      0xD0010000  0x01111111
WM32      0xD0010008  0x00551111


CPUTYPE     FERO926         ;
CLOCK      3            ; JTAG clock (0=Adaptive, 1=8MHz, 2=4MHz,...)
ENDIAN     LITTLE         ; memory model (LITTLE | BIG), the 88F5181 use Little edian
RESET       HARD   500
VECTOR          CATCH    0x1F      ; catch unhandled exceptions
BDIMODE     AGENT          ; the BDI working mode (LOADONLY | AGENT)
STARTUP     RESET          ; after the board power up, then reset it
BREAKMODE    SOFT     0xdfffdfff     ;SOFT  or  HARD

WAKEUP        1000


IP        ; this the host ip where the tftp locate at
FILE      F:/BDI_debug/u-boot  ;which file will be download to DDR SDRAM
FORMAT     ELF           ; the format can be SREC, BIN, AOUT, ELF, COFF, ROM
LOAD      MANUAL         ; <AGENT> load application MANUAL or AUTO after reset
START      0x600000          ; only the BIN file need to allocate the start address of the DDR SDRAM
PROMPT     [BDI2000]         ; this entry defines a new telnet prompt


;this is optional for this configuration file, if you want to operate the flash, this is needed, but it only can operate NOR

;CHIPTYPE    STRATAX8        ; flash type: this parameter defines the type of flash used
;CHIPSIZE    0x1000000        ; the size of one flash chip in bytes
;BUSWIDTH    8            ; the width of the flash memory bus in bits (8 | 16 | 32), the 88F5181 use 16 MB 8-bit width

;NOR flash.


FILE  $regFero926.def


