XOOM 连接 wpa2 enterprise 网络 …

XOOM 连接 wpa2 enterprise 网络 解决方法:


Step 1: Obtain WiFi ACE(WiFi Advanced Configuration Editor)

Download and install the WiFi Advanced Configuration Editor from the Market

on your device.

Step 2: Create new wireless connection

Go to Settings > Wireless and network > Wi-Fi settings

Turn on Wi-Fi then click Add Wi-Fi network

Use the following settings:

Network SSID – Your_SSID_Name

Security - 802.1X EAP or 802.1X Enterprise

EAP method - PEAP

Phase 2 authentications - MSCHAPV2

Enter your Windows login ID and password, then click Save.

Once this network is saved, you will see two networks labeled

Your_SSID_Name. If your device continually tries and fails to connect

proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Editing the wireless configuration

Open WiFi ACE and select the Your_SSID_Name network, then Key Management.

De-select (remove check) WPA_EAP

Step 4: Restarting the wireless radio

Exit WiFi ACE and go back to the wireless settings screen. Turn off

wireless then back on, you should see your device starting to connect to


Once connected, you will still see two networks named Your_SSID_Name.

FYI: By selecting the Connected network you can get a detailed display of

your current signal status.

Step 5: Changing your password (sometimes requires re-entry to connect)

Open WiFi ACE and go to Enterprise Configuration and enter your new

(current) windows login password.

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