


   1. Open Control Panel, choose Add Hardware, and then choose Next.
   2. Choose Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and then choose Next.
   3. From the Installed hardware list, select Add a new hardware device, and then choose Next.
   4. Choose Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced), and then choose Next.
   5. From the Common hardware types list, select Network adapters, and then choose Next.
   6. From the Manufacturer list, select Microsoft.
   7. From the Network Adapter list, select Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then choose Next.
   8. Choose Next, and then choose Finish.



   1. Open Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Hardware, and then choose Next.
   2. Choose Add/Troubleshoot a device, and then choose Next.
   3. From the Devices list, select Add a new device, and then choose Next.
   4. Choose No, I want to select the hardware from a list, and then choose Next.
   5. From the Hardware types list, select Network adapters, and then choose Next.
   6. From the Manufacturers list, select Microsoft.
   7. From the Network Adapter list, select Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then choose Next.
   8. Choose Next, and then choose Finish.



从模拟器的菜单“文件--》配置--》网络”进入,把“启用NE2000 PCMCIA网络适配器并绑定到”选上,然后从下拉列表中选择“Microsoft Loopback Adapter - Virtual Machine Network Services Driver”



从模拟器操作系统的“开始--》设置--》网卡”进入,从网络适配嚣列表选择“NE2000 兼容 Ethernet 驱动程序”(双击),然后选择“使用特定的IP地址”并输入想要的地址就可以(WInXP或WIn2000中的Loopback Adapter也要设置同网段的IP)。


