Install CMake on Ubuntu 12.04

新电脑刚装好Ubuntu和无线网卡驱动,可以正常上网了。Ubuntu安装完后自带make,比如装无线网卡时候进入目录,make编译安装网卡驱动。也自带gcc,但不带g++编译器。而软件开发仅有gcc是不够的。现在开始配置项目环境。首先是CMake编译器。因为我故意没装Synaptic Package Manager,下文是用命令行安装。

Source code: cmake-3.1.0.tar.gz, can be download from:

1) 解压,配置。(其实安装包里的README.rst里的说明已经很详细。)

arac@test:~/Downloads$ cd cmake-3.1.0

arac@test:~/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0$ sudo ./bootstrap


CMake 3.1.0, Copyright 2000-2014 Kitware, Inc.

C compiler on this system is: cc


Error when bootstrapping CMake:

Cannot find appropriate C++ compiler on this system.

Please specify one using environment variable CXX.

See cmake_bootstrap.log for compilers attempted.


Log of errors: /home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake_bootstrap.log


问题很显然,缺少C++ compiler (g++)。可以简单的安装g++编译器,命令:

arac@test:~/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0$sudo apt-get install g++

也可以安装build-essential包,它包含g++。详见:“Install g++ compiler


arac@test:~/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0$sudo ./bootstrap


CMake 3.1.0, Copyright 2000-2014 Kitware, Inc.

Found GNU toolchain

C compiler on this system is: gcc

C++ compiler on this system is: g++

Makefile processor on this system is: make

g++ is GNU compiler

g++ has setenv

g++ has unsetenv

g++ does not have environ in stdlib.h

g++ has STL in std:: namespace

g++ has ANSI streams

g++ has streams in std:: namespace

g++ has sstream

g++ has operator!=(string, char*)

g++ has stl iterator_traits

g++ has standard template allocator

g++ has allocator<>::rebind<>

g++ does not have non-standard allocator<>::max_size argument

g++ has stl containers supporting allocator objects

g++ has stl wstring

g++ has header cstddef

g++ requires template friends to use <>

g++ supports member templates

g++ has standard template specialization syntax

g++ has argument dependent lookup

g++ has struct stat with st_mtim member

g++ has ios::binary openmode

g++ has ANSI for scoping


g++  -I/home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Bootstrap.cmk -I/home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Source   -I/home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Bootstrap.cmk -c /home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Source/cmStandardIncludes.cxx -o cmStandardIncludes.o

g++  -I/home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Bootstrap.cmk -I/home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Source   -I/home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Bootstrap.cmk -c /home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0/Source/cmake.cxx -o cmake.o


Curses libraries were not found. Curses GUI for CMake will not be built.

-- Configuring done

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: /home/ltu/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0


CMake has bootstrapped.  Now run make.


arac@test:~/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0$sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/cmake-3.1.0

2) 编译

arac@test:~/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0$sudo make

3) 安装

arac@test:~/Downloads/cmake-3.1.0$sudo make install


4) 设置系统路径。


arac@test:/usr/local/cmake-3.1.0/bin$ sudo gedit /etc/profile


export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cmake-3.1.0/bin"

arac@test:/usr/local/cmake-3.1.0/bin$ source /etc/profile


arac@test:/usr/local/cmake-3.1.0/bin$ echo $PATH


