Windows 7, visual studio 2010
glut.h ---> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\gl
glut.dll,glut32.dll ---> C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (windows7 64位操作系统)
---> C:\Windows\System32 (windows7 32位操作系统)
glut.lib,glut32.lib ---> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\lib
CSolid* CEulerDoc::mvfs(GLdouble *point) { CSolid *newSolid; CFace *newFace; CLoop *newLoop; CVertex *newVert; newSolid = new CSolid; newFace = new CFace; newLoop = new CLoop; newVert = new CVertex; // Set the coordinate of the new vertex newVert->SetCoord(point); // Add the new face to the new solid newSolid->AddFace(newFace); // Add the new vertex to the new solid newSolid->AddVertex(newVert); // Add the new loop to the new face newFace->AddLoop(newLoop); return newSolid; } CHalfEdge* CEulerDoc::mev(GLdouble *point1, GLdouble *point2, CLoop* lp) { CSolid *pSolid = lp->host_f->host_s; CVertex *v1, *newVert; CEdge *newEdge; CHalfEdge *he1, *he2; newVert = new CVertex; newEdge = new CEdge; he1 = new CHalfEdge; he2 = new CHalfEdge; // Find the start vertex of the edge v1 = pSolid->FindVertex(point1); if(!v1) { AfxMessageBox("Can't find the point1!"); return NULL; } // Set the coordinate of the new vertex newVert->SetCoord(point2); // Set v1 as the start vertex of halfedge1 he1->SetVertex(v1); // Set v2 as the start vertex of halfedge2 he2->SetVertex(newVert); // Add two new halfedges to the loop lp->AddHalfEdge(he1, he2); // Set the new edge to new halfedges he1->edge = he2->edge = newEdge; newEdge->he1 = he1; newEdge->he2 = he2; // Add the new edge to the solid pSolid->AddEdge(newEdge); // Add the new vertex to the solid pSolid->AddVertex(newVert); return he1; } CLoop* CEulerDoc::mef(GLdouble *point1, GLdouble *point2, CLoop* lp) { CSolid *pSolid = lp->host_f->host_s; CVertex *v1, *v2; // Find the two given vertex v1 = pSolid->FindVertex(point1); if(!v1) { AfxMessageBox("Can't find the point1!"); return NULL; } v2 = pSolid->FindVertex(point2); if(!v2) { AfxMessageBox("Can't find the point2!"); return NULL; } // two vertex must in the same loop if(!lp->IsVertexIn(v1) && !lp->IsVertexIn(v2)) { AfxMessageBox("该两点不位于同一个loop中"); return NULL; } CFace *newFace; CLoop *newLoop; CEdge *newEdge; CHalfEdge *he1, *he2, *temphe1, *temphe2; newFace = new CFace; newLoop = new CLoop; newEdge = new CEdge; he1 = new CHalfEdge; he2 = new CHalfEdge; // Find two halfedges start with two vertexs temphe1 = lp->FindHostHalfEdge(v1); temphe2 = lp->FindHostHalfEdge(v2); // Change halfedges' host loop to new loop temphe1->prev->next = NULL; newLoop->AddHalfEdge(temphe1, NULL); while(temphe1 != temphe2) temphe1 = temphe1->next; temphe1->prev->next = he2; he2->prev = temphe1->prev; he2->next = newLoop->GetHalfEdgeHead(); newLoop->GetHalfEdgeHead()->prev = he2; temphe1->prev = NULL; // Add halfedge start with vertex one to the old loop % close this loop lp->AddHalfEdge(he1, NULL); he1->next = temphe2; temphe2->prev = he1; // Set two halfedges' start vertex and adjacent he1->SetVertex(v1); he2->SetVertex(v2); he1->adj = he2; he2->adj = he1; // Set the new edge and add to the solid newEdge->he1 = he1; newEdge->he2 = he2; pSolid->AddEdge(newEdge); // Add new face to the solid pSolid->AddFace(newFace); // Add new loop to the new face newFace->AddLoop(newLoop); return newLoop; } CLoop* CEulerDoc::kemr(GLdouble *point1, GLdouble *point2, CLoop* lp) { CSolid *pSolid = lp->host_f->host_s; CVertex *v1, *v2; // Find the two given vertex v1 = pSolid->FindVertex(point1); if(!v1) { AfxMessageBox("Can't find the point1!"); return NULL; } v2 = pSolid->FindVertex(point2); if(!v2) { AfxMessageBox("Can't find the point2!"); return NULL; } // two vertex must in the same loop if(!lp->IsVertexIn(v1) && !lp->IsVertexIn(v2)) return NULL; CLoop *newLoop; CHalfEdge *he1, *he2; CEdge *edge; newLoop = new CLoop; // Find two halfedges start with two vertexs he1 = lp->GetHalfEdgeHead(); while(he1) { if(he1->GetVertex() == v1 && he1->next->GetVertex() == v2) break; he1 = he1->next; } he2 = he1->adj; // Make a newloop and delete two halfedges newLoop->AddHalfEdge(he1->next, NULL); he2->prev->next = he1->next; he1->next->prev = he2->prev; he1->prev->next = he2->next; he2->next->prev = he1->prev; he1->next = he1->prev = he2->next = he2->prev = NULL; delete he1; delete he2; // Find the edge and delete it edge = pSolid->GetEdgeHead(); while(edge) { if(edge->he1 == he1) break; edge = edge->next; } edge->prev->next = edge->next; edge->next->prev = edge->prev; edge->next = edge->prev = NULL; // Add new loop to the face lp->host_f->AddLoop(newLoop); return newLoop; } void CEulerDoc::kfmrh(CLoop* outlp, CLoop* lp) { if(!outlp || !lp) { AfxMessageBox("The loop is NULL!"); return; } CSolid *pSolid = lp->host_f->host_s; // Add the loop to the face outlp->host_f->AddLoop(lp); // Get the face need to be killed CFace* pFace = pSolid->GetFaceEnd(); // Delete it pFace->prev->next = NULL; delete pFace; } void CEulerDoc::sweep(CFace* pFace, GLdouble dx, GLdouble dy, GLdouble dz) { CFace *pEnd; CHalfEdge *pHe, *pHead; CLoop *pLoop, *newLoop, *pOutLoop; GLdouble *pPoint; GLdouble point1[3], point2[3], first[3], last[3]; BOOL bOut = TRUE; // Show that if is the outloop of the top face // Remember the last inside loop's face pEnd = pFace->host_s->GetFaceEnd(); // Start with the second face, because the first face is for buttom pFace = pFace->next; while(pFace) { // Get the first point of the loop newLoop = pLoop = pFace->GetLoopHead(); pHe = pHead = pLoop->GetHalfEdgeHead(); pPoint = pHe->GetVertex()->vcoord; point1[0] = pPoint[0]; point1[1] = pPoint[1]; point1[2] = pPoint[2]; // first[] is used for close the top face // last[] is used for side face first[0] = last[0] = point2[0] = point1[0] + dx; first[1] = last[1] = point2[1] = point1[1] + dy; first[2] = last[2] = point2[2] = point1[2] + dz; // Make the new edge mev(point1, point2, pLoop); // Goto next halfedge pHe = pHe->next; while(pHe->GetVertex() != pHead->GetVertex()) { // Get the point pPoint = pHe->GetVertex()->vcoord; point1[0] = pPoint[0]; point1[1] = pPoint[1]; point1[2] = pPoint[2]; point2[0] = point1[0] + dx; point2[1] = point1[1] + dy; point2[2] = point1[2] + dz; // Make the new edge mev(point1, point2, newLoop); // Make a new side face newLoop = mef(point2, last, newLoop); // Remember the lastest point last[0] = point2[0]; last[1] = point2[1]; last[2] = point2[2]; pHe = pHe->next; } // Close the top face newLoop = mef(first, last, newLoop); if(bOut) { pOutLoop = newLoop; bOut = FALSE; } else kfmrh(pOutLoop, newLoop); if(pFace == pEnd) break; pFace = pFace->next; } } CSolid* CEulerDoc::MakeSolid(GLdouble point[][3], GLint* pointnum, GLint loopnum, GLdouble* vector, GLdouble len) { CSolid *pSolid, *pTemp; CLoop *pLoop, *pHead; int i, j, pos; // Create the solid pSolid = mvfs(point[1]); pHead = pLoop = pSolid->GetFaceHead()->GetLoopHead(); // Create the out loop for(i = 1;i < pointnum[1]-1;i ++) { mev(point[i], point[i+1], pLoop); } mef(point[i], point[1], pLoop); pos = i+1; // Create the inside loops for(i = 2;i < loopnum; i ++) { mev(point[1], point[pos+1], pHead); for(j = 1;j < pointnum[i]-1;j ++) { mev(point[pos+j], point[pos+j+1], pHead); } mef(point[pos+j], point[pos+1], pHead); kemr(point[1], point[pos+1], pHead); pos = pos+j+1; } sweep(pSolid->GetFaceHead(), vector[0] * len, vector[1] * len, vector[2] * len); // Insert the new solid if(!solid) solid = pSolid; else { pTemp = solid; while(pTemp->next) pTemp = pTemp->next; pTemp->next = pSolid; } return pSolid; } void CEulerView::RenderScene(void) { CEulerDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); CSolid *pSolid; CFace *pFace; CLoop *pLoop; CHalfEdge *pHalfEdge, *pHeHead; GLint i, j, pos = 0; GLfloat draw_ambient[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, mat_ambient[] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, mat_specular[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, shininess[] = { 50.0 }; GLfloat position1[] = { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 }; glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(m_xPos, m_yPos, m_zPos); glRotatef(m_xAngle, 1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); glRotatef(m_yAngle, 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); if(m_bCoord) RenderCoordinate(1); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, position1); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, draw_ambient); for(i = 1; i <= m_iLoopNum ;i ++) { pos += m_iLoopPointNum[i-1]; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for(j = 1;j <= m_iLoopPointNum[i]; j++) glVertex3d(m_dPoint[pos + j][0], m_dPoint[pos + j][1], m_dPoint[pos + j][2]); glEnd(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pSolid = pDoc->solid; if(m_bWire) { glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, draw_ambient); glLineWidth(2.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); while(pSolid) { pFace = pSolid->GetFaceHead(); while(pFace) { pLoop = pFace->GetLoopHead(); while(pLoop) { pHalfEdge = pHeHead = pLoop->GetHalfEdgeHead(); while(pHalfEdge) { glVertex3dv(pHalfEdge->GetVertex()->vcoord); glVertex3dv(pHalfEdge->next->GetVertex()->vcoord); pHalfEdge = pHalfEdge->next; if(pHalfEdge == pHeHead) break; } pLoop = pLoop->next; } pFace = pFace->next; } pSolid = pSolid->next; } glEnd(); } else { glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_ambient); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, shininess); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); while(pSolid) { pFace = pSolid->GetFaceHead(); while(pFace) { gluTessBeginPolygon(tessobj, NULL); glNormal3dv(pFace->feq); pLoop = pFace->GetLoopHead(); while(pLoop) { gluTessBeginContour(tessobj); pHalfEdge = pHeHead = pLoop->GetHalfEdgeHead(); while(pHalfEdge) { gluTessVertex(tessobj, pHalfEdge->GetVertex()->vcoord, pHalfEdge->GetVertex()->vcoord); pHalfEdge = pHalfEdge->next; if(pHalfEdge == pHeHead) break; } gluTessEndContour(tessobj); pLoop = pLoop->next; } gluTessEndPolygon(tessobj); pFace = pFace->next; } pSolid = pSolid->next; } } }