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#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <cstring> #include <stack> #include <cctype> #include <utility> #include <map> #include <string> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include <ctime> using std::priority_queue; using std::vector; using std::swap; using std::stack; using std::sort; using std::max; using std::min; using std::pair; using std::map; using std::string; using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::set; using std::queue; using std::string; using std::istringstream; using std::getline; using std::make_pair; using std::greater; const int MAXN(50010); struct ELE { int key1, key2; ELE(int tk1 = 0, int tk2 = 0): key1(tk1), key2(tk2) {} friend bool operator < (const ELE &op1, const ELE &op2) { return op1.key1 < op2.key1; } friend bool operator > (const ELE &op1, const ELE &op2) { return op1.key1 > op2.key1; } friend bool operator >= (const ELE &op1, const ELE &op2) { return op1.key1 >= op2.key1; } friend bool operator == (const ELE &op1, const ELE &op2) { return op1.key1 == op2.key1; } friend ELE operator +(ELE op1, int op2) { op1.key1 += op2; return op1; } }; template<typename T> struct SBT { struct NODE { T key; int size; NODE *left; NODE *right; }; NODE pool[MAXN]; NODE *root, *NIL, *rear; T tkey; void init() { NIL = pool; rear = pool+1; NIL->size = 0; NIL->left = NIL; NIL->right = NIL; root = NIL; } NODE *newnode(const T &value) { rear->key = value; rear->left = NIL; rear->right = NIL; rear->size = 1; return rear++; } void left_rotate(NODE *&sour) { NODE *temp = sour->right; sour->right = temp->left; temp->left = sour; temp->size = sour->size; sour->size = sour->left->size+sour->right->size+1; sour = temp; } void right_rotate(NODE *&sour) { NODE *temp = sour->left; sour->left = temp->right; temp->right = sour; temp->size = sour->size; sour->size = sour->left->size+sour->right->size+1; sour = temp; } void maintain(NODE *&sour, bool flag) { if(flag == false) { if(sour->left->left->size > sour->right->size) { right_rotate(sour); } else if(sour->left->right->size > sour->right->size) { left_rotate(sour->left); right_rotate(sour); } else return; } else { if(sour->right->right->size > sour->left->size) { left_rotate(sour); } else if(sour->right->left->size > sour->left->size) { right_rotate(sour->right); left_rotate(sour); } else return; } maintain(sour->right, true); maintain(sour->left, false); maintain(sour, true); maintain(sour, false); } void insert(const T &value) { tkey = value; insert_(root); } void insert_(NODE *&sour) { if(sour == NIL) { sour = newnode(tkey); return; } ++sour->size; if(tkey < sour->key) insert_(sour->left); else insert_(sour->right); maintain(sour, tkey >= sour->key); } void erase(T value) { erase_(root, value); } T erase_(NODE *&sour, const T &value) { --sour->size; if(value == sour->key || (value < sour->key && sour->left == NIL) || (value > sour->key && sour->right == NIL)) { T temp = sour->key; if(sour->left == NIL || sour->right == NIL) sour = sour->left-NIL+sour->right; else sour->key = erase_(sour->left, value+1); return temp; } if(value < sour->key) return erase_(sour->left, value); else return erase_(sour->right, value); } NODE *select(int r) { NODE *sour = root; while(sour != NIL && r != sour->left->size+1) { if(r <= sour->left->size) sour = sour->left; else { r -= sour->left->size+1; sour = sour->right; } } return sour; } }; struct SEGMENT_TREE { int cover[MAXN << 2], lsum[MAXN << 2], rsum[MAXN << 2], msum[MAXN << 2]; inline int left_son(int root) { return root << 1; } inline int right_son(int root) { return (root << 1)|1; } void push_up(int root, int l1, int l2) { lsum[root] = lsum[left_son(root)]; rsum[root] = rsum[right_son(root)]; if(lsum[root] == l1) lsum[root] += lsum[right_son(root)]; if(rsum[root] == l2) rsum[root] += rsum[left_son(root)]; msum[root] = max(rsum[left_son(root)]+lsum[right_son(root)], max(msum[left_son(root)], msum[right_son(root)])); } void push_down(int root, int l1, int l2) { if(cover[root] != -1) { cover[left_son(root)] = cover[right_son(root)] = cover[root]; lsum[left_son(root)] = rsum[left_son(root)] = msum[left_son(root)] = cover[root]? 0: l1; lsum[right_son(root)] = rsum[right_son(root)] = msum[right_son(root)] = cover[root]? 0: l2; cover[root] = -1; } } void build_tree(int l, int r, int root) { cover[root] = -1; lsum[root] = rsum[root] = msum[root] = r-l+1; if(l == r) return; int m = (l+r) >> 1; build_tree(l, m, left_son(root)); build_tree(m+1, r, right_son(root)); } int allocate(int op, int l, int r, int root) { if(l == r) return l; int m = (l+r) >> 1; push_down(root, m-l+1, r-m); if(op <= msum[left_son(root)]) return allocate(op, l, m, left_son(root)); else if(op <= rsum[left_son(root)]+lsum[right_son(root)]) return m-rsum[left_son(root)]+1; else return allocate(op, m+1, r, right_son(root)); } void updata(int op, int ql, int qr, int l, int r, int root) { if(ql <= l && qr >= r) { lsum[root] = rsum[root] = msum[root] = op? 0: r-l+1; cover[root] = op; return; } int m = (l+r) >> 1; push_down(root, m-l+1, r-m); if(ql <= m) updata(op, ql, qr, l, m, left_son(root)); if(qr > m) updata(op, ql, qr, m+1, r, right_son(root)); push_up(root, m-l+1, r-m); } int query(int op, int l, int r, int root) { if(cover[root] != -1) return cover[root]; if(l == r) return 0; int m = (l+r) >> 1; if(op <= m) return query(op, l, m, left_son(root)); else return query(op, m+1, r, right_son(root)); } }; SEGMENT_TREE st; SBT<ELE> sbt; int s[MAXN], e[MAXN]; int count; char str[10]; int main() { int n, m, temp; int op; while(~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)) { st.build_tree(1, n, 1); sbt.init(); count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { scanf("%s", str); switch(str[0]) { case 'R': st.updata(0, 1, n, 1, n, 1); printf("Reset Now\n"); sbt.init(); break; case 'N': scanf("%d", &op); if(op > st.msum[1]) { printf("Reject New\n"); } else { temp = st.allocate(op, 1, n, 1); printf("New at %d\n", temp); ++count; s[count] = temp; e[count] = temp+op-1; st.updata(count, s[count], e[count], 1, n, 1); sbt.insert(ELE(s[count], e[count])); } break; case 'F': scanf("%d", &op); temp = st.query(op, 1, n, 1); if(temp) { printf("Free from %d to %d\n", s[temp], e[temp]); st.updata(0, s[temp], e[temp], 1, n, 1); sbt.erase(ELE(s[temp], e[temp])); } else { printf("Reject Free\n"); } break; case 'G': scanf("%d", &op); SBT<ELE>::NODE *ret = sbt.select(op); if(ret == sbt.NIL) { printf("Reject Get\n"); } else { printf("Get at %d\n", ret->key.key1); } break; } } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <cstring> #include <stack> #include <cctype> #include <utility> #include <map> #include <string> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include <ctime> using std::priority_queue; using std::vector; using std::swap; using std::stack; using std::sort; using std::max; using std::min; using std::pair; using std::map; using std::string; using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::set; using std::queue; using std::string; using std::istringstream; using std::getline; using std::make_pair; using std::greater; const int MAXN(50010); const int INFI((INT_MAX-1) >> 1); int n; struct SPLAY_TREE { struct NODE { int cover; int key; int lsum, rsum, msum; int color; int size; NODE *fa; NODE *ch[2]; }; NODE pool[MAXN]; NODE *root, *NIL, *rear; void init() { rear = pool+1; NIL = pool; NIL->key = -1; NIL->cover = -1; NIL->size = NIL->lsum = NIL->rsum = NIL->msum = 0; NIL->color = MAXN; NIL->ch[0] = NIL->ch[1] = NIL->fa = NIL; newnode(root, NIL, 0, MAXN); newnode(root->ch[1], root, n+1, MAXN); build_tree(root->ch[1]->ch[0], root->ch[1], 1, n); push_up(root->ch[1]); push_up(root); } void newnode(NODE *&sour, NODE *f, int tk, int tc) { rear->key = tk; rear->color = tc; rear->cover = -1; rear->size = 1; rear->fa = f; rear->ch[0] = rear->ch[1] = NIL; sour = rear++; } void push_up(NODE *sour) { sour->lsum = sour->ch[0]->lsum; sour->rsum = sour->ch[1]->rsum; sour->msum = 0; if(sour->color == 0) { if(sour->lsum == sour->ch[0]->size) sour->lsum += 1+sour->ch[1]->lsum; if(sour->rsum == sour->ch[1]->size) sour->rsum += 1+sour->ch[0]->rsum; sour->msum = sour->ch[0]->rsum+sour->ch[1]->lsum+1; } sour->msum = max(sour->msum, max(sour->ch[0]->msum, sour->ch[1]->msum)); sour->size = sour->ch[0]->size+sour->ch[1]->size+1; } void push_down(NODE *sour) { if(sour->cover != -1) { sour->ch[0]->cover = sour->ch[0]->color = sour->cover; sour->ch[1]->cover = sour->ch[1]->color = sour->cover; sour->ch[0]->lsum = sour->ch[0]->rsum = sour->ch[0]->msum = sour->cover? 0: sour->ch[0]->size; sour->ch[1]->lsum = sour->ch[1]->rsum = sour->ch[1]->msum = sour->cover? 0: sour->ch[1]->size; sour->cover = -1; } } void build_tree(NODE *&sour, NODE *f, int l, int r) { if(l > r) return; int m = (l+r) >> 1; newnode(sour, f, m, 0); build_tree(sour->ch[0], sour, l, m-1); build_tree(sour->ch[1], sour, m+1, r); push_up(sour); } void rotate(NODE *&sour, int flag) { NODE *f = sour->fa; push_down(f); push_down(sour); f->ch[!flag] = sour->ch[flag]; sour->ch[flag]->fa = f; sour->fa = f->fa; if(f->fa != NIL) f->fa->ch[f->fa->ch[1] == f] = sour; sour->ch[flag] = f; f->fa = sour; push_up(f); } void splay(NODE *sour, NODE *goal) { push_down(sour); while(sour->fa != goal) { if(sour->fa->fa == goal) rotate(sour, sour->fa->ch[0] == sour); else { NODE *f = sour->fa; int flag = (f->fa->ch[0] == f); if(f->ch[flag] == sour) rotate(sour, !flag); else rotate(f, flag); rotate(sour, flag); } } push_up(sour); if(goal == NIL) root = sour; } NODE *select(int r, NODE *sour) { push_down(sour); while(sour != NIL && r != sour->ch[0]->size+1) { if(r <= sour->ch[0]->size) sour = sour->ch[0]; else { r -= sour->ch[0]->size+1; sour = sour->ch[1]; } push_down(sour); } return sour; } NODE *find(int op, NODE *sour) { if(op > sour->msum) return NIL; push_down(sour); NODE *ret; while(sour != NIL) { if(op <= sour->ch[0]->msum) sour = sour->ch[0]; else if(sour->color == 0 && op <= sour->ch[0]->rsum+sour->ch[1]->lsum+1) { ret = select(sour->ch[0]->size-sour->ch[0]->rsum+1, sour); break; } else sour = sour->ch[1]; push_down(sour); } return ret; } NODE *allocate(int op) { NODE *sour; sour = select(1, root); splay(sour, NIL); sour = select(n+2, root); splay(sour, root); sour = find(op, root->ch[1]->ch[0]); return sour; } void change(int op, int ql, int qr) { NODE *sour; sour = select(ql, root); splay(sour, NIL); sour = select(qr+2, root); splay(sour, root); sour = root->ch[1]->ch[0]; sour->color = sour->cover = op; sour->lsum = sour->rsum = sour->msum = op? 0: sour->size; push_up(root->ch[1]); push_up(root); } int query(int op) { NODE *sour = select(op+1, root); splay(sour, NIL); return root->color; } }; struct TREAP { struct NODE { int key; int fix; int size; NODE *left, *right; }; NODE pool[MAXN]; NODE *root, *NIL, *rear; int tkey; void init() { rear = pool+1; NIL = pool; NIL->left = NIL; NIL->right = NIL; NIL->size = 0; NIL->fix = INFI; root = NIL; } void newnode(NODE *&sour, int value) { rear->key = value; rear->fix = rand(); rear->size = 1; rear->left = rear->right = NIL; sour = rear++; } void left_rotate(NODE *&sour) { NODE *temp = sour->right; sour->right = temp->left; temp->left = sour; temp->size = sour->size; sour->size = sour->left->size+sour->right->size+1; sour = temp; } void right_rotate(NODE *&sour) { NODE *temp = sour->left; sour->left = temp->right; temp->right = sour; temp->size = sour->size; sour->size = sour->left->size+sour->right->size+1; sour = temp; } void insert(int value) { tkey = value; insert_(root); } void insert_(NODE *&sour) { if(sour == NIL) { newnode(sour, tkey); return; } ++sour->size; if(tkey < sour->key) { insert_(sour->left); if(sour->left->fix < sour->fix) right_rotate(sour); } else { insert_(sour->right); if(sour->right->fix < sour->fix) left_rotate(sour); } } void erase(int value) { erase_(root, value); } void erase_(NODE *&sour, int value) { if(value == sour->key) { if(sour->left == NIL || sour->right == NIL) sour = sour->left-NIL+sour->right; else { --sour->size; if(sour->left->fix < sour->right->fix) { right_rotate(sour); erase_(sour->right, value); } else { left_rotate(sour); erase_(sour->left, value); } } return; } --sour->size; if(value < sour->key) erase_(sour->left, value); else erase_(sour->right, value); } NODE *select(int r) { NODE *sour = root; while(sour != NIL && r != sour->left->size+1) { if(r <= sour->left->size) sour = sour->left; else { r -= sour->left->size+1; sour = sour->right; } } return sour; } }; SPLAY_TREE splay; TREAP treap; int s[MAXN], e[MAXN]; int count; char str[10]; int main() { int m, op; while(~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)) { splay.init(); treap.init(); count = 0; SPLAY_TREE::NODE *p1; TREAP::NODE *p2; int temp; for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { scanf("%s", str); switch(str[0]) { case 'R': splay.change(0, 1, n); treap.init(); count = 0; printf("Reset Now\n"); break; case 'N': scanf("%d", &op); p1 = splay.allocate(op); if(p1 != splay.NIL) { ++count; s[count] = p1->key; e[count] = p1->key+op-1; treap.insert(p1->key); splay.change(count, s[count], e[count]); printf("New at %d\n", p1->key); } else printf("Reject New\n"); break; case 'F': scanf("%d", &op); temp = splay.query(op); if(temp != 0) { treap.erase(s[temp]); splay.change(0, s[temp], e[temp]); printf("Free from %d to %d\n", s[temp], e[temp]); } else printf("Reject Free\n"); break; case 'G': scanf("%d", &op); p2 = treap.select(op); if(p2 != treap.NIL) { printf("Get at %d\n", p2->key); } else printf("Reject Get\n"); break; } } printf("\n"); } return 0; }