#include lua.ahk hDll := lua_loadDll("lua51.dll") l := lual_newstate() if(lual_loadfile(L,"example_getVarFromLuaToC.lua") || lua_pcall(L,0,0,0)) msgbox % "Error failed to load " lua_tostring(L,-1) else { lua_getglobal(L,"screenWidth") screenWidth := lua_tonumber(L,-1) out := "Screen Width := " screenWidth "`n" lua_getglobal(L,"appName") appName := lua_tostring(l, -1) out := out "Screen Name := " appName msgbox % out } lua_close(L) lua_UnloadDll(hDll) return
appName = "Firefox" screenWidth = 400
lua_LoadDLL(dll) { return, DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", dll) } lua_UnloadDLL(hDll) { DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hDll) } lua_atPanic(ByRef l, panicf) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_atPanic", "UInt", L, "UInt", panicF, "Cdecl") } lua_call(ByRef l, nargs, nresults) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pcall", "UInt", l, "Int", nargs, "Int", nresults, "Cdecl") } lua_checkstack(ByRef l, extra) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_checkstack", "UInt", l, "Int", extra, "Cdecl Int") } lua_close(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_close", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } lua_concat(ByRef l, extra) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_concat", "UInt", l, "Int", extra, "Cdecl") } lua_cpcall(ByRef l, func, ByRef ud) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_cpcall", "UInt", l, "UInt", func, "UInt", ud, "Cdecl Int") } lua_createtable(ByRef l, narr, nrec) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_createtable", "UInt", l, "Int", narr, "Int", nrec, "Cdecl") } lua_dump(ByRef l, writer, ByRef data) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_dump", "UInt", l, "UInt", writer, "UInt", data, "Cdecl Int") } lua_equal(ByRef l, index1, index2) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_equal", "UInt", l, "Int", index1, "Int", index2, "Cdecl Int") } lua_error(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_error", "UInt", l, "Cdecl Int") } lua_gc(ByRef l, what, data) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_gc", "UInt", l, "Int", what, "Int", data, "Cdecl Int") } ;lua_getallofc(lua_State *L, void **ud) ; Returns the memory-allocation function of a given state. ; If ud is not NULL, Lua stores in *ud the opaque pointer passed to lua_newstate. lua_getfenv(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_getfenv", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_getfield(ByRef L, index, name) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_getfield", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Str", name, "Cdecl") } lua_getglobal(ByRef L, name) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_getfield", "UInt", L, "Int", -10002, "Str", name, "Cdecl") Return, lua_getfield(L, -10002, name) } lua_getmetatable(ByRef L, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_getmetatable", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_gettable(ByRef L, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_gettable", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_gettop(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_gettop", "UInt", l, "Cdecl Int") } lua_insert(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_insert", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_isboolean(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isboolean", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_iscfunction(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_iscfunction", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isfunction(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isfunction", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_islightuserdata(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_islightuserdata", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isnil(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isnil", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isnone(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isnone", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isnoneornil(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isnoneornil", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isnumber(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isnumber", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isstring(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isstring", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_istable(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_istable", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isthread(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isthread", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_isuserdata(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_isuserdata", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_lessthan(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_lessthan", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_load(ByRef l, reader, ByRef data, ByRef chunkname) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_load", "UInt", L, "UInt", reader, "UInt", data, "UInt", chunkname, "Cdecl Int") } lua_newstate(f, ByRef ud) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_newstate", "UInt", f, "UInt", ud, "Cdecl UInt") } lua_newtable(ByRef l) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_newtable", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") Return, lua_createTable(l, 0, 0) } lua_newthread(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_newthread", "UInt", l, "Cdecl UInt") } ;void *lua_newuserdata (lua_State *L, size_t size) ; This function allocates a new block of memory with the given size, pushes onto the ; stack a new full userdata with the block address, and returns this address. lua_next(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_next", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } /* ;-------------------------------------------- ;--- A typical traversal looks like this: --- ;-------------------------------------------- ;table is in the stack at index 't' ;first key lua_pushnil(L) while (lua_next(L, t) != 0) { ;uses 'key' (at index -2) and 'value' (at index -1) msgbox % lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -2)) " - " lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)) ;removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration lua_pop(L, 1); } */ lua_objlen(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_objlen", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_pcall(ByRef l, nargs, nresults, errfunc) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pcall", "UInt", l, "Int", nargs, "Int", nresults, "UInt", errfunc, "Cdecl") } lua_pop(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pop", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl") } lua_pushboolean(ByRef l, bool) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushboolean", "UInt", l, "Int", bool, "Cdecl") } lua_pushcclosure(ByRef L, funcAddr, n) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushcclosure", "UInt", L, "UInt", funcAddr, "Int", n, "Cdecl") } lua_pushcfunction(ByRef L, funcAddr) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushcclosure", "UInt", L, "UInt", funcAddr, "Int", 0, "Cdecl") ;Return, lua_pushcclosure(L, funcAdd, 0) } ;const char *lua_pushfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); ; Pushes onto the stack a formatted string and returns a pointer to this string. ; It is similar to the C function sprintf. also: lua_pushvfstring() lua_pushinteger(ByRef l, int) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushinteger", "UInt", l, "Int", int, "Cdecl") } lua_pushlightuserdata(ByRef l, ByRef p) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushlightuserdata", "UInt", l, "UInt", p, "Cdecl") } lua_pushliteral(ByRef l, ByRef str) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushliteral", "UInt", l, "UInt", str, "Cdecl") } lua_pushlstring(ByRef l, ByRef str, len) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushlstring", "UInt", l, "UInt", str, "Int", len, "Cdecl") } lua_pushnil(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushnil", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } lua_pushnumber(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushnumber", "UInt", l, "Double", no, "Cdecl") } lua_pushstring(ByRef l, ByRef str) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushstring", "UInt", l, "Str", str, "Cdecl") } lua_pushthread(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushthread", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } lua_pushvalue(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_pushvalue", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_rawequal(ByRef l, index1, index2) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_rawequal", "UInt", l, "Int", index1, "Int", index2, "Cdecl Int") } lua_rawget(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_rawget", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_rawgeti(ByRef l, index, n) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_rawgeti", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Int", n, "Cdecl") } lua_rawset(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_rawset", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_rawseti(ByRef l, index, n) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_rawseti", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Int", n, "Cdecl") } lua_register(ByRef l, name, funcAddr) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_register", "UInt", l, "Str", name, "UInt", funcAddr, "Cdecl") lua_pushcfunction(l, funcAddr) lua_setglobal(l, name) } lua_remove(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_remove", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_replace(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_replace", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_resume(ByRef l, narg) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_resume", "UInt", l, "Int", narg, "Cdecl Int") } lua_setallocf(ByRef l, f, ByRef ud) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_setallocf", "UInt", l, "UInt", f, "UInt", ud, "Cdecl") } lua_setfenv(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_setfenv", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_setfield(ByRef L, index, name) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_setfield", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Str", name, "Cdecl") } lua_setglobal(ByRef L, name) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_setfield", "UInt", L, "Int", -10002, "Str", name, "Cdecl") Return, lua_setfield(L, -10002, name) } lua_setmetatable(ByRef L, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_setmetatable", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl Int") } lua_settable(ByRef L, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_settable", "UInt", L, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_settop(ByRef l, index) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_settop", "UInt", l, "Int", index, "Cdecl") } lua_status(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_status", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } lua_toboolean(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_toboolean", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } lua_tocfunction(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_tocfunction", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl UInt") } lua_tointeger(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_tointeger", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } lua_tolstring(ByRef l, no, size) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_tolstring", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Int", size, "Cdecl Str") } lua_tonumber(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_tonumber", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Double") } lua_topointer(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_topointer", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl UInt") } lua_tostring(ByRef l, no) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_tostring", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Str") Return, lua_tolstring(l, no, 0) } lua_tothread(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_tothread", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl UInt") } lua_touserdata(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_touserdata", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl UInt") } lua_type(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_type", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } lua_typename(ByRef l, tp) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_typename", "UInt", l, "Int", tp, "Cdecl Str") } lua_xmove(ByRef from, ByRef to, n) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_xmove", "UInt", from, "UInt", to, "Int", n, "Cdecl") } lua_yield(ByRef l, nresults) { Return, DllCall("lua51/lua_yield", "UInt", l, "Int", nresults, "Cdecl Int") } ;--------------------------------------------- ; Load the standard Lua libraries ;--------------------------------------------- luaopen_base(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_base", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_package(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_package", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_string(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_string", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_table(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_table", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_math(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_math", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_io(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_io", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_os(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_os", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } luaopen_debug(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaopen_debug", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } ;--------------------------------------------- ;luaL ;--------------------------------------------- luaL_buffinit(ByRef l, ByRef Buffer) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_buffinit", "UInt", l, "UInt", Buffer, "Cdecl") } luaL_callmeta(ByRef l, obj, ByRef e) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_callmeta", "UInt", l, "Int", obj, "Str", e, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_checkany(ByRef l, narg) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkany", "UInt", l, "Int", narg, "Cdecl") } luaL_checkint(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkint", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_checkinteger(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkinteger", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_checklong(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checklong", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_checklstring(ByRef l, no, ByRef len) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checklstring", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "UInt", len, "Cdecl Str") } luaL_checknumber(ByRef l, no) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checknumber", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_checkoption(ByRef l, no, ByRef def, ByRef lst) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkoption", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "UInt", def, "UInt", lst, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_checkstack(ByRef l, no, ByRef msg) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkstack", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Str", msg, "Cdecl") } luaL_checkstring(ByRef l, narg) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkstring", "UInt", l, "Int", narg, "Cdecl") } luaL_checktype(ByRef l, no, t) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checktype", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Int", t, "Cdecl") } luaL_checkudata(ByRef l, no, ByRef tname) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_checkudata", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Str", tname, "Cdecl") } luaL_dofile(ByRef l, file) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_dofile", "UInt", l, "Str", file, "Cdecl Int") luaL_loadfile(l, file) Return % lua_pCall(l, 0, -1, 0) } luaL_dostring(ByRef l, ByRef str) { ;Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_dostring", "UInt", l, "Str", str, "Cdecl Int") luaL_loadstring(l, str) Return % lua_pCall(l, 0, -1, 0) } luaL_error(ByRef l, ByRef str) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_error", "UInt", l, "Str", str, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_getmetafield(ByRef l, no, ByRef e) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_getmetafield", "UInt", l, "Int", no, "Str", e, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_getmetatable(ByRef l, ByRef tname) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_getmetatable", "UInt", l, "Str", tname, "Cdecl") } luaL_gsub(ByRef l, ByRef s, ByRef p, ByRef r) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_gsub", "UInt", l, "UInt", s, "UInt", p, "UInt", r, "Cdecl Str") } luaL_loadbuffer(ByRef l, ByRef buff, sz, ByRef name) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_loadbuffer", "UInt", l, "UInt", buff, "Int", sz, "Str", name, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_loadfile(ByRef l, file) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_loadfile", "UInt", l, "Str", file, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_loadstring(ByRef l, ByRef s) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_loadstring", "UInt", l, "Str", s, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_newmetatable(ByRef l, ByRef tname) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_newmetatable", "UInt", l, "Str", tname, "Cdecl Int") } luaL_newstate() { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_newstate", "Cdecl") } luaL_openlibs(ByRef l) { Return, DllCall("lua51/luaL_openlibs", "UInt", l, "Cdecl") } ;int luaL_optint (lua_State *L, int narg, int d); ;lua_Integer luaL_optinteger (lua_State *L, int narg, lua_Integer d); ;long luaL_optlong (lua_State *L, int narg, long d); ;const char *luaL_optlstring (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *d, size_t *l); ;lua_Number luaL_optnumber (lua_State *L, int narg, lua_Number d); ;const char *luaL_optstring (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *d); ;char *luaL_prepbuffer (luaL_Buffer *B); ;void luaL_pushresult (luaL_Buffer *B); ;int luaL_ref (lua_State *L, int t); ;void luaL_register (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_Reg *l) ;const char *luaL_typename (lua_State *L, int index); ;int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname); ;void luaL_unref (lua_State *L, int t, int ref); ;void luaL_where (lua_State *L, int lvl);