参考: http://www.blogjava.net/xylz/archive/2012/09/25/388519.html\
例子程序:#include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sqlite3.h> int main() { int ret; sqlite3* pDb = NULL; char* pErrMsg = NULL; printf("Open db\n"); ret = sqlite3_open("./my.db", &pDb);//Open the db file assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); printf("Clear data\n"); sqlite3_exec(pDb, "drop table if exists myTable\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); printf("Create table\n"); ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "create table if not exists myTable(id integer primary key, name text)", NULL, NULL, &pErrMsg);//Create a table if (SQLITE_OK != ret) printf("%s\n", pErrMsg); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); sqlite3_free(pErrMsg);//TODO:ÊÇ·ñҪÿ´Îsqlite3_exec¶¼free¶ø²»ÊÇÖ»freeÒ»´Î? printf("Insert some lines\n"); ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "insert into myTable(id,name) values(2,'2222222')", NULL, NULL, &pErrMsg); ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "insert into myTable(id,name) values(3,'3333333')", NULL, NULL, &pErrMsg); ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "insert into myTable(id,name) values(11,'11111')", NULL, NULL, &pErrMsg); //if (SQLITE_OK != ret) printf("%s\n", pErrMsg); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); printf("Insert a line that contained ' \n"); char* sql = sqlite3_mprintf("insert into myTable(id,name) values(14,'%q')", "luo'jiao"); printf("sql: %s\n", sql); ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); sqlite3_free(sql); printf("Delete some lines\n"); //ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "delete from myTable where id < 10", NULL, NULL, &pErrMsg); printf("Use prepare&step to insert a line\n"); sqlite3_stmt *stmt; ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, "insert into myTable(id,name) values(?,?)", -1, &stmt, NULL); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); for (int i = 30; i < 33; i++) { sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, i); char text[50] = {0}; sprintf(text, "prepare line id%d", i); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, text, -1, NULL); sqlite3_step(stmt); sqlite3_reset(stmt); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); printf("Select some data from table, result:\n"); sqlite3_stmt *stmt1; const char* sql1 = "select * from myTable where id > 10"; printf("Sql: select * from myTable where id > 10\nid name\n"); ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, sql1, -1, &stmt1, NULL); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(stmt1)) { int id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt1, 0); const unsigned char* pName = sqlite3_column_text(stmt1, 1); printf("%-4d%s\n", id, pName); } ret = sqlite3_finalize(stmt1); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); sqlite3_close(pDb); return 0; }
更新:UPDATE myTable SET address = 'Nanjing', name = 'luojiao'WHEREid = 1;
INSERT OR REPLACE:如果不存在就插入,存在就更新
INSERT OR IGNORE:如果不存在就插入,存在就忽略
模糊匹配:用like替代等号并使用通配符%,例如: select * from mytable where id like '1111%'; select * from mytable where name like 'line%';
like 使用%代表任何字符
like 使用?代表单个字符
select * from t_test where name matches "*"
CREATE TABLE newTable AS SELECT id, name FROM existedTable WHERE id < 10;
ON <tableName>
FOR EACH ROW //可选,不写也一样
--do something; //记得句末一定要加分号
CREATE TRIGGER myTrigger1 after delete on myTable
delete from relatedTable where relatedTable.id = old.id;
注意:sqlite3的触发器语法跟SqlServer等大型数据库不太一样,参照SqlServer的方式来写会无法执行,例如不需要关键字as,也不能用关键字for(只能用before/after),一定要有begin/end,一定要do something语句后加分号
create/drop table时,调用xCreate/xConnect和xDestroy/xDisconnect,在这四个函数里实现表的创建销毁。
xBestIndex 用来处理SQL语句中的WHERE/GROUP BY/ORDER BY这样的约束条件的。入参是sqlite3_index_info中的 /* Inputs */ 部分,出参是sqlite3_index_info中的 /* Outputs */ 部分。每一个WHERE约束条件对应一个aConstraint结构,每一个ORDER BY等对应一个aOrderBy结构。
解析完成后,如果希望哪个约束条件aConstraint[i]被传递到XFilter的argv[n],那就填写aConstraintUsage[i].argvIndex = n;
XFilter 用来进行行选择,根据xBestIndex传过来的条件,选出符合条件的行。
例子代码: 每次执行前要把my.db或里面的virTable表删除,否则会创建失败。加了if not exists会失败。
#include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <sqlite3.h> //#include <sqlite3ext.h> /************************* VT的数据库表信息 *************************/ /*这里建一个最简单的数据库table: vtable(id int, name text) 1, aaa 2, bbb 3, ccc 4, ddd 5, eee */ const int DATA_COUNT = 5;//table大小即行数 static int gIDinTable[DATA_COUNT] = {1,2,3,4,5};//table中的id列数据 const int NAME_LENGTH = 10; static char gNameinTable[DATA_COUNT][NAME_LENGTH] = {"aaa","bbb","ccc","ddd","eee"};//table中的name列数据 static int curPos = 0;//当前cursor /************************* VT的数据库表信息 *************************/ static int MyDestructor(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab) // finished: 100% { printf("MyDestructor\n"); return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyCreate( sqlite3 *db, void *p_aux, int argc, const char * const* argv , sqlite3_vtab **pp_vt, char **pzErr ) // finished: 100% { printf("MyCreate\n"); int ret = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, "create table vtable(id int, name text)"); if (SQLITE_OK != ret) { return SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3_vtab* pVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(sqlite3_vtab)); *pp_vt = (sqlite3_vtab *)pVtab; return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyConnect( sqlite3 *db, void *p_aux, int argc, const char * const *argv, sqlite3_vtab **pp_vt, char **pzErr ) // finished: 100% { printf("MyConnect\n"); return MyCreate(db, p_aux, argc, argv, pp_vt, pzErr); return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo) // finished: 100% { printf("MyBestIndex\n"); //TODO: 这里的aConstraintUsage是谁申请的内存? 应该是只有select语句有条件约束这个就自动申请了?需要看下 //pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[0].argvIndex = 1; return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab) // finished: 100% { printf("MyDisconnect\n"); sqlite3_free(pVtab); return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyDestroy(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab) // finished: 100% { printf("MyDestroy\n"); return MyDisconnect(pVtab);; } static int MyOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **pp_cursor) // finished: 100% { printf("MyOpen\n"); sqlite3_vtab_cursor* pCursor = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor*)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor)); if (pCursor == NULL) { return SQLITE_NOMEM; } *pp_cursor = pCursor; //严格来说,这里应该扩展sqlite3_vtab_cursor来包含curPos,作为cursor的记录。例子就从简了,用全局变量 curPos = 0;//Open时把cursor初始化 return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur) // finished: 100% { printf("MyClose\n"); if (cur) { sqlite3_free(cur); } return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyFilter( sqlite3_vtab_cursor *p_vtc, int idxNum, const char *idxStr, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv ) // finished: 80% { printf("MyFilter\n"); //根据条件来筛选出符合条件的行 return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur) // finished: 100% { printf("MyNext\n"); curPos++;//Next时把cursor递增。严格说应该是cur结构体中带过来筛选条件,在这里根据筛选条件找Next,但例子就从简了 return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur) // finished: 100% { printf("MyEof\n"); //严格说应该是判断,符合cur结构体中带过来筛选条件的行是否结束,但例子就从简了 if (curPos >= DATA_COUNT) { return 1; } else {//0 ~ DATA_COUNT-1 return 0; } } static int MyColumn(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite3_context *ctx, int column) // finished: 80% { printf("MyColumn\n"); switch (column) { case 0://id sqlite3_result_int(ctx, gIDinTable[curPos]); break; case 1://name sqlite3_result_text(ctx, gNameinTable[curPos], strlen(gNameinTable[curPos]), SQLITE_STATIC); break; default: break; } return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite_int64 *p_rowid) // finished: 100% { printf("MyRowid\n"); *p_rowid = (sqlite_int64)curPos; return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyUpdate(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab,int argc,sqlite3_value **argv,sqlite_int64 *pRowid) { printf("MyUpdate\n"); return SQLITE_OK; } static int MyFindFunction( sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, int nArg,const char *zName, void (**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), void **ppArg ) { printf("MyFindFunction\n"); return SQLITE_OK; } static sqlite3_module myModule = { 1, /* iVersion */ MyCreate, /* xCreate - create a vtable */ MyConnect, /* xConnect - associate a vtable with a connection */ MyBestIndex, /* xBestIndex - best index */ MyDisconnect, /* xDisconnect - disassociate a vtable with a connection */ MyDestroy, /* xDestroy - destroy a vtable */ MyOpen, /* xOpen - open a cursor */ MyClose, /* xClose - close a cursor */ MyFilter, /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */ MyNext, /* xNext - advance a cursor */ MyEof, /* xEof - inidicate end of result set*/ MyColumn, /* xColumn - read data */ MyRowid, /* xRowid - read data */ MyUpdate, /* xUpdate - write data */ NULL, /* xBegin - begin transaction */ NULL, /* xSync - sync transaction */ NULL, /* xCommit - commit transaction */ NULL, /* xRollback - rollback transaction */ MyFindFunction, /* xFindFunction - function overloading */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; int main() { int ret; sqlite3* pDb = NULL; printf("Open db\n"); ret = sqlite3_open("./my.db", &pDb);//Open the db file assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); //Create virtual table ret = sqlite3_create_module(pDb, "MyVT", &myModule, NULL); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); printf("Create virtual table\n"); ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "create virtual table virTable using MyVT", NULL, NULL, NULL);//Create a table assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); //Execute a select clause ret = sqlite3_exec(pDb, "select * from virTable", NULL, NULL, NULL);//Create a table assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); //Execute a select clause and get result sqlite3_stmt *stmt; ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDb, "select * from virTable", -1, &stmt, NULL); printf("id name\n"); while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(stmt)) { int id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); const unsigned char* pName = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1);//pName会被sqlite3自动释放,不用外界释放 printf("%-4d %s\n", id, pName); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); assert(SQLITE_OK == ret); sqlite3_close(pDb); return 0; }
BEGIN TRANSACTION - COMMIT :对于Insert和Update这样的有IO的操作,如果每个语句都单独执行,大量操作时就会有大量的IO操作,会非常慢。例如Insert 10000条数据会耗费十几秒的时间。
加速方法: 在批量语句前加 BEGIN TRANSACTION, 之后加 COMMIT, 这样所有的IO操作会被缓存,到COMMIT时统一执行只进行一次IO操作。效果非常明显,几百倍的速度提升。
还有一个"PRAGMA synchronous = OFF"语句,但测试过不起作用,速度没加快。