

DIV ComplexPanel Position widgets absolutely
CellPanel TABLE ComplexPanel [Abstract] Subclass your own cell panels
ComplexPanel - Panel [Abstract] Subclass panels with more than one widget
DeckPanel DIV ComplexPanel Display widgets - one visible at a time
DisclosurePanel TABLE Composite Show/hide a details pane
DockPanel TABLE CellPanel Add widgets N, S, E, W around a central cell
FlowPanel DIV ComplexPanel Add widgets as if to a normal DIV
FocusPanel DIV SimplePanel Add focus to non-focusable widgets
FormPanel DIV SimplePanel Submit a form to a server
Frame IFRAME - Add an IFRAME to the application
HorizontalPanel TABLE CellPanel Add a chain of cells horizontally
HorizontalSplitPanel DIV SplitPanel Move the border between two cells
Add HTML, then access the elements that have IDs
Panel - Widget [Abstract] Base for all panels
ScrollPanel DIV SimplePanel Stack child widgets, displaying contents of only one
StackPanel TABLE SimplePanel Add a vertical chain of widgets
SimplePanel DIV Panel [Abstract] One-widget panel
TabPanel TABLE VerticalPanel Add virtual card-index dividers
VerticalPanel TABLE CellPanel Add a chain of cells vertically
VerticalSplitPanel DIV SplitPanel

Move the border between two cells

