由于XMPP协议并没有很好的支持group,也就是说,client没有办法从server得到空的group list。为了解决这个问题,用户在client创建一个group,我们会将group list存到server的storage:groups中。group存放的格式如下:
- <storage xmlns='http://jabber.com/jabber/storage:groups'>
- <group>Team</group>
- <group>Test Users</group>
- <group>US</group>
- <group>HF</group>
- <group>HZ</group>
- <group>SZ</group>
- </storage>
client每次login server时,首先会从storage:groups拿到一个group list,然后再去拿buddy list,得到buddy list以后,再将从storage:groups拿到的group list和buddy list中含有的group list做一个合并,得到一个完整的group list。
参考RFC 3921 chapter 7 关于roster的管理部分。
- <iq to='[email protected]/balcony' type='result' id='roster_1'>
- <query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'>
- <item jid='[email protected]'
- name='Romeo'
- subscription='both'>
- <group>Friends</group>
- </item>
- <item jid='[email protected]'
- name='Mercutio'
- subscription='from'>
- <group>Friends</group>
- </item>
- <item jid='[email protected]'
- name='Benvolio'
- subscription='both'>
- <group>Friends</group>
- </item>
- </query>
- </iq>
这里介绍几个概念,每个item表示一个contact(XMPP协议称为roster), name attribute表示这个contact的friendly name, subscription表示用户和contact之间的一个关系, RFC 3921 chapter 8详细介绍了subscription的内容。item/group说明了这个contact归属于哪一个/几个group中,如果这个用户属于多个group,在item下就会有多个group tag。
The state of the presence subscription in relation to a roster item is captured in the 'subscription' attribute of the <item/> element. Allowable values for this attribute are:
"none" -- the user does not have a subscription to the contact's presence information, and the contact does not have a subscription to the user's presence information
"to" -- the user has a subscription to the contact's presence information, but the contact does not have a subscription to the user's presence information
"from" -- the contact has a subscription to the user's presence information, but the user does not have a subscription to the contact's presence information
"both" -- both the user and the contact have subscriptions to each other's presence information
上面的定义来自RFC 3921 chapter 8,这里简单解释一下上面几个值得含义:
除了上面定义的subscription之外,还有一个相关的状态:subscription request; out subscription request可以在contact的item中体现出来,ask='subscribe'表示用户给这个contact发送了一个subscription request; in subscription request只能在用户收到的presence中体现出来(type为subscribe)。 将subscription request和上述定义的subscription value组合起来,就会得到一个完整的subscription的状态表。