

Opcode_1, opcode_2及CRm必须为0,除非这些值被用来选择特定的操作。
Reg0:ID CODE 寄存器,只读32位,设备ID代码
       31:24    开发厂商       0x41
       23:20    规范版本       0x01
       19:16    架构版本(V4T)     0x02
       15:4     Part号码        0x920
       3:0       Layout版本    0x0
操作指令:MRC p15,0,Rd,C0,C0,0
       操作指令:MRC p15,0,Rd,C0,C0,1 
28:25 Cache type 0110
24 Harvard/Unified 1 (defines Harvard cache)
20:18 DCache 大小 101 ( 16KB)
17:15 DCache associativity 110 (defines 64 way)
13:12 DCache words per line 10 (defines 8 words per line)
8:6 ICache size 101 (defines 16KB)
5:3 ICache Associativity 110 (defines 64 way)
1:0 ICache words per line 10 (defines 8 words per line)
       操作指令:    MRC p15,0,Rd,C1,C0,0        读
                            MCR p15,0,Rd,C1,C0,0        写
该寄存器控制 缓存,MMU,及时钟选项,还控制系统的大小端选择,错误检测使能等。
Register Bits Name Function Value
31 iA bit Asynchronous clock select See Table 2-11 on page 2-11.
30 nF bit notFastBus select See Table 2-11 on page 2-11.
29:15 – Reserved Read = Unpredictable
Write = Should be zero
14 RR bit Round robin replacement 0 = Random replacement
1 = Round robin replacement
13 V bit Base location of exception
0 = Low addresses = 0x0000 0000
1 = High addresses = 0xFFFF 0000
12 I bit Instruction cache enable 0 = Instruction cache disabled
1 = Instruction cache enabled
11:10 – Reserved Read = 00
Write = 00
9 R bit ROM protection This bit modifies the MMU protection system.
See Table 3-6 on page 3-20
8 S bit System protection This bit modifies the MMU protection system.
See Table 3-6 on page 3-20
7 B bit Big-endian/little-endian 0 = Little-endian operation
1 = Big-endian operation
6:3 – Reserved Read = 1111
Write = 1111
2 C bit Data cache enable 0 = Data cache disabled
1 = Data cache enabled
1 A bit Alignment fault enable Data address alignment fault checing.
0 = Fault checking disabled
1 = Fault checking enabled
0 M bit MMU enable 0 = MMU disabled
1 = MMU enabled
Reg2 转换表寄存器
Reg3 域访问控制寄存器,
Reg5 错误状态寄存器(FSR)
Reg6 错误地址寄存器(FAR)
Reg7 Cache操作寄存器 只写
Reg8 TLB操作寄存器
Reg9 Cache lockdown
Reg10 TLB lockdown
Reg13 ProcID  (复位后为0)
Reg15 测试使用,不允许访问
