Jenkins Configuration(2)Build Enviroment with maven/ivy

Jenkins Configuration(2)Build Enviroment with maven/ivy

1. Some Linux Commands
1.1 tee
append the console output to file

-a append the file


>echo " "  | tee -a $BUILD_HOME/logs/all.log

1.2 cp
cp file and directory

-f --force

-p --preserve keep the information of the file and directory

-r  do the same things to the sub directory


>cp -pfr directory1 directory2

2. Build the Project with Maven
I should have this kind of confirmation in my pom.xml. 


And set the username and password in settings.xml 













When I execute the maven command as follow:

>clean source:jar package deploy:deploy --update-snapshots

The package will deploy to my artifactory.


3. Build the Project with Ivy
Here are the configuration in build.xml:




<!-- ================================= target: resolve ================================= -->
<targetname="resolve"depends="download-ivy"description="--> retreive dependencies with ivy"]]>

<!-- ================================= target: clean-cache ================================= -->
<targetname="clean-cache-lib"description="--> clean the ivy cache"]]>

<targetname="publish"depends="download-ivy"description="publish package to artifactory"]]>

I can run the command to manage the jar package

>ant resolve

I can run the command to push my release package to artifactory

>ant publish

Here are the configuration in ivy.settings.xml:




    <chain name="main"returnFirst="true"]]>
    <filesystem name="libraries"]]>
        <artifact pattern="${ivy.conf.dir}/lib/[artifact]-[revision].[type]"/>
            <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>

            <ibiblio name="java-net-maven1"root=""pattern="${}"m2compatible="false"/>
            <ibiblio name="java-net-maven2"root=""m2compatible="true"/>
            <ibiblio name="sillycat-snapshots"m2compatible="true"root="${sillycat-snapshots}"/>



And my ivy.xml will be like this:

<ivy-module version="2.0"]]>

<info organisation="com.sillycat.stores" module="storename" revision="1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"/>  

    <conf name="sillycat-snapshots"/>
    <conf name="compile"/>
  <conf name="runtime" extends="compile"/>
  <artifact type="war" ext="war"conf="sillycat-snapshots"/>

Every thing works fine on my local machine. But on the server I got this error message.

Error Message:
Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant:settings
Cause: The name is undefined.

Action: Check the spelling.

Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.

Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.

No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet


>tar zxvf apache-ivy-2.2.0-bin.tar.gz

>cd apache-ivy-2.2.0

>cp ./ivy-2.2.0.jar /opt/apache-ant-1.8.1/lib/

It is working now.

When you want to resolve the war package from artifactory. Do like this:

<dependency org="com.sillycat.stores" name="storename" rev="1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"conf="runtime->default"]]>
      <artifact name="storename" type="war"/>

And change the build.xml statements like this:

<target name="resolve" depends="download-ivy" description="--> retreive dependencies with ivy"]]>
<ivy:retrieve pattern="${basedir}/war/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" type="war,jar,bundle"sync="true"/>

4. Some Tips in Jenkins
Poll SCM using this pattern * * * * *

Execute the maven command base on this >clean source:jar package deploy:deploy --update-snapshots

Trigger another project base on this configuration:

Post-build Actions---> Build other projects ----> Trigger only if build succeeds

Only get the dependency from this maven command >clean dependency:copy-dependencies

Execute the shell script here:

Build ----> Execute shell --->

Command ----> chmod 755 * .; ./


