Usually you find database records by means of the record's key. However, the key that you use for your record will not always contain the information required to provide you with rapid access to the data that you want to retrieve. For example, suppose your Database contains records related to users. The key might be a string that is some unique identifier for the person, such as a user ID. Each record's data, however, would likely contain a complex object containing details about people such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and so forth. While your application may frequently want to query a person by user ID (that is, by the information stored in the key), it may also on occasion want to locate people by, say, their name.
In JE, the Database
that contains your data is called a primary database. A database that provides an alternative set of keys to access that data is called a secondary database,
Primary databases must not support duplicate records.
Secondary records point to primary records using the primary key, so that key must be unique.
So to open (create) a secondary database, you:
Open your primary database.
Instantiate your key creator.
Instantiate your SecondaryConfig
Set your key creator object on your SecondaryConfig
Open your secondary database, specifying your primary database and your SecondaryConfig
at that time.
class KeyCreator implements SecondaryKeyCreator{ private EntryBinding valueBinding = null; public KeyCreator(EntryBinding binding) { valueBinding = binding;//用来实现Entry--object 转换 } @Override public boolean createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase sdb, DatabaseEntry keyEntry, DatabaseEntry valueEntry, DatabaseEntry resultEntry) { V value = (V)valueBinding.entryToObject(valueEntry); String data = value.toString(); System.out.println("in createSKey..."+data); try { resultEntry.setData(data.getBytes(charset)); return true; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }可以看到,我这里建立的二级索引用的是toString()这个字符串来对数据进行另一中途径的索引。
/** * 创建二级索引数据库 */ String secDbName = "secDbName"; secCfig = new SecondaryConfig(); secCfig.setAllowCreate(true); secCfig.setSortedDuplicates(true);//二级库可以有重复 KeyCreator keyCreator = new KeyCreator(valueBinding); secCfig.setKeyCreator(keyCreator); secDb = env.openSecondaryDatabase(null, secDbName, db, secCfig);
/** * 查找 */ public V getBySec(String searchContent){ try{ DatabaseEntry searchEntry = new DatabaseEntry(searchContent.getBytes(charset)); DatabaseEntry keyEntry = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry valueEntry = new DatabaseEntry(); secDb.get(null, searchEntry, keyEntry, valueEntry, LockMode.DEFAULT); if(valueEntry.getData()!=null){ V value = (V)valueBinding.entryToObject(valueEntry); return value; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static void main(String[] args) { BDBUtil<Integer, Student> bDB = new BDBUtil<Integer, Student>("testDB",Student.class); Student s1 = new Student(1,"ylf"); BDBIterator it = bDB.getIterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Student t = (Student)it.currentValue(); System.out.println(it.currentKey()+t.toString()); } it.close(); String searchContent = s1.toString(); Student find = bDB.getBySec(searchContent); if(find != null) System.out.println("find:"+find.toString()); bDB.close(); }
1 Student1:ylf 2 Student2:dsb 3 Student3:dbc 4 Student1:ylf 5 Student5:zjq 6 Student6:zjq 7 Student3:dbc Find:Student1:ylf
String searchContent = s2.toString(); Student find = bDB.getBySec(searchContent);
insert a new Student: in createSKey...Student9:Jimmy insert OK, now find him by secDB: Find:Student9:Jimmy
System.out.println("insert a new Student:"); Student s9 = new Student(9,"Jimmy"); bDB.put(9, s9); System.out.println("insert OK, now find him by secDB:"); String searchContent = s9.toString(); Student find = bDB.getBySec(searchContent); if(find != null) System.out.println("Find:"+find.toString());
in createSKey...Student9:Jimmy这句是在接口方法 createSecondaryKey()里打印出来的,这个过程和上面的猜想基本符合的,我也不是想说明什么问题,只是这种理解方便我自己理解罢了,如果有问题大家多多交流交流