


<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="txt/html;charset=utf-8" />
<script src="/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function () {
        jQuery.fn.jmp3 = function (passedOptions) {
            var playerpath = "/eg/showbo/Music/";
            var options = {
                "filepath": "/eg/showbo/Music/",
                "backcolor": "000000",
                "forecolor": "ffffff",
                "width": "25",
                "repeat": "no",
                "volume": "50",
                "autoplay": "false",
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                jQuery.extend(options, passedOptions);
            return this.each(function () {
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                var validfilename = filename.toLowerCase().indexOf(".mp3");
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                mp3html += 'width="' + options.width + '" height="20" ';
                mp3html += 'codebase="">';
                mp3html += '<param name="movie" value="' + playerpath + 'singlemp3player.swf?';
                mp3html += 'showDownload=' + options.showdownload + '&file=' + filename + '&autoStart=' + options.autoplay;
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<span class="mp3">暗夜精灵.MP3</span>


jQuery.fn.jmp3 = function(passedOptions){
    var playerpath = "";//如果这个swf文件在其他路径下,路径要以/结尾,如“../swf/”,最后的斜杠/不能少
    // 可选参数,注意参数值都为字符串,建议不要传递数字或者boolean变量,如showfilename传递false还是会显示文件名
    var options = {
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        "repeat": "no",//是否重复播放mp3
        "volume": "50",//mp3音量 (0-100)
        "autoplay": "false",//当播放器初始化好后是否自动播放,默认false
        "showdownload": "true",    //是否显示下载mp3按钮,注意设置为true时,width至少要40px,要不右边向上的下载箭头看不到
        "showfilename": "true"//是否显示mp3的文件名称
    // use passed options, if they exist
    if (passedOptions) {
        jQuery.extend(options, passedOptions);
    // iterate through each object
    return this.each(function(){
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        var filename = options.filepath + jQuery(this).html();//mp3文件路径
        // do nothing if not an .mp3 file
        var validfilename = filename.toLowerCase().indexOf(".mp3");//这里应该转换为小写,不区分大小写
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        mp3html += '<param name="movie" value="' + playerpath + 'singlemp3player.swf?';
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        mp3html += 'src="' + playerpath + 'singlemp3player.swf?'
        mp3html += 'showDownload=' + options.showdownload + '&file=' + filename + '&autoStart=' + options.autoplay;
        mp3html += '&backColor=' + options.backcolor + '&frontColor=' + options.forecolor;
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