

1.打开Visual Studio 2008 命令提示窗口

2.进入F:/Develop/boost_1_37_0 C++/boost_1_37_0/tools/jam/src

3.执行 build.bat 会在F:/Develop/boost_1_37_0 C++/boost_1_37_0/tools/jam/src/bin.ntx86 生成 bjam.exe 文件.

4.Copy bjam.exe 文件到 F:/Develop/boost_1_37_0 C++/boost_1_37_0 下.

5.修改 F:/Develop/boost_1_37_0 C++/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/user-config.jam 找到下面的地文

# -------------------
# MSVC configuration.
# -------------------

# Configure msvc (default version, searched for in standard locations and PATH).
# using msvc ;

# Configure specific msvc version (searched for in standard locations and PATH).
# using msvc : 8.0 ;

#在这里添加 vs2008 的配置


#在这里添加 vs2005 的配置

using msvc : 8.0 : : <compileflags>/wd4819 <compileflags>/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE <compileflags>/D_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE <compileflags>/D_SECURE_SCL=0 ;    

6.进入F:/Develop/boost_1_37_0 C++/boost_1_37_0 目录

7.执行bjam.exe 编译命令

//prefix    将boost安装到的路径(生成的头文件和库文件都会放到该路径中)。
//VC80_ROOT  vc2005的安装路径,如果未将vc2005安装到默认位置,你必须指定该项。
//TOOLS         使用的编译工具,vc2005对应的是vc-8_0
//PYTHON_ROOT        python的安装目录,如果未将BOOST安装到默认位置,你必须指定该项。
//BUILD         编译结果选项,默认会生成尽可能多的版本,如调试版/发行版,静态库/动态库,单线程/多线程。

bjam 命令说明


Boost.Build V2 (Milestone 12)
Boost.Jam 03.1.16

Project-specific help:

Project has jamfile at Jamroot


bjam [options] [properties] [install|stage]

Builds and installs Boost.

Targets and Related Options:

install                 Install headers and compiled library files to the
=======                 configured locations (below).

--prefix=<PREFIX>       Install architecture independent files here.
                          Default; C:/Boost on Win32
                          Default; /usr/local on Unix. Linux, etc.

--exec-prefix=<EPREFIX> Install architecture dependent files here.
                          Default; <PREFIX>

--libdir=<DIR>          Install library files here.
                          Default; <EPREFIX>/lib

--includedir=<HDRDIR>   Install header files here.
                          Default; <PREFIX>/include

stage                   Build and install only compiled library files
=====                   to the stage directory.

--stagedir=<STAGEDIR>   Install library files here
                          Default; ./stage

Other Options:

--build-type=<type>     Build the specified pre-defined set of variations
                          of the libraries. Note, that which variants get
                          built depends on what each library supports.

                              minimal (default) - Builds the single
                              "release" version of the libraries. This
                              release corresponds to specifying:
                              "release <threading>multi <link>shared
                              <link>static <runtime-link>shared" as the
                              Boost.Build variant to build.

                              complete - Attempts to build all possible

--build-dir=DIR         Build in this location instead of building
                          within the distribution tree. Recommended!

--show-libraries        Displays the list of Boost libraries that require
                          build and installation steps, then exit.

--layout=<layout>       Determines whether to choose library names
                          and header locations such that multiple
                          versions of Boost or multiple compilers can
                          be used on the same system.

                              versioned (default) - Names of boost
                              binaries include the Boost version
                              number and the name and version of the
                              compiler. Boost headers are installed
                              in a subdirectory of <HDRDIR> whose
                              name contains the Boost version

                              system - Binaries names do not include
                              the Boost version number or the name
                              and version number of the compiler.
                              Boost headers are installed directly
                              into <HDRDIR>. This option is
                              intended for system integrators who
                              are building distribution packages.

--buildid=ID            Adds the specified ID to the name of built
                          libraries. The default is to not add anything.

--help                  This message.

--with-<library>        Build and install the specified <library>
                          If this option is used, only libraries
                          specified using this option will be built.

--without-<library>     Do not build, stage, or install the specified
                          <library>. By default, all libraries are built.


toolset=toolset         Indicates the toolset to build with.

variant=debug|release   Select the build variant

link=static|shared      Whether to build static or shared libraries

threading=single|multi Whether to build single or multithreaded binaries

                          Whether to link to static or shared C and C++ runtime.

Configuration help:

Configuration file at F:/Develop/boost_1_37_0 C++/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2

This file is used to configure your Boost.Build installation. You can modify
this file in place, or you can place it in a permanent location so that it
does not get overwritten should you get a new version of Boost.Build. See:


for documentation about possible permanent locations.

General command line usage:

    bjam [options] [properties] [targets]

Options, properties and targets can be specified in any order.
Important Options:

* --clean Remove targets instead of building
* -a Rebuild everything
* -n Don't execute the commands, only print them
* -d+2 Show commands as they are executed
* -d0 Supress all informational messages
* -q Stop at first error
* --debug-configuration Diagnose configuration
* --debug-building Report which targets are built with what properties
* --debug-generator Diagnose generator search/execution

Further Help:

The following options can be used to obtain additional documentation.

* --help-options Print more obscure command line options.
* --help-internal Boost.Build implementation details.
* --help-doc-options Implementation details doc formatting.


bjam --toolset=msvc-9.0 --prefix=F:/Develop/BoostLibAndDll --build-type=complete install



打开VS2008 选择 工具->选项->vc++目录



