/*----------------------------------预处理命令-----------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define LEN sizeof(struct student) #define FORMAT "%ld,%f" #define P_FORMAT "%ld %5.1f\n" #define Null 0 /*---------------------------------构造结构体------------------------------------------*/ struct student//构造一个结构体类型 { long num;//学生学号 float score;//学生成绩 struct student *next;//存放下一节点地址的指针变量 };
int n = 0; //用于统计节点个数的全局变量
/*---------------------------------建立链表函数--------------------------------------- */ struct student *creat(void) //建立链表的函数 { struct student *p1,*p2,*head; n = 0;//头结点个数初始化为0 p2 = p1 = (struct student *)malloc(LEN);//开辟一个节点,并使p1、p2指向它 scanf(FORMAT,&p1->num,&p1 ->score);//对第一个节点赋值 head = Null;//将头指针初始化为Null
while (p1->num != 0) { n = n + 1; //统计节点个数
if (n == 1) { head = p1;//将第一个节点的地址发送给头指针 } else { p2->next = p1;//将新开辟的节点的地址发给前一节点指针变量next
p2 = p1;//将p2指向表尾(当前链表的最后一个节点) p1 = (struct student *)malloc(LEN);//再开辟一个新节点,使p1指向它 scanf(FORMAT,&p1->num,&p1 ->score);
p2->next = Null;//若新开辟的节点num=0,那么表尾节点的指针变量置为NULL
return (head); } /*-----------------------------------输出链表函数--------------------------------------- */ void print(struct student *head)//输出链表的函数 { struct student *p; printf("\n\nNOW,These %d record are:\n",n); if (head != Null) //判断头指针是否为空 { p = head; //使p指第一个节点
do { printf(P_FORMAT,p->num,p->score);//输出p所指的节点的成员 p = p->next; //使p指向下一节点 }while (p != Null); } else { printf(" \nlist Null!\n"); }
return; } /*----------------------------------删除链表节点函数----------------------------------- */ struct student *del(struct student *head,long num)//删除链表节点的函数 { struct student *p1,*p2;
if (head == Null) //判断头指针是否为空 { printf("\nlist Null!\n"); } else { p1 = head;
while (p1->num != num && p1->next != Null) //当p1所指节点不是要删除的节点以及不是表尾节点时,继续寻找。 { p2 = p1; p1 = p1->next; }
if (p1->num == num)//判断p1是否是要删除的节点 { if(p1 == head)//判断p1是否指向头结点 { head = p1->next; } else { p2->next = p1->next; } printf("\n%ld has been deleted\n",num); n=n-1; } else { printf("\n%ld is not foud!\n",num); } }
return (head); } /*----------------------------------增加链表节点函数----------------------------------- */ struct student *insert(struct student *head,struct student *stu)//插入链表节点的函数 { struct student *p0,*p1,*p2; p0 = stu; //使p0指向要插入的节点
if (head == Null) //判断链表是否为空 { head = p0; //将p0所指的节点作为唯一节点 } else { p1 = head; //使p1指向第一个节点 while (p1->num < p0->num && p1->next != Null)//当p1所指的节点成员num小于要插入的节点num以及p1所指的不是表尾节点,继续寻找 { p2 = p1; p1 = p1->next; }
if (p0->num <= p1->num) //判断是否找到大于等于要插入的节点num的节点 { if (p1 == head) //判断p1是否指向头结点 { head = p0; //插到表头之前 p0->next = p1; } else { p2->next = p0; //插到表中间 p0->next = p1; } } else //插到表尾之后 { p1->next = p0; p0->next = Null; } } n = n + 1;
return (head); } /*----------------------------------主函数----------------------------------- */ int main(void) { struct student *stu,*head; long del_num;
printf("Input record:\n"); head = creat();//不能写成head = creat(void);
printf("\nInput the deleted number:"); scanf("%ld",&del_num); while (del_num != 0) { head = del(head,del_num); print(head); printf("\nInput the deleted number:"); scanf("%ld",&del_num); }
printf("\nInput the inserted record: "); stu = (struct student*)malloc(LEN); scanf(FORMAT,&stu->num, &stu->score); while (stu->num != 0) { head = insert(head,stu); print(head); printf("\nInput the inserted record: "); stu = (struct student*)malloc(LEN); scanf(FORMAT,&stu->num, &stu->score); } printf("The end\n"); return 0; } /*在VC++6.0中的输出结果为: ------------------------------------------ Input record: 10101,90 10102,876 10103,87 10104,100 10105,82 10106,76 10107,92 10108,91 10109,76 10110,82 10111,988 0,0
NOW,These 11 record are: 10101 90.0 10102 876.0 10103 87.0 10104 100.0 10105 82.0 10106 76.0 10107 92.0 10108 91.0 10109 76.0 10110 82.0 10111 988.0
Input the deleted number:10102
10102 has been deleted
NOW,These 10 record are: 10101 90.0 10103 87.0 10104 100.0 10105 82.0 10106 76.0 10107 92.0 10108 91.0 10109 76.0 10110 82.0 10111 988.0
Input the deleted number:10104
10104 has been deleted
NOW,These 9 record are: 10101 90.0 10103 87.0 10105 82.0 10106 76.0 10107 92.0 10108 91.0 10109 76.0 10110 82.0 10111 988.0
Input the deleted number:10111
10111 has been deleted
NOW,These 8 record are: 10101 90.0 10103 87.0 10105 82.0 10106 76.0 10107 92.0 10108 91.0 10109 76.0 10110 82.0
Input the deleted number:0
Input the inserted record: 10102,81
NOW,These 9 record are: 10101 90.0 10102 81.0 10103 87.0 10105 82.0 10106 76.0 10107 92.0 10108 91.0 10109 76.0 10110 82.0
Input the inserted record: 10104,93
NOW,These 10 record are: 10101 90.0 10102 81.0 10103 87.0 10104 93.0 10105 82.0 10106 76.0 10107 92.0 10108 91.0 10109 76.0 10110 82.0
Input the inserted record: 0,0 The end Press any key to continue |