In the field of Cryptography, prime numbers play an important role. We are interested in a scheme called "Diffie
-Hellman" key exchange which allows two communicating parties to exchange a secret key. This method requires
a prime numberp and r which is a primitive root of p to be publicly known. For a prime number p, r is a primitive
root if and only if it's exponents r, r2, r3, ... , rp-1 are distinct (mod p). Cryptography Experts Group (CEG) is trying
to develop such a system. They want to have a list of prime numbers and their primitive roots. You are going to
write a program to help them. Given a prime number p and another integer r < p , you need to tell whether r is a
primitive root of p.
There will be multiple test cases. Each test case starts with two integers p ( p < 2 31 ) and n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 ) sepa
rated by a space on a single line. p is the prime number we want to use and n is the number of candidates we
need to check. Then n lines follow each containing a single integer to check. An empty line follows each test
case and the end of test cases is indicated by p=0 and n=0 and it should not be processed. The number of test
cases is atmost 60.
For each test case print "YES" (quotes for clarity) if r is a primitive root of p and "NO" (again quotes for clarity) otherwise.
Sample Input
Input: 5 2 3 4 7 2 3 4 0 0 Output: YES NO YES NO
In the first test case 31, 32 , 33 and 34 are respectively 3, 4, 2 and 1 (mod 5). So, 3 is a primitive root of 5.
41, 42 , 43 and 44 are respectively 4, 1, 4 and 1 respectively. So, 4 is not a primitive root of 5.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<cmath> #include<cstdlib> #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<ctime> using namespace std; #define maxn 65560 #define LL __int64 int factor[maxn]; LL mod_exp(LL a,LL r,LL p) { LL d=1; a%=p; while(r) { if(r&1) d=d*a%p; a=a*a%p; r>>=1; } return d%p; } int main() { int p,n,x; while(~scanf("%d%d",&p,&n),p|n) { int cnt=0,i; for(i=2;i<=(int)sqrt(1.0*(p-1));i++) if((p-1)%i==0) factor[++cnt]=i,factor[++cnt]=(p-1)/i; while(n--) { bool flag=true; scanf("%d",&x); for(i=1;i<=cnt;i++) if(mod_exp(x,factor[i],p)==1) //存在比p-1小的指数满足a^factor=1(mod p) { flag=false; break; } printf("%s\n",flag?"YES":"NO"); } } return 0; }