旧时,写 yuiext 的代码的时候便学习过这些代码,两侧都是制作动画的代码。时间大概是两年前左右(07年初),但心路历程感觉是过了许久 呵呵,真的有天上十天,地下十年的感觉。那时候,靠自学,瞎浑的什么的都不懂,往这几句 script 撞呀撞呀,撞到做出效果为止!这不,一番经历,好歹也认识不少:JS 的道路并不坦,学 ajax 真的要下苦功!
var fade_in_pic = function() { var pic = Array(); pic[0] = "images//china.gif"; pic[1] = "images//Greece.gif"; pic[2] = "images//Italy.gif"; var img = Array(); for (i in pic) { img[i] = new Image(); // 这里有一丝不解,为什么Image会在这里成关键字? img[i].src = pic[i]; } var loop; var j = 0; return { ss: function() { var animator = new YAHOO.ext.Animator(); var cursor = new YAHOO.ext.Actor('holder', animator); animator.startCapture(); // pause .5 seconds animator.pause(4); cursor.fade(1); cursor.appear(); animator.play(); $("holder").src = img[j].src j += 1; if (j > pic.length - 1) j = 0; loop = setTimeout("fade_in_pic.ss()", 5000) } } } (); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", fade_in_pic.ss);
var side_show = { init: function() { var animator = new YAHOO.ext.Animator(); // start capturing var effect = new YAHOO.ext.Actor("img1", animator); var effect_next = new YAHOO.ext.Actor("img2", animator); animator.startCapture(); effect_next.hide(); animator.beginSync(); effect.pulsate(5); effect.fade(); animator.endSync(); animator.pause(2); //中断 effect_next.show(); animator.addAsyncCall(function() { alert(); }, 1); animator.pause(2); //中断 effect.fade(); animator.play(); //play()一定放最后 effect = null; } } YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", side_show.init);
function loadxml() { var xDoc = null; //Browser Version if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) { xDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); //alert("体验更佳效果,请使用IE浏览器.版本5.0或以上."); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); //make a instance for loading XML files(loacl or Remote req.open("GET", "web_config.xml", false); req.send(null); // print the name of the root element or error message var dom = req.responseXML; dump(dom.documentElement.nodeName == "parsererror" ? "error while parsing" : dom.documentElement.nodeName); new Insertion.Bottom('obj_title', dom.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.data); //alert(dom.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.data) return; } else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined") { var msXmlAx = null; try { msXmlAx = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument"); } catch (e) { msXmlAx = new ActiveXObject("Msxml.DOMDocument"); } xDoc = msXmlAx; } if (xDoc == null || typeof xDoc.load == "undefined") { xDoc = null; } xDoc.async = false; xDoc.load("web_config.xml"); root = xDoc.documentElement; } // function loadxml() { //loadxml 1 = it's IE; // var xDoc=null; //Browser Version // if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument){ // xDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("","",null); // alert("体验更佳效果,请使用IE浏览器.版本5.0或以上."); // // for FF reading XML // //var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); //make a instance for loading XML files(loacl or Remote //req.open("GET", "web_config.xml", false); //req.send(null); //// print the name of the root element or error message //var dom = req.responseXML; //dump(dom.documentElement.nodeName == "parsererror" ? "error while parsing" : dom.documentElement.nodeName); //var ddd = dom.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.data; ////alert(dom.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.data) // return(loadxml = false;); // }else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined"){ // var msXmlAx=null; // try{msXmlAx=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");} // catch (e){msXmlAx=new ActiveXObject("Msxml.DOMDocument");} // xDoc=msXmlAx; // } // if (xDoc==null || typeof xDoc.load=="undefined"){xDoc=null;} // // xDoc.async = false; // xDoc.load("web_config.xml"); // root = xDoc.documentElement; // return(loadxml = true); // } function list(page) { try { var loading = $("loading"); loading.style.display = "none"; var bigclass = $("bigclass"); //there's problem :Select alway over the DIV... bigclass.style.display = ""; var objXML = document.getElementById("Detailsdso"); var rs = objXML.recordset; rs.pagesize = 4 //new_pagesize(); //获取每页显示条目数量 var dd = objXML.recordset.pagecount; var rc = rs.RecordCount; if (page <= dd) { rs.absolutepage = page; var str = " "; var j = 0; while (!(rs.eof)) { if (j <= (new_pagesize() - 1)) { str = str + "<div align=/"left/">"; //str=str+ "<tr><Td align=/"left/">" str = str + "<img src="/" mce_src="/""images/memo.gif/" border=/"0/" /> "; str = str + "<a href="/" mce_href="/""page_detail.asp?id=" + rs("id") + "/">" + rs("title") + "</a>"; str = str + "<div styele=/"margin:10px;/"> </div>"; //str=str+ "</td></tr>" str=str+ ("</div>"); } j = j + 1; rs.movenext; } pagepage.innerHTML = str; //输出分页导航 var str2 = ""; var onclickk = "<a href="###" mce_href="###" onclick='list('"; for (var i = 1; i <= dd; i++) { str2 = str2 + "<a href="###" mce_href="###" onclick='list(" + i + ");'>" + i + "</a> "; } s_page.innerHTML = str2; total_page.innerText = dd; total_page.title = dd; //插入总页数 document.getElementById("pageno").value = page; var obj_curr_page = document.getElementById("curr_page"); obj_curr_page.innerHTML = page; var obj_total_record = document.getElementById("total_record"); obj_total_record.innerHTML = rc; loadxml(); //读取配置文件 var news_pagesize = root.selectSingleNode("//Page/new_pagesize").firstChild.nodeValue; var obj_news_pagesize = document.getElementById("news_pagesize"); obj_news_pagesize.innerHTML = news_pagesize; } else { alert("数据不够,总共才" + dd + "页"); } } catch (e) { list1(1) } } function move_last() { var obj_total_page = document.getElementById("total_page").title; list1(obj_total_page); } function list1(page) { //缓冲区设计 避免LOAD页面时XML数据还没到来 var sss = $("Detailsdso"); //alert(sss.readyState) if (sss.src == "") { sss.src = xml_file; } //将LOAD文件归入JS控制 以便检测状况 if (sss.readyState == "complete") { list(page); } else { var loading = $("loading"); var bigclass = $("bigclass"); //there's problem :Select alway over the DIV... bigclass.style.display = "none"; loading.style.display = "block"; Effect.Pulsate("loading"); loading.style.left = Math.floor(window.screen.width / 3); //居中 loading.style.top = Math.floor(window.screen.height / 3); //alert(loading.style) setTimeout("list(" + page + ")", 1000); //re-loading time 根据网速设置时间不同 } } function _goto() { if (checkNum(document.getElementById("pageno").value)) { list1(Math.floor(document.getElementById("pageno").value)) } else { document.getElementById("pageno").value = 1 } } function checkNum(str) { return !//D/.test(str) } //检查是否数字组成 function new_pagesize() { loadxml(); var new_pagesize = root.selectSingleNode("//Page/new_pagesize").firstChild.nodeValue; //var obj_new_pagesize = document.getElementById("new_pagesize"); //obj_new_pagesize.innerText = new_pagesize; return new_pagesize = new_pagesize; //alert(new_pagesize); } function ContentSize(size)//文章字体调整 { var obj = $("main_content"); obj.style.fontSize = size + "px"; } function ch_dl(selObj, restore) { //reload & RE SQL//alert("s");//出现同步问题 ,可在缓冲区里解决 var objXML3 = document.getElementById("Detailsdso"); objXML3.src = xml_file + "?s1=" + selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value; list1(1); if (restore) { selObj.selectedIndex = 0; } }
记得早期把玩 yui-ext 时候,曾经给一个函数折腾得几度想放弃 yui-ext。所说的那个函数就是就是 onReady
/* * 注册浏览器的DOMContentLoaded事件,@todo 有自我卸载的功能。 * @param { Function } onready [必填]在DOMContentLoaded事件触发时需要执行的函数 */ function onReady(onready){ var isReady = false; function doReady(){ if( isReady ) return; //确保onready只执行一次 isReady = true; onready(); } if(window.navigator.isIE8){/*IE*/ (function(){ if ( isReady ) return; try{ document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); }catch( error ) { setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } doReady(); })(); //window.attachEvent('onload',doReady); }else if (window.navigator.isWebkit && window.navigator.webkitVersion < 525){/*Webkit*/ (function(){ if(isReady) return; if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)){ doReady(); }else{ setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); } })(); //window.addEventListener('load',doReady,false); }else{ /*FF Opera 高版webkit 其他*/ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", doReady, false); //document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false ); } }
function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout('r('+f+')',9):f()}
WSC 组件就是微软平台上脚本的模块化。在笔者的实践过程中,研究出一套灵活传递对象的方法,其实质就是送入 host.eval 函数的引用。见下面的 WSC 组件例子:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <package> <component id="deepcms"> <?component error="true" debug="true"?> <implements type="ASP" id="ASP" /> <registration progid="deepcms" /> <public> <method name="getEdk" /> <method name="getExtDirect" /> <method name="getDeepBlog" /> <method name="getDeepCMS" /> <method name="domain"> <PARAMETER name="ns" /> </method> </public> <script type="text/javascript"> with(new ActiveXObject('package_loader')){ init({ evalFn : eval ,edk_folder : 'd:/projects/edk' }); _import('core'); _import('asp'); var folder = Application.Contents('edk_root'); var entity = Server.mappath('/app/deepcms/service/entity.js'); _import(null, entity); var page = Server.mappath('/app/deepcms/service/page.js'); _import(null, page); var deepcms_config = Server.mappath('/app/app/config/config.js'); _import(null, deepcms_config); var deepcms_news = Server.mappath('/app/app/news/news.js'); _import(null, deepcms_news); var deepcms_user = Server.mappath('/app/app/user/user.js'); _import(null, deepcms_user); } function getEdk(){ return $; } function getExtDirect(){ return Ext.direct; } function getDeepBlog(){ return DeepBlog; } function domain(ns){ return $.Model.init.call(eval(ns)); } function getDeepCMS(){ return DeepCMS; } </script> </component> </package>
// D:/dev/new/news/news.wsc
$$ = GetObject("script:" + Server.mappath('/libs/edk/edk-server/edk.wsc').replace(/\\/g, '/')).getEdk();
var wshObj = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var code = wshObj.run('testServer fileServer.js', 0/* 不显示GUI,后台运行 */, false /*不等待程序,也就是执行之后就好*/); alert('已启动node服务器!\n运行代码' + code); close();
WScript = { /** * 不显示UI,以后台执行的方式运行程序。 * @param {String} cmd * @return {Number} */ quietRun : function (cmd){ var wshObj = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); return wshObj.run(cmd, 0/* 不显示GUI,后台运行 */, false /*不等待程序,也就是执行之后就好*/); } /** * 目录选择器。 * @param {String} str * @return {Shell.Application} */ ,showFolderPickuper : function (str){ var objFolder = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder( 0 ,str || "请选择一个目录。" ,0 ,0x11 ); return objFolder ? objFolder.Self.Path : ''; } /** * 在脚本中创建浏览器窗体 适合WSC使用。 */ ,createBrowser : function (){ with(new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application")){ visible = false; addressBar = false; menuBar = false; statusBar = false; toolBar = false; resizable = true; left = 300; top = 200; width = 300; height = 240; silent = true; navigate("http://localhost"); /* Document.title="VBScript 创建的窗口"; Document.body.bgColor="#ECE9D8"; Document.body.style.overflow="hidden"; Document.body.style.borderWidth="0"; Document.body.innerHtml="hi "; */ visible = true; } } /** * 显示系统变量,包括"Process"、"User"和"System"。 * @return {Object} */ ,showSystemVars : function (){ var wshObj = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var args = ["Process", "User", "System"] ,result = {} ,item ,e; for(var i = args.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ result[args[i]] = {}; for(e = new Enumerator(wshObj.Environment(args[i])); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){ var item = e.item().split("="); result[args[i]][item[0]] = item[1]; } } return result; } /** * 添加系统环境变量。 * @param {Sting} key * @param {String} value * @return {String} */ ,addEnvVar : function (key, value){ var wshObj = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var oSysEnv = wshObj.Environment("SYSTEM"); if(!oSysEnv(key) && oSysEnv(key).indexOf(value) == -1){ oSysEnv(key) = value; }else{ alert(value + '已经在了'); } return oSysEnv(key); } /** * 添加PATH环境变量 * @param {String} v 目录字符串 */ ,addPath : function (v){ var wshObj = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var oSysEnv = wshObj.Environment("SYSTEM"); if( oSysEnv("Path").indexOf(v) == -1){ oSysEnv("Path") += ';' + v; }else{ alert('警告:该条目' + v +'已存在!'); } return oSysEnv("Path"); } /** * 获取系统文件夹。通过字体目录获取的。 * @credit http://hi.baidu.com/ucren/blog/item/689d534e6ece2903b2de050f.html */ ,getSpecialFolder: function(type){ var fontPath = shell.SpecialFolders("Fonts"); var winPath = fontPath.slice(0, fontPath.lastIndexOf("\\")); switch(type){ case "windows": return winPath; break; case "system32": return winPath + "\\system32"; break; default: return shell.SpecialFolders(type); break; } } };