This is a common but frustrating error that can create real problems. The cause for this error is one or more of the following:
- A primary key for the table is not listed in the Update Properties for the DataWindow.
- The primary key selected allows and has duplicates.
- The Update Properties for the DataWindow are improperly set for the needs of the application.
- The data did actually change.
If no primary key is listed, this is usually the result of either the DataWindow being created on a table that did not have a primary key when the DataWindow was created or the DataWindow was created and Allow Updates was not checked and later checked.
NOTE: If at a later time, the Allow Updates is checked and you select the Table to Update, the Updateable Columns and Key Columns MUST be selected since they are not automatically selected.
There are cases that the primary key selected is not a "true primary key" in that there can be duplicates records for each key. In this case the error will only occur when there are actual duplicates for the selected key. Often this error will go undetected for a long time until a duplicate value is present. This is a hard one to find since the error will occur on the duplicate value only. This appears to be an intermitted error.
Specifying the WHERE clause for update/delete
Sometimes multiple users are accessing the same tables at the same times and in cases, they may be actually accessing the same data at the same time. This may be a desired situation and the correct update/delete specification will protect the data from corruption.
Key Columns:
This is the least restrictive and will data corruption. This can only be safely used in single user environments and in multi-user environments when the developer can be 100% sure that only one user at a time will access the data.
The danger of this is that since the key column is the only column specified in the WHERE clause, another user can change the data after you retrieve it and when you save, your data will over write the other users data. The only warning you would get is if the key column changed, which is very unlikely.
Key and Updateable Columns:
This is the PowerBuilder default and provides the greatest level of granularity but may be too restrictive for the needs of the application. The WHERE clause contains ALL the updateable columns that were selected in the Update Properties of the DataWindow NOT just the updated (modified) columns.
This will guarantee that only one user can update a row at a time. The problem may arise when two users retrieve the same row and each changes different data elements (i.e. one user updates the address of the customer and another updates the middle name). The first user to save the data will be OK and the other user update will fail.
Key and Modified Columns
This is usually a good setting for most multi-user applications. This allows for multiple users to access the same row and both make changes to different data elements of the row.
This would prevent the problem above (i.e. one user updates the address of a customer and another updates the middle name). With this setting, both users would be able to successfully save the data without any negative impact on the other users data.
Correcting Changed Data
To correct data errors caused from data changing between retrieve and update (except for duplicate keys) the following method is an example of what can be employed:
If a row is changed, the DbError event will be triggered with a value of –3 in the argument sqldbcode and the row number of the failure in the argument row. A message can be displayed to the user and the row highlighted for the user to see. Allow the user the option to re-retrieve the changed row or discard it. If the user chooses to re-retrieve the changed data, use the ReSelect() PowerBuilder function. This will re-retrieve ONLY the row specified. This will allow the user to see the changes to the row and permit them to make any additional changes they desire.
IMPORTANT: PowerBuilder will stop the update process upon encountering the first error. The update process can be re-called or stopped at this error. It is usually best to continue the update process. This will update the database with all other changes and/or mark any other error rows. If the row that caused the error is in the Filter buffer, you must unfilter it if you want the user to correct the problem.
Code a –1 as the return value for the DbError event, this will suppress the default PowerBuilder error box and allow you to display your own message.
Row changed between retrieve and update 这个问题一直困扰着我,我也遇到过很多次这类的问题,并且也有不少人问过。我自己认为是数据窗口对象update的设置的问题,因为我就是通过改动update选项改好的。
我具体讲解一下update property中各个选项的意思:
数据窗口的并发性控制可以用"rows"菜单的"Update Properties"项进行设定。
1. Allow Updates:如果选中,则整个数据窗口允许修改,否则不允许;
2. Table to Update:在多表查询时,用该项选择要设置的表名;
3. Where Clause for Update/Delete:这项设置是对数据库并发控制最重要的一项,要仔细设置。
(a)Key Columns:仅仅使用关键字作为整条记录的标志。在网络环境下不推荐使用此选项。如果两个用户同时修改了同一条记录,后进行保存操作的人会把先保存的人所做的修改"抹掉"而毫无察觉。如果选择Key Columns,那么Update对应的SQL语句是:
Update A.xh, A.xm, A.csrq, A.py
Set ... //用户修改后的新值
Where A.xh = ... //用户修改前的旧值
(b)Key and Updatable Columns:使用关键字和所有可更新列作为记录的标志。
Update A.xh, A.xm, A.csrq, A.py
Set ... //用户修改后的新值
Where A.xh = ...
And A.xm = ...
And A.csrq ...
And A.py = ... //用户修改前的旧值
(c)Key and Modified Columns:使用关键字和所有已更新列作为记录的标志。
4. Key Modification:该项设置决定了更新数据库的方法。
(a)Use Delete then Insert:先删除,再插入。
(b)Use Update:直接修改。
5. Updatable Columns:用来选择"可更新列",这里所做的选择与3.(b)对应,没有选中的列将不会出现在Update语句中。
6. Unique Key Columns:用来选择关键字,这里所做的选择与3.(a)对应,没有选中的列将不会出现在Update语句中。
什么情况下发生这种错误是由dw的update properties 的设置决定的,
表1: a,b,c,d 列(在updatable columns中选中全部列)
a为key列(在unigue key columns 中设置)
关键是where clause ...中的设置
(a)Key Columns:仅仅使用关键字作为整条记录的标志。 当选择这种方式时,只有a字段的值在你update()之前发生改变,才会引起这个错误
b)Key and Updatable Columns:使用关键字和所有可更新列作为记录的标志。 使用这种方式更新,最容易引起这种错误,因为只要a,b,c,d任何一个可更新的列由其它人改变了,就会引起错误.
c)Key and Modified Columns:使用关键字和所有已更新列作为记录的标志。假如: 你修改了b列,那么,在你执行update()之前,如果a,b中任何一个列由其它人改变了,就会引起这个错误. 这种情况下,如果a,b列没被其它人修改,而c,d列被修改了,则不会引起错误.
但是,有些时候,是单击版开发,数据改动全部由开发者控制,基本上不存在多用户同时使用的问题,也会发生Row changed between retrieve and update 这样的错误,原先由高人指点过一二,但是也不是很清楚,请高人再指点一下
2.有时候有些朋友,在开发的时候,打开了两个PB,(特别是对database操作), 另一个程序运行
3.对于dw如果用setitemstatus() 或 update(false,false) 之类的语句,很容易会引起这种错误
Row changed between retrieve and update
Row changed between retrieve and update.
No changes made to database.
DELETE FROM dbo.Overtime_Request WHERE factory_id = 23 AND department_id = 'CL' AND section_id = 1 AND overtime_date = '20081014' AND overtime_reason = '????' AND sign_by1 IS NULL AND sign_by2 IS NULL AND sign_by3 IS NULL AND Create_By = 'afen liu' AND Modify_By IS NULL
Row changed between retrieve and update 错误出现的常见原因2006-07-26 22:36 新手在在pb数据窗口编程中,可能会遇到Row changed between retrieve and update 这种错误提示。说明某个数据在retrieve和update之间数值发生改变,导致无法更新。
其中以下是最常见的原因:因为在实际编程中,由于设计考虑不周,导致某列在pdm生成后存在改变长度或者精度的情况;结果:数据窗口中某列的长度(格式) 与 数据库中的不一致。最终是出现如题所示的错误。
我们知道,Datawindow的更新属性 分为3种情况:
(1)Key Columns
(2)Key and Updateable Columns
检查主键 和 所有可修改 的列。如(1)处理。
(3)Key and Modified Columns
检查主键 和 要修改 的列。如(1)处理。
四 另外有一个原因就是dw数据窗口提交的update语句有问题,如里边的where条件有问题,可以按提示错误的条件查询一下看看有没有数据,有可能是查询条件本身就没有数据,
Row changed between retrieve and update 这个问题一直困扰着我,我也遇到过很多次这类的问题,并且也有不少人问过。我自己认为是数据窗口对象update的设置的问题,因为我就是通过改动update选项改好的。
我具体讲解一下update property中各个选项的意思:
数据窗口的并发性控制可以用"rows"菜单的"Update Properties"项进行设定。
1. Allow Updates:如果选中,则整个数据窗口允许修改,否则不允许;
2. Table to Update:在多表查询时,用该项选择要设置的表名;
3. Where Clause for Update/Delete:这项设置是对数据库并发控制最重要的一项,要仔细设置。
(a)Key Columns:仅仅使用关键字作为整条记录的标志。在网络环境下不推荐使用此选项。如果两个用户同时修改了同一条记录,后进行保存操作的人会把先保存的人所做的修改"抹掉"而毫无察觉。如果选择Key Columns,那么Update对应的SQL语句是:
Update A.xh, A.xm, A.csrq, A.py
Set ... //用户修改后的新值
Where A.xh = ... //用户修改前的旧值
(b)Key and Updatable Columns:使用关键字和所有可更新列作为记录的标志。
Update A.xh, A.xm, A.csrq, A.py
Set ... //用户修改后的新值
Where A.xh = ...
And A.xm = ...
And A.csrq ...
And A.py = ... //用户修改前的旧值
(c)Key and Modified Columns:使用关键字和所有已更新列作为记录的标志。
4. Key Modification:该项设置决定了更新数据库的方法。
(a)Use Delete then Insert:先删除,再插入。
(b)Use Update:直接修改。
5. Updatable Columns:用来选择"可更新列",这里所做的选择与3.(b)对应,没有选中的列将不会出现在Update语句中。
6. Unique Key Columns:用来选择关键字,这里所做的选择与3.(a)对应,没有选中的列将不会出现在Update语句中。
什么情况下发生这种错误是由dw的update properties 的设置决定的,
表1: a,b,c,d 列(在updatable columns中选中全部列)
a为key列(在unigue key columns 中设置)
关键是where clause ...中的设置
(a)Key Columns:仅仅使用关键字作为整条记录的标志。 当选择这种方式时,只有a字段的值在你update()之前发生改变,才会引起这个错误
b)Key and Updatable Columns:使用关键字和所有可更新列作为记录的标志。 使用这种方式更新,最容易引起这种错误,因为只要a,b,c,d任何一个可更新的列由其它人改变了,就会引起错误.
c)Key and Modified Columns:使用关键字和所有已更新列作为记录的标志。假如: 你修改了b列,那么,在你执行update()之前,如果a,b中任何一个列由其它人改变了,就会引起这个错误. 这种情况下,如果a,b列没被其它人修改,而c,d列被修改了,则不会引起错误.
但是,有些时候,是单击版开发,数据改动全部由开发者控制,基本上不存在多用户同时使用的问题,也会发生Row changed between retrieve and update 这样的错误,原先由高人指点过一二,但是也不是很清楚,请高人再指点一下
2.有时候有些朋友,在开发的时候,打开了两个PB,(特别是对database操作), 另一个程序运行
3.对于dw如果用setitemstatus() 或 update(false,false) 之类的语句,很容易会引起这种错误