
// FSeek.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "iostream.h"

#define  STU_NUM  100

struct STU
 int id;
 double score;
 char name[20];

void MakeFile()
 FILE * fp = fopen("c://stu.dat","wb"); 

 for(int i=0;i<STU_NUM; i++)
  STU stu;

  stu.id =i;
  stu.score = i+0.01*i;  




int GetRecordCount()
 FILE *fp = fopen("c://stu.dat","rb");


 int len = ftell(fp);
 int nCount = len / sizeof(STU);


 return nCount;

void Read(int nIndex)

 FILE *fp = fopen("c://stu.dat","rb");

 fseek(fp,nIndex * sizeof(STU),SEEK_SET);

 STU stu;


 printf("记录为:【id::%d - score::%.2f - name::%s】/n",stu.id,stu.score,stu.name);


int main(int argc, char* argv[])

 int nCount = GetRecordCount();

 while(nCount > 0)
  int nIndex;

  cout << "/n 输入学号读取对应学生记录,输入 -1 结束:/n";
  cin >> nIndex;
  if(nIndex <0 )

  if(nIndex > nCount)



 return 0;
