
我从2011年10月左右从原先的快蹄键盘布局转而使用德沃夏克键盘布局,到现在已经7个月了。故作下记录,也以便心想使用德沃夏克布局的人做参考用。并且,我购买了键盘界的神器——Happy Hacking键盘(HHKB),用在我的笔记本上。


原先用快蹄键盘,平均及最快的打字速度没有记录。用了德沃夏克布局后,我有用10 fast fingers来测试打字速度,截至发帖时,最高速度40WPM,平均37、38WPM。(大多数人应该都能上40,或许还能上50。本人天生手脚不协调,走正步还同手同脚呢。)




还有就是复制粘贴剪切的快捷键的问题,它们是ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+x。按这三个键的舒适度在普通键盘和hhkb中没什么分别。按这几个键,在快蹄布局中,要说最不舒服,是ctrl+v,因为左ctrl和v距离最远(右ctrl更远)。而在HHKB上,只有左ctrl,左ctrl与x、c、v的距离,已不是一只手可以按的了,所以我把HHKB的右alt改成了右ctrl,这样的话,右ctrl挨着v,到b和c的距离差不多,只是角度不同。(如图)右ctrl到v跟到c在一条直线上。所以复制粘贴我用左手按,食指按右ctrl,中指按v,无名指按c,还算可行。就复制粘贴剪切来说,还是快蹄比较舒服。(当然了,因为Windows设计的时候,用的布局是快蹄布局。)


Thank you for contacting the GRE® Program.

Dear XXX,

Regarding your inquiry:

ETS® is committed to serving test takers with disabilities by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Testing accommodations are available for test takers who meet ETS requirements.

The 2011-12 Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health Related Needs for the GRE®, TOEFL®, TSE®, and The Praxis Series™ tests contains contact information, registration procedures, and forms for these programs. The Supplement should be used in conjunction with the information and registration form(s) in the GRE Bulletin. To obtain a copy of the Supplement, contact GRE Disability Services or download the Supplement at www.ets.org/gre/disatest.

Note: Test takers requesting nonstandard accommodations cannot register using the online registration system.
Additionally, test takers who have health-related needs requiring them to bring equipment, beverages or snacks into the testing room or to take extra or extended breaks need to follow the accommodations request procedures described in the Supplement. Send all completed requests for testing accommodations to:
ETS Disability Services
PO Box 6054
Princeton, NJ 08541-6054
Documentation review can take up to six weeks; therefore, we urge you to send in your request as early as possible. Standby registration is not available for computer-based or paper-based testing.

Contacting ETS Disability Services

