OCP 052卷2 20-40

23.you want to import schema objects of the HR user using ORACLE DATA pump from the development database

DEVDB,to the production database, PRODDB.a databse link devdb.us.oracle.com is created between PRODDB and DEVDB

you execute the following command on the PRODDB databse server;

$impdp system/manager directory =DB_DATA



flashback_time = "TO_TIMESTAMP('25-08-2007 14:35:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"

the command fails displaying the following error;

ORA-39001;invalid argument value

ORA-39000;bad dump file specification

ORA-31640;unable to open dumpfile '/home/oracle/schema/shemas.dat' for read

ORA-27037;unable to obtain file status

what would you do to overcome the error?

e.replace the dumpfile option with the network_link=devdb.us.oracle.com option

24.you execete this command to drop the ITEM table.shich has the primary key refered in the ORDERS table;

SQL>DROP TABLE SCOTT.ITEM cascade constraints purge;

which two statements sre true about the effect of the command?

a.no flashback is posible to bring back the item table

d.the dependent referenial integrity constarinsts in the ORADERS table are removed

指定cascade constraints 语句市值删除所有的参照完整性约束包括主键约束和唯一性约束

如果不指定此语句,则参照完整性约束还存在,drop table时会返回一个错误

drop table的同时释放了和它相关联的空间。如果指定purge那么数据库不会讲它和关联的对象放置到回收站的


26.which naming method users the tnsnames.ora file to store the connect description useed buy the client

while connecting to the database instance from a remote machine?

b.local naming method

27.which two statements are true about shared SQL area and private SQL area?

a.shared SQL area will be located in the shared pool

f.the number of the private sql area allocations is denpendent on the OPEN_CURSORS parameter

28.you configured the flash recovery area for your database.the database instance has been started in ARCHIVELOG mode

and the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter is not set.

what will be the ipplications on the archiving and the location of archive redo log file

c.Archiving will be enabled and the destination for the archived redo log file will be set to the flash recovery area implicitly

31.shich two statements are not supported by the data recovery advisor (DRA)

a.recover from failures in the RAC environment

d.diagnose and repair failures on a standby database

database recovery advisor 支持的数据库配置




34.which two statements are true regarding the SGA_TARGET intialization parameter?

a.it can be increased up to the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter

b.increasing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter distributes the increased memory among all the autotuned components

35.which statement is true about the manageability monitor(mmon) backgroud process?

a.it transfers from memory to disk at regular intervals



37.automatic shared memory managemant (ASMM) has been enabled for your database instance.the initialization parameter for the components that are managed by ASMM are not set,after observing the effects of ASMM,you executed the following command;


which statement is true in this scenario?

a.the minimum memory size for the databse buffer cache is set to 100mb


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