useful test tools

Unit Test
-          Java - Juint,, Ant, EMMA
-          Mockrunner:
-          C++ - CppUnit:
-          SQLUnit:
-          DBUnit: (extension of Junit in DB)
-          HttpUnit/JWebUnit:,
-          XMLUnit/XUnit:,
-          SIPUnit:
Web Function Test
-          Selenium,
-          More, see
Java Client GUI Test
-          Abbot, see
Performance Test
-          Jmeter, with Badboy:,
-          OpenSTA:
-          OpenWebLoad:
-          More in
DB test
-          DBMonster£º,
-          DBProbe£º
-          OSDL Database Test Suite:
-          More in
Miltiple media (VoIP, Vedio, Telephony)
-          Ethereal:,
-          SIPp, Sofia SIP:,
-          Seagull, ... :
-          Asterisk, PBX-Lite:
-          More in
Security Test Tool
-          Nessus : Premier UNIX vulnerability assessment tool 
-          Wireshark : Sniffing the glue that holds the Internet together
-          Snort : A Everyone's favorite open source IDS
-          Netcat : The network Swiss army knife
-          Mibbrower:Mib brower is used to monitor SNMP data by Mib
-          More in
-          Network monitoring:
TA Framework
-          STAF/STAX+SAFS:
-          TestMaker-
-          Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP 4.3):¡¡
Other Test Tool Resource Reference


  • The description shown below for each tool is based on descriptions provided in the tool vendor's web site.
  • Check listed sites for latest product capabilities, platforms/servers/clients supported, etc.
  • New additions in each update of this list are added to top of list in each section, for easy browsing by users who check in periodically for newly-listed tools.
  • See How can World Wide Web sites be tested? in the FAQ Part 2 for a discussion of web site testing considerations; also there are several articles about web site testing and management in the 'Other Resources' section.

    Organization of Web Test Tools Listing

    This tools listing has been loosely organized into the categories shown below.
    Categories are not well-defined and some tools could have been listed in several categories. (Note that the 'Web Site Management Tools' category includes products that contain: site version control tools, combined utilities/tools, server management and optimization tools, and authoring/publishing/deployment tools that include significant site management or testing capabilities.) Suggestions for category improvement are welcome; see bottom of this page to send suggestions.

    Load and Performance Test Tools
    Java Test Tools
    Link Checkers
    HTML Validators
    Free On-the-Web HTML Validators and Link Checkers
    PERL and C Programs for Validating and Checking
    Web Functional/Regression Test Tools
    Web Site Security Test Tools
    External Site Monitoring Services
    Web Site Management Tools
    Log Analysis Tools
    Other Web Test Tools


    Load and Performance Test Tools


    QuotiumPro - Web load testing tool from Quotium Technologies SA. Capabilities include: cookies managed natively, making the script modelling phase shorter; HTML and XML parser, allowing display and retrieval of any element from a HTML page or an XML flux in test scripts; option of developing custom monitors using supplied APIs; more.

    LoadDriver - Directly drives multiple instances of MSIE, rather than simulating browsers; emphasizes ease of use. Supports browser-side scripts/objects, HTTP 1.0/1.1, HTTPS, cookies, cache, Windows authentication. Tests can be scriptlessly parameterized with data from text files or custom ODBC data source, for data such as individual userID, password, page to start, think times, data to enter, links to click, cache, initial cache state.

    EasyWebLoad - Easy-to-use web site load testing tool from PrimeMail, Inc. For Windows.

    Test Perspective Load Test - Do-it-yourself load testing service from Keynote Systems for Web applications. Utilizes Keynote's load-generating infrastructure on the Internet; conduct realistic outside-the-firewall load and stress tests to validate performance of entire Web application infrastructure.

    SiteTester1 - Load test tool from Pilot Software Ltd. Allows definition of requests, jobs, procedures and tests, HTTP1.0/1.1 compatible requests, POST/GET methods, cookies, running in multi-threaded or single-threaded mode, generates various reports in HTML format, keeps and reads XML formatted files for test definitions and test logs. Requires JDK1.2 or higher.

    Project OpenLoad - Open source load testing tool from Source Development Network, distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Command-line tool; runs on Linux and Win32 systems.

    httperf - Web server performance/benchmarking tool from HP Research Labs. Provides a flexible facility for generating various HTTP workloads and measuring server performance. Focus is not on implementing one particular benchmark but on providing a robust, high-performance, extensible tool. Available free as source code.

    NetPressure - Tool from Synthetic Networks, uses real user traffic, including DNS, HTTP, FTP, NNTP, streaming media, POP3, SMTP, NFS, CIFS, etc. - through access authentication systems such as PPPOE or DHCP, as necessary. Unlimited scalability; GUI-driven management station; no scripting; open API. Errors isolated and identified in real-time; traffic monitored at every step in a protocol exchange (such as time of DNS lookup, time to logon to server, etc.). All transactions logged, and detailed reporting available.

    WAPT - Web load and stress testing tool from Novosoft Inc. Handles dynamic content and HTTPS/SSL; easy to use; support for redirects and all types of proxies; clear reports and graphs.

    Microsoft Application Center Test - Tool for stressing Web servers and analyzing performance and scalability problems with Web applications, including ASP, and the components they use. Supports several authentication schemes and SSL protocol for use in testing personalized and secure sites. The programmable dynamic tests can also be used for functional testing. Visual Studio .NET Edition.

    OpenLoad - Affordable and completely web-based load testing tool from OpenDemand; knowledge of scripting languages not required - web-based recorder can capture and translate any user action from any website or web application. Generate up to 1000 simultaneous users with minimum hardware.

    ANTS - Advanced .NET Testing System from Red Gate Software. A load and stress testing tool focused on .NET web applications, including XML Web Services. ANTS generates multiple concurrent users via recordable Visual Basic .NET scripts and records the user experiences, at the same time performance counter information from Windows system is integrated into the results.

    Apache JMeter - A 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. Originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions; may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (files, Servlets, Perl scripts, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers and more). Can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types; can make a graphical analysis of performance or test server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load.

    SiteTools Loader - Affordable and feature rich performance-testing tool from Softlight Technologies; allows for validation of HTTP status returned and the ability to perform both simple and complex validation steps. Requires WinNT and MSIE.

    TestMaker - Free open source utility maintained by and Frank Cohen, for performance, scalability, and functional testing of Web application. A framework and utility to build and run intelligent test agents that implement user behaviors and drive the system as users would. Features an XML-based scripting language and library of test objects to create test agents. Includes capability to check and monitor email systems using SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols. Java-based tool - runs on any platform.

    Webhammer - Low-cost utility designed to test Web applications and servers. Configurable 1-16 connections per system CPU.

    SiteStress - Remote load test and consulting service where hundreds or thousands of virtual users are generated to simulate interaction with a site (such as buying an item at an online store); generated from WebmasterSolutions' global server network. Service includes recommendations to boost performance and reduce failure rates.

    CapCal - Remote web site load testing service from CapCal Inc. utilizes distributed network of agent computers and "calibration agent" technology, capturing critical "last-mile" performance data, provides realistic measurement of a web site's end-to-end performance. Test results can be monitored in real time.

    e-Load Expert - Remote load testing service from Empirix.

    Siege - Open source stress/regression test and benchmark utility; supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It allows the user hit a web server with a configurable number of concurrent simulated users. Can stress a single URL with a specified number of simulated users or it can stress multiple URL's simultaneously. Reports total number of transactions, elapsed time, bytes transferred, response time, transaction rate, concurrency, and server response. Developed by Jeffrey Fulmer, modeled in part after Lincoln Stein's, but allows stressing many URLs simultaneously. Distributed under terms of the GPL; written in C; for UNIX and related platforms.

    Jblitz - Affordable load testing tool from Clan Productions aimed at small web site developers. Each part of a site's functionality can be tested apart or together with up to 500 threads to simulate many users. Can request anything normally addressable through browser, including regular web pages, ASP scripts, JSP scripts, Servlets, CGI scripts etc.

    FirstACT - Testing tool from Empirix used for the load, functional, and regression testing of SOAP-based Web Services. Features automatic generation, customization, and execution of SOAP-based test scripts without computer programming; can measure and isolate performance problems whether Web Services are based on .NET, J2EE, or other technologies. Capable of simulating hundreds, thousands, or as many simulated users as needed.

    PerfectLoad - An HTTP/Java load-testing tool that simulates thousands of users executing requests against a web or application server. Requires Java JDK 1.2.2 or better.

    Site Tools - Web load testing tool from Softlight technologies. Includes full HTTP support including SSL, ability to dynamically replace data and comprehensive reporting.

    Web Avalanche - Web stress test appliance from Caw Networks. Tests scalability and robustness of web application infrastructure. Can work with existing load testing software. Can maintain over 1 million simultaneous connections, 10,000 HTTP connections per second; supports cookies, forms, connection latency, noise, up tp 100 user profiles, aborts, etc.

    WebServer Stress Tool - Web stress test tool from Paessler GmbH handles proxies, passwords, user agents, cookies and ASP-session IDs. Shareware. For Windows.

    Web Polygraph - Freely available benchmarking tool for caching proxies, origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, and other Web intermediaries. Other features: for high-performance HTTP clients and servers, realistic traffic generation and content simulation, ready-to-use standard workloads, powerful domain-specific configuration language, and portable open-source implementation. C++ source available; binaries avail for Windows.

    OpenSTA - 'Open System Testing Architecture' is a free, open source web load/stress testing application, licensed under the Gnu GPL. Utilizes a distributed software architecture based on CORBA. OpenSTA binaries available for Win2000/NT.

    PureLoad - Java-based performance testing and analysis tool from Minq Software. Includes 'Comparer' and 'Recorder' capabilities, dynamic input data and HTTPS/SSL capabilities, and more. Runs on platforms supporting Java 2.

    ApacheBench - Perl API for Apache benchmarking and regression testing. Intended as foundation for a complete benchmarking and regression testing suite for transaction-based mod_perl sites. For stress-testing server while verifying correct HTTP responses. Based on the Apache 1.3.12 ab code. Available via CPAN as .tar.gz file.

    Torture - Bare-bones Perl script by Lincoln Stein for testing web server speed and responsiveness and test stability and reliability of a particular Web server. Can send large amounts of random data to a server to measure speed and response time of servers, CGI scripts, etc.

    WebSpray - Low-cost load testing tool from CAI Networks; includes link testing capabilities; can simulate up to 1,000 clients from a single IP address; also supports multiple IP addresses with or without aliases. For Win 98/2000/NT

    eValid - Web test tool from Software Research, Inc that uses a 'Test Enabled Web Browser' test engine that provides browser based 100% client side quality checking, dynamic testing, content validation, page performance tuning, and webserver loading and capacity analysis.

    WebPerformance Trainer - Load test tool emphasizing ease-of-use. Supports all browsers and web servers; simulates up to 400 users per playback machine at various connection speeds; records and allows viewing of exact bytes flowing between browser and server; no scripting required. Modem simulation allows each virtual user to be bandwidth limited. Can automatically handle variations in session-specific items such as cookies, usernames, passwords, and any other parameter to simulate multiple virtual users. For NT, Linux, Solaris, most UNIX variants.

    WebSizr/WebCorder - Load testing and capture/playback tools from Technovations. WebSizr load testing tool supports authentication, cookies, redirects. For Win2000 or NT.

    FORECAST - Load testing tool from Facilita Software for web, client-server, network, and database systems. Capabilities include proprietary or C++ scripting, windows browser or network recording/playback. Network traces can also be taken from over 15 third party tracing tools. Works with a wide variety of platforms.

    e-Load - Load test tool from Empirix Software; for use in conjunction with test scripts from their e-Tester functional test tool. Allows on-the-fly changes and has real-time reporting capabilities.

    http-Load - Free load test application from ACME Labs to generate web server loads, from ACME Software. For Unix.

    QALoad - Compuware's QALoad for load/stress testing of database, web, and char-based systems. Integration with EcoTOOLS test tool provides an in-depth view by monitoring its operating system, database and network components, as well as the application itself. Works with a variety of databases, middleware, ERP.

    Microsoft WCAT load test tool - Web load test tool from Microsoft for load testing of MS IIS on NT; other MS stress tools also listed.

    Portent Web Load test tool -'s low-priced web load testing tool. Has minimal hardware requirements. Page validation via matching string in page. Written in Java; multi-platform.

    SilkPerformer - Enterprise-class load-testing tool from Segue. Can simulate thousands of users working with multiple protocols and computing environments. Allows prediction of behavior of e-business environment before it is deployed, regardless of size and complexity.

    WebART - WebART , from OCLC, Inc. - medium-cost web test tool includes load testing capabilities; also includes functional and regression testing capabilities, and capture/playback and scripting language. Evaluation copy avail. For Win95/98/2000/NT, Solaris, AIX, Linux.

    Radview's WebLoad - WebLoad web site load testing tool from Radview Software. Capabilities includ over 75 Performance Metrics, can incorporate any data from Windows NT Performance Monitor or UNIX RSTATD directly into the test metrics; can view global or detailed account of transaction successes and failures on an individual Virtual Client level, assisting in capturing intermittent errors; allows comparing of of running test vs. past test metrics.

    Astra Loadtest - Mercury's web load/stress testing tool; can support Broadvision, ColdFusion, SilverStream, WebLogic and IBM WebSphere; includes record/playback capabilites; allows breakpoints for debugging; functional and content verification checkpoints; integrated spreadsheet parameterizes recorded input to exercise application with a wide variety of data. Creates unique IP address for each virtual user; 'Scenario Builder' visually combines virtual users and host machines for tests representing real user traffic. 'Content Check' checks for failures under heavy load; supports various security features.

    Loadrunner - Load testing tool from Mercury; includes web load testing capabilities such as a 'Web Transaction Breakdown Monitor' to more efficiently isolate performance problems, a 'Data Wizard', XML support, 'AutoLoad' technology for pre-defining tests.

    Return to top of web tools listing

    Java Test Tools


    QStudio for Java - Java code inspection tool allows automation of a major portion of code inspection process, for early detection of software defects and automatic assessment of code quality. Couples advanced static analysis capabilities to ISO 9126 quality standard framework. Integrates with leading Java Development Environments and platforms. Supports customizing existing rules and defining custom rules.

    Koalog Code Coverage - Code coverage analyzer for Java applications. Includes: in-process or remote coverage computation, capability of working directly on Java method binaries (no recompilation), predefined (XML, HTML, LaTeX, CSV, TEXT) or custom report generation, session merging, portability, ease-of-use, Ant integration.

    Abbot Java GUI Test Framework - The Abbot framework provides automated event generation and validation of Java GUI components, improving upon the very basic functions provided by the java.awt.Robot class. (Abbot = "A Better 'Bot'). The framework may be invoked directly from Java code or accessed without programming through the use of scripts. Suitable for use both by developers for unit tests and QA for functional testing. Free - available under the GNU Lesser General Public License

    JUnit - Framework to write repeatable java unit tests - a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. For use by developers implementing unit tests in Java. Free Open Source Software released under the IBM Public License and hosted on SourceForge. Site includes a large collection of extensions and documentation.

    jfcUnit - Framework for developing automated testing of Java Swing-based applications at the UI layer (as opposed to testing at lower layers, for which JUnit may be sufficient). Also available as plugins for JBuilder and Eclipse. Free Open Source Software from SourceForge site.

    Jemmy - A Java library that is used to create automated tests for Java GUI applications. Contains methods to reproduce all user actions which can be performed on Swing/AWT components (i.e. button pushing, text typing, tree node expanding, ...). JemmyTest is a program written in Java which uses the Jemmy API to test applications. (Is a NetBeans independent module, can be used separately as well as together with the NetBeans IDE.)

    JBench - Freeware Java benchmarking framework. Available as binary distribution (including documentation), source distribution, or jar file. Requires JRE 1.2 or higher.

    Clover - Code coverage tool for Java from Cortex. Features include tight integration with the Jakarta Ant build tool; gathers Method, Statement and Branch coverage data; can use compile-time properties and source level directives to allow for precise control over coverage gathering process. View coverage data in XML, HTML, or via a Swing GUI. Report-time options allow for the exclusion of particular statement types from coverage analysis.

    TrueJ - Source code audit and metrics tool from BlueBay systems. Forty different audits and metrics, compiler-style output, integrates with a variety of editors/IDE's, configurable, integrates with build tools for quality gate and reporting, highly scalable.

    JCover - Java code test coverage analysis tool. Gathers coverage measures of branches, statements, methods, classes, file, package and produces reports in HTML as well as graphical format.

    reView - Java source code visualization tool from Headway Software. Reverse engineer and automatically lay out and view code, components, and dependencies for Java and C++ applications. Shows all dependencies, at all levels and between all levels; method, class, package, application.

    Panorama for Java - Contains six integrated java tools; JavaSQA for Object-Oriented software quality measurement; JavaDocGen for Java code static analysis; JavaStructure for Java code structure analysis and diagramming; JavaDiagrammer for Java code logic analysis, control flow analysis and diagramming; JavaTest for test coverage analysis and test case minimization, etc.; and JavaPlayback for GUI operation capture and automatic playback.

    Java Tool Suite from Man Machine Systems - Includes JStyle, a Java source analyzer to generate code comments and metrics such as inheritance depth, Cyclomatic Number, Halstead Measures, etc; JPretty reformats Java code according to specified options; JCover test coverage analyzer; instruments Java source for analysis of execution trace and coverage of branches, statements, methods, classes, file, and package; the JVerify Java class/API testing tool uses an invasive testing model allowing access to internals of Java objects from within a test script and utilizes a proprietary OO scripting language; JMSAssert, a tool and technique for writing reliable software; and JEvolve, an intelligent Java code evolution analyzer that automatically analyzes multiple versions of a Java program and shows how various classes have evolved across versions; can 'reason' about selective need for regression testing Java classes.

    Bean-test - From Empirix Software; for load, functional, and regression testing of EJB and J2EE middle-tier applications. Features automatic EJB test case generation and automatically generates graphs and logs of performance vs. number of concurrent clients. Graphs and reports include response time, response time by method, number of exceptions and transactions per second. Test EJBs on BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Oracle9iAS, or any EJB-compliant application server. Pure Java application that is Web-based, so can be installed and used on any platform supporting Java.

    JProbe Developer Suite - Collection of Java debugging tools from Sitraka Software; includes JProbe Profiler and JProbe Memory Debugger for finding performance bottlenecks and memory leaks, LProbe Coverage code coverage tool, and JProbe Threadalyzer for finding deadlocks, stalls, and race conditions.

    Documentary for Java - Automated source code documentation tool for Java and C++; produces HTML documentation to all classes, methods, etc. in project as well as other reference information; for Windows.

    Krakatau Metrics for Java - Software metrics tool includes more than 70 OO, procedural, complexity, and size metrics related to reusability, maintainability, testability, and clarity. Includes Cyclomatic Complexity, Enhanced Cyclomatic Complexity, Halstead Software Science metrics, LOC metrics and MOOD metrics. Has online advisor for quality improvement.

    WebGain Quality Analyzer - Suite of tools from WebGain for analysis of Java source code quality, complexity and quality metrics, debugging, and more.

    OptimizeIt - Profiler, thread debugger, and code coverage tool suite from VMGear.

    Jtest - ParaSoft's Jtest is an integrated, automatic unit testing tool for Java. It fully automates black-box testing by reading the specification information built into classes with the Design-by-Contract language, then automatically creating and executing test cases that verify the functionality. Also fully automates white-box testing by reading source code and creating test cases automatically. Helps enforce over 240 industry-respected coding standards as well as Design-by-Contract coding standards. Also see their 'Jcontract' development/test tool that checks Design by Contract (DbC) contracts at runtime; verifies that classes/components work correctly and are being used correctly at the system level.

    DevPartner Java Edition - Compuware's (formerly NuMega) debugging/productivity tool to detect and diagnose Java bugs and memory and performance problems; thread and event analysis, coverage analysis. Integrates with several Java IDE's.

    VTune - Intel's performance tuning tool for applications running on Intel processors; includes Java support.

    SilkPilot - Tool from Segue for quickly and easily testing behavior of distributed objects within application's server components. Can be used to test CORBA servers implemented in any programming language, as well as pure Java servers through RMI public interfaces. Explicitly supports the EJB component model. Lets user create tests without coding. Recorded tests can also be used to generate stand-alone test clients. Files created include an interface definition, Java test client source, compilation and launch scripts, and object references. Implemented in Java; test cases are stored in XML format.

    Sun's Java Test Tools - As of February 4, 2000 Sun discontinued accepting orders for these products.

    TCAT for Java - Part of Software Research's TestWorks suite of test tools; code coverage analyzer and code analysis for Java; written in Java.

    (Note: some other tools in these listings also handle testing, management, or load testing of java applets,b servlets, and applications, or are planning to add such capabilities. Check listed web sites for current information.)

    Return to top of web tools listing

    Link Checking Tools


    Web Link Validator - Link checker from REL Software checks links for accuracy and availability, finds broken links or paths and links with syntactic errors. Can check over 100,000 links per session and saves results for later viewing and analysis. Supports importing and checking of plain text URL lists, Internet Explorer Favorites, Netscape Navigator Bookmarks, and Opera Hotlist. Freeware 'REL Link Checker Lite' version available for small sites. For Win 95/98/Me/NT4/XP

    Compuware WebCheck - Web test tool can check links, site mapping, orphaned URL's , missing attributes; scans for over 50 types of web site problems. Available only in combination with other Compuware QACenter products

    Astra SiteManager - Link check and site mapping tool from Mercury; Can validate pages generated on the fly; can map static links as well as dynamically generated pages.

    Site Audit - Low-cost on-the-web link-checking service from Blossom Software.

    Xenu's Link Sleuth - Freeware link checker by Tilman Hausherr; supports SSL websites; partial testing of ftp and gopher sites; detects and reports redirected URL; Site Map; for Win95/98/2000/ME/XP/NT.

    Linkalarm - Low cost on-the-web link checker; free trial period available. Automatically-scheduled reporting by e-mail.

    Alert Linkrunner - Link check tool; evaluation version available. For Windows.

    RiadaLinx - Link checker; free and paid version available; for Windows.

    InfoLink - Link checker program from BiggByte Software; can be automatically scheduled; includes FTP link checking; multiple page list and site list capabilities; customizable reports; changed-link checking; results can be exported to database. Freeware and evaluation versions available. For Windows.

    LinkScan - Electronic Software Publishing Co.'s link checker/site mapping tool; capabilities include automated retesting of problem links, randomized order checking; can check for bad links due to specified problems such as server-not-found, unauthorized-access, doc-not-found, relocations, timeouts. Includes capabilities for central management of large multiple intranet/internet sites. Results stored in database, allowing for customizable queries and reports. Validates hyperlinks for all major protocols. For all UNIX flavors and Windows. Requires Perl 5.

    CyberSpyder Link Test - Shareware link checker by Aman Software; capabilities include specified URL exclusions, ID/Password entries, test resumption at interruption point, page size analysis, 'what's new' reporting. For Windows.

    Return to top of web tools listing

    HTML Validators


    RealValidator - Shareware HTML validator based on SGML parser by Liam Quinn. Unicode-enabled, supports documents in virtually any language; supports XHTML 1.0, HTML 4.01, HTML 4.0, HTML 3.2, HTML 3.0, and HTML 2.0 ; extensible - add proprietary HTML DTDs or change the existing ones; fetches external DTDs by HTTP and caches them for faster validation; HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 references included as HTML Help. For Windows; requires MSIE 4.0 or greater, HTML Help 1.1

    CSE 3310 HTML Validator - HTML validator for Windows from AI Internet Solutions. Free 'lite' version; 'pro' version includes link checking and additional features.

    (Note: Many of the products listed in the Web Site Management Tools section include HTML validation capabilities.)

    Return to top of web tools listing

    Free On-the-Web HTML Validators and Link Checkers


    WDG HTML Validator - Web Design Group's validator - latest HTML version support, flexible input methods, user-friendly error messages.

    MetaMedic - Northern Webs' free on-the-web meta tag checker; Set Sim Pro professional version, with additional search-engine-related capabilities, available for purchase also.

    Web Page 'Purifier' - Free on-the-web HTML checker allows viewing a page 'purified' to HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0, or WebTV 1.1. standards.

    W3C HTML Validation Service - HTML validation site run by the WWW Consortium (the folks who set web standards); handles one URL at a time; Can choose from among 30 character encoding types, and multiple HTML and XHTML document types/versions. A CSS validation tool/service is also available.

    NetMechanic - Link checker, HTML validator, Meta Tag/keyword analysis. Type in the site URL to check. Free and fee-based.

    Bobby - Service to help web page authors identify and repair significant barriers to access by individuals with disabilities. Can test one page at a time against AOL browsers, MSIE, Netscape, WebTV, Opera, specific HTML standards, and Lynx. Can test against multiple standards simultaneously. From Center for Applied Special Technology. Free downloadable version validates multiple pages and is available for Windows, Linux, Solaris, Macintosh, and others.

    Doctor HTML - Site with online web page checker by Imagiware. Checks spelling, forms, table structure, form structure, tag usage. Validates links. Free to analyze single page. Use paid SiteDoctor service to analyze entire sites.

    EWS Weblint Gateway - Site with online HTML validator; somewhat configurable.

    Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer - On-the-web HTML checker; will serve a web page to you with various selectable tags switched on or off; very large selection of browser types; to check how various browsers or versions might see a page.

    Return to top of web tools listing

    PERL and C Programs for Validating and Checking


    LinkLint - Open source Perl program checks local/remote HTML links. Includes cross referenced and hyperlinked output reports, ability to check password-protected areas, support for all standard server-side image maps, reports of orphan files and files with mismatching case, reports URLs changed since last checked, support of proxy servers for remote URL checking. Distributed under Gnu General Public License.

    HTML TIDY - Dave Raggett's free utility available from the WWW Consortium; for automatic fixing of HTML errors, formatting disorganized editing, and finding problem HTML areas. Available as C source code, Java, or binaries available for Windows, Amiga, Mac, AIX, Java, Linux, and others.

    Big Brother - Freeware command-line link checker for Unix, Windows, by Francois Pottier. Available as source code; binary avaialable for Linux.

    MOMspider - Multi-Owner Maintenance Spider; link checker. PERL script for a web spider for web site maintenance; for UNIX and PERL 4.036. Utilizes the HTTP 'HEAD' request instead of the 'GET' request so that it does not require retreival of the entire html page. This site contains an interesting discussion on the use of META tags.

    PERL WWW test tools - Collection of PERL scripts at NASA site for link checking, html validations, etc.

    HTMLchek for awk or perl - Old but still useful HTML 2.0 or 3.0 validator programs for AWK or PERL by H. Churchyard; site has much documentation and related info.

    SP SGML Parser - Free source code, by James Clark, C++, for SGML parser; can be used for HTML validation; XML support; for DOS/UNIX/Win95/NT/OS2; this code is the basis for several on-the-web html validators.

    Return to top of web tools listing

    Web Functional/Regression Test Tools


    WinTask - Macro recorder from TaskWare, automates repetitive tasks for Web site testing (and standard Windows applications), with its HTML objects recognition. Includes cpabaility to expand scope of macros by editing and adding loops, branching statements, etc. (300+ commands); ensure robustness of your scripts with Synchronization commands. Includes a WinTask Scheduler.

    Canoo WebTest - Free Java Open Source tool for automatic functional testing of web applications. XML-based test script code is editable with user's preferred XML editor; until recording capabilities are added, scripts have to be developed manually. Can group tests into a testsuite that again can be part of a bigger testsuite. Test results are reported in either plain text or XML format for later presentation via XSLT. Standard reporting XSLT stylesheets included, and can be adapted to any reporting style or requirements.

    TestSmith - Functional/Regression test tool from Quality Forge. Includes an Intelligent, HTML/DOM-Aware and Object Mode Recording Engine, and a Data-Driven, Adaptable and Muli-Threaded Playback Engine. Handles Applets, Flash, Active-X controls, animated bitmaps, etc. Controls are recorded as individual objects and are not dependent on screen positions or resolution; windows do not have to be the same size or in the same place during a playback as when recorded. Special validation points, such as bitmap or text matching, can be inserted during a recording, but all recorded items are validated amd logged 'on the fly'. Uses simple, editable scripts.

    TestAgent - Capture/playback tool for user acceptance testing from Strenuus, LLC. Key features besides capture/playback include automatically detecting and capturing standard and custom content errors. Reports information needed to troubleshoot problems.

    MITS.GUI - Tool from Omsphere LLC Unique test automation tool from Omsphere LLC; has an intelligent state machine engine that makes real-time decisions for navigating through the GUI portion of an application. It can test thousands of test scenarios without use of any scripts. Allows creation of completely new test scenarios without ever having performed that test before, all without changing tool, testware architecture (object names, screen names, etc), or logic associated with the engine. Testers enter test data into a spreadsheet used to populate objects that appear for the particular test scenario defined.

    Bugkilla - Set of java tools for the functional test of J2EE Web Applications. Specification and execution of tests can be automated for web front end and business logic layer. Open source software supported by Orientation in Objects GmbH, and hosted on under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

    Badboy - Tool to aid in building and testing dynamic web based applications. Combines sophisticated capture/replay ability with performance testing and regression features. Free for most uses.

    SAMIE - Free tool designed for QA engineers - 'Simple Automated Module For Internet Explorer'. Perl module that allows a user to automate use of IE; Written in ActivePerl, allowing inheritance of all PERL functionality including regular expressions, PERL dbi database access, many PERL cpan library functions. Uses IE's built in COM object which provides a reference to the DOM for each browser window or frame. Easy development and maintenance - no need to keep track of GUI maps for each window.

    PureTest - Tool from Minq Software AB, includes an HTTP Recorder and Web Crawler which makes it useful for generic verification of HTTP requests and web content checking. The Web Crawler is useful to pro-actively verify the consistence of a static web structure, reporting various metrics, broken links and the structure of the crawled web.

    Solex - Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE . Records HTTP messages by acting as a Web proxy; recorded sessions can be saved as XML and reopened later. HTTP requests and responses are fully displayed in order to inspect and customize their content. Allows the attachment of extraction or replacement rules to any HTTP message content, and assertions to responses in order to validate a scenario during its playback.

    QA Wizard - Automated functional web test tool from Seapine Software. Advanced object binding reduces script changes when Web-based apps change. Next-generation scripting language eliminates debugging time created by syntax or other language errors. Includes capability for automated scripting, allowing creation of more scripts in less time. Supports unlimited set of ODBC-compatible data sources as well as MS Excel, tab/command delimited file formats, and more. Free Demo and Test Script available. For Windows platforms.

    HTTP-WebTest - HTTP-WebTest is a Perl module which runs tests on remote URLs or local Web files containing Perl/JSP/HTML/JavaScript/etc., and generates a detailed test report. This module can be used "as-is" or its functionality can be extended using plugins. Plugins can define test types and provide additional report capabilities. This module comes with a set of default plugins, but can be easily extended with third-party plugins. Open-source project maintained by Ilya Martynov.

    HttpUnit - Free open source Java API for accessing web sites without a browser, from Source Development Network, designed and implemented by Russell Gold. Ideally suited for automated unit testing of web sites when combined with a Java unit test framework such as JUnit. Emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form submission, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links.

    iOpus Internet Macros - Macro recorder utility from iOpus Software GmbH automates repetitious aspects of web site testing. Records any combination of browsing, form filling, clicking, script testing and information gathering; assists user during the recording with visual feedback. Power users can manually edit a recorded macro. A command line interface allows for easy integration with other test software. Works by remote controlling the browser, thus automatically supports advanced features such as Secure Socked Layer (SSL), HTTP-Redirects and cookies. Once a macro is created it can run on any PC that has the Internet Macros software installed.

    MaxQ - Free web functional testing tool from Bitmechanic Group, written in Java. Includes an HTTP proxy recorder to automate test script generation, and a mechanism for playing tests back from the GUI and command line. Python is used as the scripting language, and JUnit is used as the testing library. Source code is included as part of the distribution. For any platform that supports JDK 1.2 or later (tested on Windows 2000). This includes Windows 9x, NT, 2000, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris.

    SiteTools Monitor - Affordable and feature-rich web site monitoring tool from Softlight Technologies; capabilities include ability to design and record scripts that allow duplicating any usage scenario and scheduling of scripts to run with varying intervals and data parameters. During each run responses to requests are validated and notifications can be made based on validation results; can do simple text string validations and complex (COM plugin) validations. Requires WinNT and MSIE.

    TestWeb - Test tool from Original Software utilizes a new approach to recording/playback of web browser scripts. It analyses the underlying intentions of the script and executes it by direct communication with web page elements. IntelliScripting logic removes the reliance on specific browser window sizes, component location and mouse movements for accurate replay, for easier script maintenance; supports hyperlinks targeted at new instances of browser. For all platforms.

    Compuware TestPartner - Automated software testing tool designed specifically to validate Windows, Java, and web-based applications. The 'TestPartner Visual Navigator' can create visual-based tests, or MS VBA can be used for customized scripting.

    WebKing - Web site test tool from ParaSoft. Maps and tests all possible paths through a dynamic site; Can enforce over 200 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WML and XHTML coding standards or customized standards. Allows creation of rules for automatic monitoring of dynamic page content. Includes publishing manager, link checker, HTML checker with custom rule selection, orphan file checking, and more. For Windows, Linux, Solaris.

    eValid - Web test tool from Software Research, Inc that uses a 'Test Enabled Web Browser' test engine that provides browser based 100% client side quality checking, dynamic testing, content validation, page performance tuning, and webserver loading and capacity analysis.

    Rational Robot - Rational's automated functional testing tool; allows user to create, modify, and run automated functional, regression, and smoke tests for Java, Web, ERP, and client/server applications developed in a wide variety of environments. Includes capabilities for Web site link management, site monitoring, and more. Supports a range of environments and languages, including HTML and DHMTL, Java, Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C++, Oracle Developer/2000, Delphi, SAP, PeopleSoft, Powerbuilder. Also included as a part of their Rational Suite TestStudio. For Windows.

    e-Test Suite - Integrated web functional/regression test tool from Empirix; includes site monitoring and load testing capabilities, and record/playback, scripting language. Includes full VBA script development environment. 'e-Spider' automatically generates a map of Web application; 'Test Case Wizard' enables automatic generation of tests of properties/objects. 'Data Bank Wizard' simplifies creation of data-driven tests. Includes various Server-side Diagnostics and 'e-Manager' test management capabilities. Supports security protocols, cookies and certificates. Evaluation version available. Playback with MSIE or NS; For Windows. Also see their 'e-Tester' Web Test Tool.

    Astra QuickTest - Mercury's product for functional testing o

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