图邻接矩阵存储 最小生成树 prim普里姆算法 C语言实现


#pragma once #include "Queue.h" #define MaxVertexNum 100 typedef char VertexType; typedef int EdgeType; typedef int VRType; typedef struct ArcCell { VRType adj; //对于无向图 用1、0填充 有向图以权值填充 }ArcCell, AdjMatrix[MaxVertexNum][MaxVertexNum]; typedef struct { VertexType vexs[MaxVertexNum]; AdjMatrix edges; int n; //当前图顶点数 int e; //当前边数 }MGraph; typedef struct { VertexType adjvex; VRType lowcost; }Closedge[MaxVertexNum]; bool visited[MaxVertexNum]; MGraph* initMGraph(); bool DFSTraverseM(MGraph* m); bool DFSM(MGraph* m, int i); bool BFSTraverseM(MGraph* m); bool BFSM(MGraph* m, int i); void miniSpanTree_PRIM(MGraph *m, VertexType u); 



#include "MGraph.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /************************************************************************/ /* 初始化无向带权图 */ /************************************************************************/ MGraph* initMGraph() { MGraph* m = NULL; int i, j, k, n; char v1, v2; m = (MGraph*)malloc(sizeof(MGraph)); memset(m->vexs, 0, MaxVertexNum); printf("please input the number of vertex and edges('v,e'): "); scanf("%d,%d", &i, &j); if(i<0 && j<0) { printf("error number"); return NULL; } m->n = i; m->e = j; printf("please input the vertexs by order:/n"); for(i=0; i<m->n; i++) { fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &m->vexs[i]); } for(i=0; i<m->n; i++) for(j=0; j<m->n; j++) m->edges[i][j].adj = 0; for(k=0; k<m->e; k++) { printf("please input the edges by order('v1,v2'): "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c,%c", &v1, &v2); for(i=0; v1!=m->vexs[i]; i++); for(j=0; v2!=m->vexs[j]; j++); { printf("Input the edges' weight: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d", &n); m->edges[i][j].adj = n; m->edges[j][i].adj = n; } } return m; } //最小生成树 void miniSpanTree_PRIM( MGraph *m, VertexType u ) { Closedge closedge; int i, j, k, min = 0, n; if( m == NULL ) return; for( k=0; m->vexs[k]!=u && k<m->n; k++ ); for( i=0; i<m->n; i++ ) if( i != k ) { if(m->edges[k][i].adj != 0) { closedge[i].adjvex = u; closedge[i].lowcost = m->edges[k][i].adj; } else closedge[i].lowcost = 32767; } closedge[k].adjvex = u; closedge[k].lowcost = 0; min = 32767; for( i=0; i<m->n-1; i++ ) { for( j=0; j<m->n; j++ ) if( closedge[j].lowcost != 0 && closedge[j].lowcost < min && j != k ) //将表横向对应顶点栏的信息更新 如果有更小边 { n = j; min = closedge[j].lowcost; } printf( "%c ", m->vexs[n] ); closedge[n].lowcost = 0; //表纵向更新 严蔚敏P174 for( j=0; j<m->n; j++ ) if( m->edges[n][j].adj < closedge[j].lowcost && m->edges[n][j].adj != 0 ) { closedge[j].adjvex = m->vexs[n]; closedge[j].lowcost = m->edges[n][j].adj; } min = 32767; } } 



#include "MGraph.h" int main() { MGraph* m = initMGraph(); miniSpanTree_PRIM(m, 'a'); system("pause"); return 0; } 


