(31) Text::CSV_XS, parse(), fields(), error_input()
如果field里面也包含分隔符(比如”tom,jack,jeff”,”rose mike”,O’neil,”kurt,korn”),那么我们
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS;my @columns;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
‘binary’ => 1,
‘quote_char’ => ‘”‘,
’sep_char’ => ‘,’
});foreach my $line(<DATA>)
chomp $line;
@columns = $csv->fields();
print “[error line : ", $csv->error_input, "]/n”;
}map {printf(“%-14s/t”, $_)} @columns;
print “/n”;
exit 0;__DATA__
(32) Benchmark
use Benchmark;
local $a=$_;
$a *= 2;
my $a=$_;
$a *= 2;
‘Algorithm名稱’=>q{ 要计算时间的algorithm },
‘Algorithm名稱’=>q{ 要计算时间的algorithm }
(33) HTTP::Daemon, accept(), get_request(), send_file_response()
use HTTP:: Daemon;
$| = 1;
my $wwwroot = “/home/doc/”;
my $d = HTTP:: Daemon->new || die;
print “Perl Web-Server is running at: “, $d->url, ” …/n”;while (my $c = $d->accept)
print $c “Welcome to Perl Web-Server<br>”;if(my $r = $c->get_request)
print “Received : “, $r->url->path, “/n”;
(34) Array::Compare, compare(), full_compare()
用于数组比较。本例实现类似shell command – diff的功能。
use Array::Compare;
$comp = Array::Compare->new(WhiteSpace => 1);
$cmd = “top -n1 | head -4″;
@a1 = `$cmd`;
@a2 = `$cmd`;@result = $comp->full_compare(@a1, @a2);
print $_ + 1, “th line:/n”;
print “> $a1[$_]> $a2[$_]“;
print “—–/n”;
exit 0;
(35) Algorithm::Diff, diff()
用于文件比较。实现类似unix command diff的功能。
use Algorithm::Diff qw(diff);
die(“Usage: $0 file1 file2/n”) if @ARGV != 2;
my ($file1, $file2) = @ARGV;
-T $file1 or die(“$file1: binary/n”);
-T $file2 or die(“$file2: binary/n”);@f1 = `cat $file1 `;
@f2 = `cat $file2 `;$diffs = diff(@f1, @f2);
foreach $chunk (@$diffs)
foreach $line (@$chunk)
my ($sign, $lineno, $text) = @$line;
printf “$sign%d %s”, $lineno+1, $text;
}print “——–/n”;
(36) List::Util, max(), min(), sum(), maxstr(), minstr()…
use List::Util qw/max min sum maxstr minstr shuffle/;
@s = (‘hello’, ‘ok’, ‘china’, ‘unix’);
print max 1..10; #10
print min 1..10; #1
print sum 1..10; #55
print maxstr @s; #unix
print minstr @s; #china
print shuffle 1..10; #radom order
(37) HTML::Parser
子程序start中的”$tag =~ /^img$/”为过滤出img标签。
如果换为”$tag =~ /^a$/”,即是找出所有的链接地址。
详细的方法介绍,请见`perldoc HTML::Parser`
use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::Parser;my $url = shift || “http://www.chinaunix.net”;
my $content = LWP::Simple::get($url) or die(“unknown url/n”);my $parser = HTML::Parser->new(
start_h => [&start, "tagname, attr"],
exit 0;sub start
my ($tag, $attr, $dtext, $origtext) = @_;
if($tag =~ /^img$/)
if (defined $attr->{’src’} )
print “$attr->{’src’}/n”;
(38) Mail::Sender
use Mail::Sender;
$sender = new Mail::Sender{
smtp => ‘localhost’,
from => ‘xxx@localhost’
to => ‘[email protected]’,
subject => ‘hello’,
file => ‘Attach.txt’
$sender->Close();print $Mail::Sender::Error eq “” ? “send ok!/n” : $Mail::Sender::Error;
use Mail::Sender;
open(IN, “< ./index.html”) or die(“”);
$sender = new Mail::Sender{
smtp => ‘localhost’,
from => ‘xxx@localhost’
to => ‘[email protected]’,
subject => ‘xxx’,
msg => “hello!”,
ctype => “text/html”,
encoding => “7bit”,
close IN;
$sender->Close();print $Mail::Sender::Error eq “” ? “send ok!/n” : $Mail::Sender::Error;
发送带有图片或其他信息的html邮件,请看`perldoc Mail::Sender`
中的”Sending HTML messages with inline images”及相关部分。
(40) Image::Magick
use Image::Magick;my($image, $x);
$image = Image::Magick-&gt;new;
$x = $image-&gt;Read(‘girl.png’, ‘logo.png’, ‘rose.png’);
warn “$x” if “$x”;$x = $image-&gt;Crop(geometry=&gt;’100×100″+100″+100′);
warn “$x” if “$x”;$x = $image-&gt;Write(‘x.png’);
warn “$x” if “$x”;
The script reads three images, crops them, and writes a single image as a GIF animation
sequence. In many cases you may want to access individual images of a sequence. The next
example illustrates how this is done:
use Image::Magick;my($image, $p, $q);
$image = new Image::Magick;
$image->Read(‘k.miff[1, 5, 3]‘);
for ($x = 0; $image->[x]; $x++)
$image->[x]->Frame(‘100×200′) if $image->[x]->Get(‘magick’) eq ‘GIF’;
undef $image->[x] if $image->[x]->Get(‘columns’) < 100;
$p = $image->[1];
$p->Draw(stroke=>’red’, primitive
Suppose you want to start out with a 100 by 100 pixel white canvas with a red pixel in the
center. Try
$image = Image::Magick->new;
Or suppose you want to convert your color image to grayscale:
Here we annotate an image with a Taipai TrueType font:
$text = ‘Works like magick!’;
$image->Annotate(font=>’kai.ttf’, pointsize=>40, fill=>’green’, text=>$text);
Other clever things you can do with a PerlMagick objects include
$i = $#$p”+1″; # return the number of images associated with object p
push(@$q, @$p); # push the images from object p onto object q
@$p = (); # delete the images but not the object p
$p->Convolve([1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1]); # 3×3 Gaussian kernel
use Data::SearchReplace (’sr’);
sr({ SEARCH => ’searching’, REPLACE => ‘replacing’}, /$complex_var);# or OO
use Data::SearchReplace;
$sr = Data::SearchReplace->new({ SEARCH => ’search for this’,
REPLACE => ‘replace with this’ });$sr->sr(/$complex_var);
$sr->sr(/$new_complex_var);# if you want more control over your search/replace pattern you
# can pass an entire regex instead complete with attributessr({ REGEX => ’s/nice/great/gi’ }, /$complex_var);
# you can even use a subroutine if you’d like
# the input variable is the value and the return sets the new
# value.sr({ CODE => sub { uc($_[0]) } }, /$complex_var);
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
<!--[endif]-->use Data::SearchReplace qw(sr);
sr({SEARCH => ‘find’, REPLACE => ‘replace’}, /@data);
sr({REGEX => ’s/find/replace/g’}, /%data);
sr({CODE => sub {uc($_[0])} }, /@data);