Oracle EBS里,如何通过脚本查看客户针对某个Form的做了哪些Personalization

客户可以通过Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Personalize,来对Form做个性化的设置。如何通过脚本来查看Form做了哪些个性化

WHERE form_name = 'INVTOMAI';--Input your Form Name

WHERE RULE_ID IN (SELECT ID FROM fnd_form_custom_rules WHERE form_name = 'INVTOMAI') --Input your Form Name

WHERE RULE_ID IN (SELECT ID FROM fnd_form_custom_rules WHERE form_name = 'INVTOMAI'); --Input your Form Name

TABLE fnd_form_custom_rules - 'The Rules for the form customizations. A rule must have 1 more more FND_FORM_CUSTOM_SCOPES and a rule may have 1 or more FND_FORM_CUSTOM_ACTIONS'. IS 'A Generated Id for the table'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.function_name IS 'The Function Name to apply the rule'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.description IS 'A Summary of the Rule'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.trigger_event IS 'The Event to trigger the rule'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.trigger_object IS 'The Object on which the TRIGGER_EVENT fires'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.condition IS 'A Condition toapply the rule'.
fnd_form_custom_rules."SEQUENCE" IS 'The Sequence in which the rule is applied'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.enabled IS 'Indicates if the Rule is enabled'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.fire_in_enter_query IS 'Inidicates if the Rule fires in Enter-Query mode'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.rule_key IS 'Used for industry translations.  Value is a combination of the industry id and language.'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.form_name IS 'The name of the form that has the personalization rule.'.
fnd_form_custom_rules.rule_type IS 'The type of rule for the personalization.  Form or Function'.

TABLE fnd_form_custom_actions - 'Holds the Actions for a specified Rule - used by FNDCUSTM.fmb and APPCORE to apply customizations.'.
fnd_form_custom_actions."SEQUENCE" IS 'The sequence the action will be applied'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.property_value IS 'The new Value for the property PROPERTY_NAME'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.argument_type IS 'The Argument Type of the Property PROPERTY_NAME'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.created_by IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.creation_date IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.last_updated_by IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.last_update_date IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.last_update_login IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.target_object IS 'The Object in the form to apply the property'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.action_type IS 'Message, Builtin, Property or Special'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.enabled IS 'Indicates if the action is enabled'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.object_type IS 'The Type of the Object'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.folder_prompt_block IS 'If a Folder, the prompt block for the Folder'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.message_type IS 'The Type of the Message'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.message_text IS 'The Text of the Message'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.summary IS 'A Summary of the Action'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.builtin_type IS 'The Type of the Builtin'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.builtin_arguments IS 'The Arguments of the Builtin'.
fnd_form_custom_actions."LANGUAGE" IS 'The Language for the Action'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.rule_id IS 'The FK to the FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES table'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.property_name IS 'The Internal ID of the property to change'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_entry IS 'The Special Menu Entry to modify'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_label IS 'The New Label for the Menu Entry'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_seperator IS 'Indicates if a seperator is shown after the menu entry'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_enabled_in IS 'The Block(s) the menu is enabled in'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_action IS 'The Action Type for the menu entry'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_argument_long IS 'Long Arguments for the menu. Valid for URL and Function'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.menu_argument_short IS 'Short Arguments for the menu. Valid for Function'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.action_id IS 'A Generated sequence'.
fnd_form_custom_actions.request_application_id IS 'The Application ID for Mernu Action of Concurrent Request'.

TABLE fnd_form_custom_scopes - 'The Scopes for which the FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES apply'.

fnd_form_custom_scopes.rule_id IS 'The FK to FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.level_id IS 'The Level ID. 10 - Industry, 20 - Site, 30 - Responsibility, 40 - User'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.level_value IS 'The Industry ID, User ID or Responsibility ID'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.level_value_application_id IS 'The Responsibility Application ID'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.last_update_date IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.last_updated_by IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.creation_date IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.created_by IS 'Standard Who column'.
fnd_form_custom_scopes.last_update_login IS 'Standard Who column'.


